Source code for menpowidgets.base

from collections import Sized, OrderedDict
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import collections as mc
import numpy as np

import ipywidgets
import IPython.display as ipydisplay

from menpo.image import MaskedImage, Image
from menpo.image.base import _convert_patches_list_to_single_array

from .options import (RendererOptionsWidget, TextPrintWidget,
                      SaveFigureOptionsWidget, AnimationOptionsWidget,
                      LandmarkOptionsWidget, ChannelOptionsWidget,
                      FeatureOptionsWidget, PlotOptionsWidget,
                      PatchOptionsWidget, LinearModelParametersWidget,
from .style import format_box, map_styles_to_hex_colours
from .tools import LogoWidget
from .utils import (extract_group_labels_from_landmarks,
                    extract_groups_labels_from_image, render_image,
from .checks import check_n_parameters

def menpowidgets_src_dir_path():
    The path to the top of the menpowidgets package.

    Useful for locating where the logos folder is stored.

    path : ``pathlib.Path``
        The full path to the top of the Menpo package
    # to avoid cluttering the menpowidgets.base namespace
    from pathlib import Path
    import os.path
    return Path(os.path.abspath(__file__)).parent

[docs]def visualize_pointclouds(pointclouds, figure_size=(10, 8), style='coloured', browser_style='buttons', custom_info_callback=None): r""" Widget that allows browsing through a `list` of `menpo.shape.PointCloud`, `menpo.shape.PointUndirectedGraph`, `menpo.shape.PointDirectedGraph`, `menpo.shape.PointTree`, `menpo.shape.TriMesh` or any subclass of those. Any instance of the above can be combined in the `list`. The widget has options tabs regarding the renderer (lines, markers, numbering, zoom, axes) and saving the figure to file. Parameters ---------- pointclouds : `list` The `list` of objects to be visualized. It can contain a combination of `menpo.shape.PointCloud`, `menpo.shape.PointUndirectedGraph`, `menpo.shape.PointDirectedGraph`, `menpo.shape.PointTree`, `menpo.shape.TriMesh` or subclasses of those. figure_size : (`int`, `int`), optional The initial size of the rendered figure. style : ``{'coloured', 'minimal'}``, optional If ``'coloured'``, then the style of the widget will be coloured. If ``minimal``, then the style is simple using black and white colours. browser_style : ``{'buttons', 'slider'}``, optional It defines whether the selector of the objects will have the form of plus/minus buttons or a slider. custom_info_callback: `function` or ``None``, optional If not None, it should be a function that accepts a pointcloud and returns a list of custom messages to be printed per pointcloud. Each custom message will be printed in a separate line. """ # Ensure that the code is being run inside a Jupyter kernel! from .utils import verify_ipython_and_kernel verify_ipython_and_kernel() print('Initializing...') # Make sure that pointclouds is a list even with one pointcloud member if not isinstance(pointclouds, Sized): pointclouds = [pointclouds] # Get the number of pointclouds n_pointclouds = len(pointclouds) # Define the styling options if style == 'coloured': logo_style = 'warning' widget_box_style = 'warning' widget_border_radius = 10 widget_border_width = 1 animation_style = 'warning' info_style = 'info' renderer_box_style = 'info' renderer_box_border_colour = map_styles_to_hex_colours('info') renderer_box_border_radius = 10 renderer_style = 'danger' renderer_tabs_style = 'danger' save_figure_style = 'danger' else: logo_style = 'minimal' widget_box_style = '' widget_border_radius = 0 widget_border_width = 0 animation_style = 'minimal' info_style = 'minimal' renderer_box_style = '' renderer_box_border_colour = 'black' renderer_box_border_radius = 0 renderer_style = 'minimal' renderer_tabs_style = 'minimal' save_figure_style = 'minimal' # Define render function def render_function(change): # Clear current figure, but wait until the generation of the new data # that will be rendered ipydisplay.clear_output(wait=True) # Get selected pointcloud index im = pointcloud_number_wid.selected_values if n_pointclouds > 1 else 0 # Render pointcloud with selected options tmp1 = renderer_options_wid.selected_values['lines'] tmp2 = renderer_options_wid.selected_values['markers'] options = renderer_options_wid.selected_values['numbering'] options.update(renderer_options_wid.selected_values['axes']) new_figure_size = ( renderer_options_wid.selected_values['zoom_one'] * figure_size[0], renderer_options_wid.selected_values['zoom_one'] * figure_size[1]) renderer = pointclouds[im].view( figure_id=save_figure_wid.renderer.figure_id, new_figure=False, image_view=axes_mode_wid.value == 1, label=None, render_lines=tmp1['render_lines'], line_colour=tmp1['line_colour'][0], line_style=tmp1['line_style'], line_width=tmp1['line_width'], render_markers=tmp2['render_markers'], marker_style=tmp2['marker_style'], marker_size=tmp2['marker_size'], marker_face_colour=tmp2['marker_face_colour'][0], marker_edge_colour=tmp2['marker_edge_colour'][0], marker_edge_width=tmp2['marker_edge_width'], figure_size=new_figure_size, **options) # Update info text widget update_info(pointclouds[im], custom_info_callback=custom_info_callback) # Save the current figure id save_figure_wid.renderer = renderer # Define function that updates the info text def update_info(pointcloud, custom_info_callback=None): min_b, max_b = pointcloud.bounds() rang = pointcloud.range() cm = pointcloud.centre() text_per_line = [ "> {} points".format(pointcloud.n_points), "> Bounds: [{0:.1f}-{1:.1f}]W, [{2:.1f}-{3:.1f}]H".format( min_b[0], max_b[0], min_b[1], max_b[1]), "> Range: {0:.1f}W, {1:.1f}H".format(rang[0], rang[1]), "> Centre of mass: ({0:.1f}, {1:.1f})".format(cm[0], cm[1]), "> Norm: {0:.2f}".format(pointcloud.norm())] if custom_info_callback is not None: # iterate over the list of messages returned by the callback # function and append them in the text_per_line. for msg in custom_info_callback(pointcloud): text_per_line.append('> {}'.format(msg)) info_wid.set_widget_state(text_per_line=text_per_line) # Create widgets axes_mode_wid = ipywidgets.RadioButtons( options={'Image': 1, 'Point cloud': 2}, description='Axes mode:', value=1) axes_mode_wid.observe(render_function, names='value', type='change') renderer_options_wid = RendererOptionsWidget( options_tabs=['markers', 'lines', 'numbering', 'zoom_one', 'axes'], labels=None, axes_x_limits=0.1, axes_y_limits=0.1, render_function=render_function, style=renderer_style, tabs_style=renderer_tabs_style) renderer_options_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[axes_mode_wid, renderer_options_wid], align='center', margin='0.1cm') info_wid = TextPrintWidget(text_per_line=[''] * 5, style=info_style) save_figure_wid = SaveFigureOptionsWidget(style=save_figure_style) # Group widgets if n_pointclouds > 1: # Pointcloud selection slider index = {'min': 0, 'max': n_pointclouds-1, 'step': 1, 'index': 0} pointcloud_number_wid = AnimationOptionsWidget( index, render_function=render_function, index_style=browser_style, interval=0.2, description='Pointcloud ', loop_enabled=True, continuous_update=False, style=animation_style) # Header widget header_wid = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[LogoWidget(style=logo_style), pointcloud_number_wid], align='start') else: # Header widget header_wid = LogoWidget(style=logo_style) header_wid.margin = '0.1cm' options_box = ipywidgets.Tab(children=[info_wid, renderer_options_box, save_figure_wid], margin='0.1cm') tab_titles = ['Info', 'Renderer', 'Export'] for (k, tl) in enumerate(tab_titles): options_box.set_title(k, tl) if n_pointclouds > 1: wid = ipywidgets.VBox(children=[header_wid, options_box], align='start') else: wid = ipywidgets.HBox(children=[header_wid, options_box], align='start') # Set widget's style wid.box_style = widget_box_style wid.border_radius = widget_border_radius wid.border_width = widget_border_width wid.border_color = map_styles_to_hex_colours(widget_box_style) format_box(renderer_options_box, renderer_box_style, True, renderer_box_border_colour, 'solid', 1, renderer_box_border_radius, '0.1cm', '0.2cm') # Display final widget ipydisplay.display(wid) # Trigger initial visualization render_function({})
[docs]def visualize_landmarkgroups(landmarkgroups, figure_size=(10, 8), style='coloured', browser_style='buttons', custom_info_callback=None): r""" Widget that allows browsing through a `list` of `menpo.landmark.LandmarkGroup` (or subclass) objects. The landmark groups can have a combination of different attributes, e.g. different labels, number of points etc. The widget has options tabs regarding the landmarks, the renderer (lines, markers, numbering, legend, zoom, axes) and saving the figure to file. Parameters ---------- landmarkgroups : `list` of `menpo.landmark.LandmarkGroup` or subclass The `list` of landmark groups to be visualized. figure_size : (`int`, `int`), optional The initial size of the rendered figure. style : ``{'coloured', 'minimal'}``, optional If ``'coloured'``, then the style of the widget will be coloured. If ``minimal``, then the style is simple using black and white colours. browser_style : ``{'buttons', 'slider'}``, optional It defines whether the selector of the objects will have the form of plus/minus buttons or a slider. custom_info_callback: `function` or ``None``, optional If not None, it should be a function that accepts a landmark group and returns a list of custom messages to be printed per landmark group. Each custom message will be printed in a separate line. """ # Ensure that the code is being run inside a Jupyter kernel! from .utils import verify_ipython_and_kernel verify_ipython_and_kernel() print('Initializing...') # Make sure that landmarkgroups is a list even with one landmark group # member if not isinstance(landmarkgroups, list): landmarkgroups = [landmarkgroups] # Get the number of landmarkgroups n_landmarkgroups = len(landmarkgroups) # Define the styling options if style == 'coloured': logo_style = 'success' widget_box_style = 'success' widget_border_radius = 10 widget_border_width = 1 animation_style = 'success' landmarks_style = 'info' info_style = 'info' renderer_box_style = 'info' renderer_box_border_colour = map_styles_to_hex_colours('info') renderer_box_border_radius = 10 renderer_style = 'danger' renderer_tabs_style = 'danger' save_figure_style = 'danger' else: logo_style = 'minimal' widget_box_style = '' widget_border_radius = 0 widget_border_width = 0 landmarks_style = 'minimal' animation_style = 'minimal' info_style = 'minimal' renderer_box_style = '' renderer_box_border_colour = 'black' renderer_box_border_radius = 0 renderer_style = 'minimal' renderer_tabs_style = 'minimal' save_figure_style = 'minimal' # Define render function def render_function(change): # Clear current figure, but wait until the generation of the new data # that will be rendered ipydisplay.clear_output(wait=True) # get selected index im = landmark_number_wid.selected_values if n_landmarkgroups > 1 else 0 # show landmarks with selected options tmp1 = renderer_options_wid.selected_values['lines'] tmp2 = renderer_options_wid.selected_values['markers'] options = renderer_options_wid.selected_values['numbering'] options.update(renderer_options_wid.selected_values['legend']) options.update(renderer_options_wid.selected_values['axes']) new_figure_size = ( renderer_options_wid.selected_values['zoom_one'] * figure_size[0], renderer_options_wid.selected_values['zoom_one'] * figure_size[1]) # get line and marker colours line_colour = [] marker_face_colour = [] marker_edge_colour = [] for lbl in landmark_options_wid.selected_values['with_labels']: lbl_idx = landmarkgroups[im].labels.index(lbl) line_colour.append(tmp1['line_colour'][lbl_idx]) marker_face_colour.append(tmp2['marker_face_colour'][lbl_idx]) marker_edge_colour.append(tmp2['marker_edge_colour'][lbl_idx]) if landmark_options_wid.selected_values['render_landmarks']: renderer = landmarkgroups[im].view( with_labels=landmark_options_wid.selected_values['with_labels'], figure_id=save_figure_wid.renderer.figure_id, new_figure=False, image_view=axes_mode_wid.value == 1, render_lines=tmp1['render_lines'], line_colour=line_colour, line_style=tmp1['line_style'], line_width=tmp1['line_width'], render_markers=tmp2['render_markers'], marker_style=tmp2['marker_style'], marker_size=tmp2['marker_size'], marker_face_colour=marker_face_colour, marker_edge_colour=marker_edge_colour, marker_edge_width=tmp2['marker_edge_width'], figure_size=new_figure_size, **options) # Save the current figure id save_figure_wid.renderer = renderer else: ipydisplay.clear_output() # update info text widget update_info(landmarkgroups[im], custom_info_callback=custom_info_callback) # Define function that updates the info text def update_info(landmarkgroup, custom_info_callback=None): min_b, max_b = landmarkgroup.lms.bounds() rang = landmarkgroup.lms.range() cm = landmarkgroup.lms.centre() text_per_line = [ "> {} landmark points".format(landmarkgroup.n_landmarks), "> Bounds: [{0:.1f}-{1:.1f}]W, [{2:.1f}-{3:.1f}]H".format( min_b[0], max_b[0], min_b[1], max_b[1]), "> Range: {0:.1f}W, {1:.1f}H".format(rang[0], rang[1]), "> Centre of mass: ({0:.1f}, {1:.1f})".format(cm[0], cm[1]), "> Norm: {0:.2f}".format(landmarkgroup.lms.norm())] if custom_info_callback is not None: # iterate over the list of messages returned by the callback # function and append them in the text_per_line. for msg in custom_info_callback(landmarkgroup): text_per_line.append('> {}'.format(msg)) info_wid.set_widget_state(text_per_line=text_per_line) # Create widgets landmark_options_wid = LandmarkOptionsWidget( group_keys=[' '], labels_keys=[landmarkgroups[0].labels], render_function=render_function, style=landmarks_style) axes_mode_wid = ipywidgets.RadioButtons( options={'Image': 1, 'Point cloud': 2}, description='Axes mode:', value=1) axes_mode_wid.observe(render_function, names='value', type='change') renderer_options_wid = RendererOptionsWidget( options_tabs=['lines', 'markers', 'numbering', 'legend', 'zoom_one', 'axes'], labels=landmarkgroups[0].labels, axes_x_limits=0.1, axes_y_limits=0.1, render_function=render_function, style=renderer_style, tabs_style=renderer_tabs_style) renderer_options_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[axes_mode_wid, renderer_options_wid], align='center', margin='0.1cm') info_wid = TextPrintWidget(text_per_line=[''] * 5, style=info_style) save_figure_wid = SaveFigureOptionsWidget(renderer=None, style=save_figure_style) # Group widgets if n_landmarkgroups > 1: # Define function that updates options' widgets state def update_widgets(change): # Get new labels im = landmark_number_wid.selected_values labels = landmarkgroups[im].labels # Update renderer options renderer_options_wid.set_widget_state(labels=labels, allow_callback=False) # Update landmarks options landmark_options_wid.set_widget_state( group_keys=[' '], labels_keys=[labels], allow_callback=True) landmark_options_wid.predefined_style(landmarks_style) # Landmark selection slider index = {'min': 0, 'max': n_landmarkgroups-1, 'step': 1, 'index': 0} landmark_number_wid = AnimationOptionsWidget( index, render_function=update_widgets, index_style=browser_style, interval=0.2, description='Shape', loop_enabled=True, continuous_update=False, style=animation_style) # Header widget header_wid = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[LogoWidget(style=logo_style), landmark_number_wid], align='start') else: # Header widget header_wid = LogoWidget(style=logo_style) header_wid.margin = '0.2cm' options_box = ipywidgets.Tab( children=[info_wid, landmark_options_wid, renderer_options_box, save_figure_wid], margin='0.2cm') tab_titles = ['Info', 'Landmarks', 'Renderer', 'Export'] for (k, tl) in enumerate(tab_titles): options_box.set_title(k, tl) if n_landmarkgroups > 1: wid = ipywidgets.VBox(children=[header_wid, options_box], align='start') else: wid = ipywidgets.HBox(children=[header_wid, options_box], align='start') # Set widget's style wid.box_style = widget_box_style wid.border_radius = widget_border_radius wid.border_width = widget_border_width wid.border_color = map_styles_to_hex_colours(widget_box_style) format_box(renderer_options_box, renderer_box_style, True, renderer_box_border_colour, 'solid', 1, renderer_box_border_radius, '0.1cm', '0.2cm') # Display final widget ipydisplay.display(wid) # Trigger initial visualization render_function({})
[docs]def visualize_landmarks(landmarks, figure_size=(10, 8), style='coloured', browser_style='buttons', custom_info_callback=None): r""" Widget that allows browsing through a `list` of `menpo.landmark.LandmarkManager` (or subclass) objects. The landmark managers can have a combination of different attributes, e.g. landmark groups and labels etc. The widget has options tabs regarding the landmarks, the renderer (lines, markers, numbering, legend, zoom, axes) and saving the figure to file. Parameters ---------- landmarks : `list` of `menpo.landmark.LandmarkManager` or subclass The `list` of landmark managers to be visualized. figure_size : (`int`, `int`), optional The initial size of the rendered figure. style : ``{'coloured', 'minimal'}``, optional If ``'coloured'``, then the style of the widget will be coloured. If ``minimal``, then the style is simple using black and white colours. browser_style : ``{'buttons', 'slider'}``, optional It defines whether the selector of the objects will have the form of plus/minus buttons or a slider. custom_info_callback: `function` or ``None``, optional If not None, it should be a function that accepts a landmark group and returns a list of custom messages to be printed per landmark group. Each custom message will be printed in a separate line. """ # Ensure that the code is being run inside a Jupyter kernel! from .utils import verify_ipython_and_kernel verify_ipython_and_kernel() print('Initializing...') # Make sure that landmarks is a list even with one landmark manager member if not isinstance(landmarks, list): landmarks = [landmarks] # Get the number of landmark managers n_landmarks = len(landmarks) # Define the styling options if style == 'coloured': logo_style = 'info' widget_box_style = 'info' widget_border_radius = 10 widget_border_width = 1 animation_style = 'info' landmarks_style = 'danger' info_style = 'danger' renderer_box_style = 'danger' renderer_box_border_colour = map_styles_to_hex_colours('danger') renderer_box_border_radius = 10 renderer_style = 'warning' renderer_tabs_style = 'warning' save_figure_style = 'danger' else: logo_style = 'minimal' widget_box_style = '' widget_border_radius = 0 widget_border_width = 0 landmarks_style = 'minimal' animation_style = 'minimal' info_style = 'minimal' renderer_box_style = '' renderer_box_border_colour = 'black' renderer_box_border_radius = 0 renderer_style = 'minimal' renderer_tabs_style = 'minimal' save_figure_style = 'minimal' # Define render function def render_function(change): # Clear current figure, but wait until the generation of the new data # that will be rendered ipydisplay.clear_output(wait=True) # get selected index im = landmark_number_wid.selected_values if n_landmarks > 1 else 0 # get selected group selected_group = landmark_options_wid.selected_values['group'] if landmark_options_wid.selected_values['render_landmarks']: # show landmarks with selected options tmp1 = renderer_options_wid.selected_values['lines'] tmp2 = renderer_options_wid.selected_values['markers'] options = renderer_options_wid.selected_values['numbering'] options.update(renderer_options_wid.selected_values['legend']) options.update(renderer_options_wid.selected_values['axes']) new_figure_size = ( renderer_options_wid.selected_values['zoom_one'] * figure_size[0], renderer_options_wid.selected_values['zoom_one'] * figure_size[1]) # get line and marker colours line_colour = [] marker_face_colour = [] marker_edge_colour = [] for lbl in landmark_options_wid.selected_values['with_labels']: lbl_idx = landmarks[im][selected_group].labels.index(lbl) line_colour.append(tmp1['line_colour'][lbl_idx]) marker_face_colour.append(tmp2['marker_face_colour'][lbl_idx]) marker_edge_colour.append(tmp2['marker_edge_colour'][lbl_idx]) # render renderer = landmarks[im][selected_group].view( with_labels=landmark_options_wid.selected_values['with_labels'], figure_id=save_figure_wid.renderer.figure_id, new_figure=False, image_view=axes_mode_wid.value == 1, render_lines=tmp1['render_lines'], line_colour=line_colour, line_style=tmp1['line_style'], line_width=tmp1['line_width'], render_markers=tmp2['render_markers'], marker_style=tmp2['marker_style'], marker_size=tmp2['marker_size'], marker_face_colour=marker_face_colour, marker_edge_colour=marker_edge_colour, marker_edge_width=tmp2['marker_edge_width'], figure_size=new_figure_size, **options) # Save the current figure id save_figure_wid.renderer = renderer else: ipydisplay.clear_output() # update info text widget update_info(landmarks[im], selected_group, custom_info_callback=custom_info_callback) # Define function that updates the info text def update_info(landmarks, group, custom_info_callback=None): if group is not None: min_b, max_b = landmarks[group][None].bounds() rang = landmarks[group][None].range() cm = landmarks[group][None].centre() text_per_line = [ "> {} landmark points".format(landmarks[group][None].n_points), "> Bounds: [{0:.1f}-{1:.1f}]W, [{2:.1f}-{3:.1f}]H". format(min_b[0], max_b[0], min_b[1], max_b[1]), "> Range: {0:.1f}W, {1:.1f}H".format(rang[0], rang[1]), "> Centre of mass: ({0:.1f}, {1:.1f})".format(cm[0], cm[1]), "> Norm: {0:.2f}".format(landmarks[group][None].norm())] if custom_info_callback is not None: # iterate over the list of messages returned by the callback # function and append them in the text_per_line. for msg in custom_info_callback(landmarks[group][None]): text_per_line.append('> {}'.format(msg)) else: text_per_line = ["No landmarks available."] info_wid.set_widget_state(text_per_line=text_per_line) # Create widgets groups_keys, labels_keys = extract_group_labels_from_landmarks(landmarks[0]) first_label = labels_keys[0] if labels_keys else None axes_mode_wid = ipywidgets.RadioButtons( options={'Image': 1, 'Point cloud': 2}, description='Axes mode:', value=1) axes_mode_wid.observe(render_function, names='value', type='change') renderer_options_wid = RendererOptionsWidget( options_tabs=['markers', 'lines', 'numbering', 'legend', 'zoom_one', 'axes'], labels=first_label, axes_x_limits=0.1, axes_y_limits=0.1, render_function=render_function, style=renderer_style, tabs_style=renderer_tabs_style) renderer_options_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[axes_mode_wid, renderer_options_wid], align='center', margin='0.1cm') landmark_options_wid = LandmarkOptionsWidget( group_keys=groups_keys, labels_keys=labels_keys, render_function=render_function, style=landmarks_style, renderer_widget=renderer_options_wid) info_wid = TextPrintWidget(text_per_line=[''] * 5, style=info_style) save_figure_wid = SaveFigureOptionsWidget(renderer=None, style=save_figure_style) # Group widgets if n_landmarks > 1: # Define function that updates options' widgets state def update_widgets(change): # Get new groups and labels im = landmark_number_wid.selected_values g_keys, l_keys = extract_group_labels_from_landmarks( landmarks[im]) # Update landmarks options landmark_options_wid.set_widget_state( group_keys=g_keys, labels_keys=l_keys, allow_callback=True) landmark_options_wid.predefined_style(landmarks_style) # Landmark selection slider index = {'min': 0, 'max': n_landmarks-1, 'step': 1, 'index': 0} landmark_number_wid = AnimationOptionsWidget( index, render_function=update_widgets, index_style=browser_style, interval=0.2, description='Shape', loop_enabled=True, continuous_update=False, style=animation_style) # Header widget header_wid = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[LogoWidget(style=logo_style), landmark_number_wid], align='start') else: # Header widget header_wid = LogoWidget(style=logo_style) header_wid.margin = '0.2cm' options_box = ipywidgets.Tab( children=[info_wid, landmark_options_wid, renderer_options_box, save_figure_wid], margin='0.2cm') tab_titles = ['Info', 'Landmarks', 'Renderer', 'Export'] for (k, tl) in enumerate(tab_titles): options_box.set_title(k, tl) if n_landmarks > 1: wid = ipywidgets.VBox(children=[header_wid, options_box], align='start') else: wid = ipywidgets.HBox(children=[header_wid, options_box], align='start') # Set widget's style wid.box_style = widget_box_style wid.border_radius = widget_border_radius wid.border_width = widget_border_width wid.border_color = map_styles_to_hex_colours(widget_box_style) format_box(renderer_options_box, renderer_box_style, True, renderer_box_border_colour, 'solid', 1, renderer_box_border_radius, '0.1cm', '0.2cm') # Display final widget ipydisplay.display(wid) # Trigger initial visualization render_function({})
[docs]def visualize_images(images, figure_size=(10, 8), style='coloured', browser_style='buttons', custom_info_callback=None): r""" Widget that allows browsing through a `list` of `menpo.image.Image` (or subclass) objects. The images can have a combination of different attributes, e.g. masked or not, landmarked or not, without multiple landmark groups and labels etc. The widget has options tabs regarding the visualized channels, the landmarks, the renderer (lines, markers, numbering, legend, figure, axes) and saving the figure to file. Parameters ---------- images : `list` of `menpo.image.Image` or subclass The `list` of images to be visualized. figure_size : (`int`, `int`), optional The initial size of the rendered figure. style : ``{'coloured', 'minimal'}``, optional If ``'coloured'``, then the style of the widget will be coloured. If ``minimal``, then the style is simple using black and white colours. browser_style : ``{'buttons', 'slider'}``, optional It defines whether the selector of the objects will have the form of plus/minus buttons or a slider. custom_info_callback: `function` or ``None``, optional If not None, it should be a function that accepts an image and returns a list of custom messages to be printed per image. Each custom message will be printed in a separate line. """ # Ensure that the code is being run inside a Jupyter kernel! from .utils import verify_ipython_and_kernel verify_ipython_and_kernel() print('Initializing...') # Make sure that images is a list even with one image member if not isinstance(images, Sized): images = [images] # Get the number of images n_images = len(images) # Define the styling options if style == 'coloured': logo_style = 'info' widget_box_style = 'info' widget_border_radius = 10 widget_border_width = 1 animation_style = 'info' channels_style = 'danger' landmarks_style = 'danger' info_style = 'danger' renderer_style = 'danger' renderer_tabs_style = 'danger' save_figure_style = 'danger' else: logo_style = 'minimal' widget_box_style = '' widget_border_radius = 0 widget_border_width = 0 channels_style = 'minimal' landmarks_style = 'minimal' animation_style = 'minimal' info_style = 'minimal' renderer_style = 'minimal' renderer_tabs_style = 'minimal' save_figure_style = 'minimal' # Define render function def render_function(change): # Clear current figure, but wait until the generation of the new data # that will be rendered ipydisplay.clear_output(wait=True) # get selected index im = image_number_wid.selected_values if n_images > 1 else 0 # update info text widget image_is_masked = isinstance(images[im], MaskedImage) selected_group = landmark_options_wid.selected_values['group'] # show landmarks with selected options tmp1 = renderer_options_wid.selected_values['lines'] tmp2 = renderer_options_wid.selected_values['markers'] options = renderer_options_wid.selected_values['numbering'] options.update(renderer_options_wid.selected_values['legend']) options.update(renderer_options_wid.selected_values['axes']) options.update(renderer_options_wid.selected_values['image']) options.update(channel_options_wid.selected_values) options.update(landmark_options_wid.selected_values) new_figure_size = ( renderer_options_wid.selected_values['zoom_one'] * figure_size[0], renderer_options_wid.selected_values['zoom_one'] * figure_size[1]) # get line and marker colours line_colour = [] marker_face_colour = [] marker_edge_colour = [] if images[im].has_landmarks: for lbl in landmark_options_wid.selected_values['with_labels']: lbl_idx = images[im].landmarks[selected_group].labels.index(lbl) line_colour.append(tmp1['line_colour'][lbl_idx]) marker_face_colour.append(tmp2['marker_face_colour'][lbl_idx]) marker_edge_colour.append(tmp2['marker_edge_colour'][lbl_idx]) # show image with selected options renderer = render_image( image=images[im], renderer=save_figure_wid.renderer, image_is_masked=image_is_masked, render_lines=tmp1['render_lines'], line_style=tmp1['line_style'], line_width=tmp1['line_width'], line_colour=line_colour, render_markers=tmp2['render_markers'], marker_style=tmp2['marker_style'], marker_size=tmp2['marker_size'], marker_edge_width=tmp2['marker_edge_width'], marker_edge_colour=marker_edge_colour, marker_face_colour=marker_face_colour, figure_size=new_figure_size, **options) # Update info update_info(images[im], image_is_masked, selected_group, custom_info_callback=custom_info_callback) # Save the current figure id save_figure_wid.renderer = renderer # Define function that updates the info text def update_info(img, image_is_masked, group, custom_info_callback=None): # Prepare masked (or non-masked) string masked_str = 'Masked Image' if image_is_masked else 'Image' # Get image path, if available path_str = img.path if hasattr(img, 'path') else 'No path available' # Create text lines text_per_line = [ "> {} of size {} with {} channel{}".format( masked_str, img._str_shape(), img.n_channels, 's' * (img.n_channels > 1)), "> Path: '{}'".format(path_str)] if image_is_masked: text_per_line.append( "> {} masked pixels (attached mask {:.1%} true)".format( img.n_true_pixels(), img.mask.proportion_true())) text_per_line.append("> min={:.3f}, max={:.3f}".format( img.pixels.min(), img.pixels.max())) if img.has_landmarks: text_per_line.append("> {} landmark points".format( img.landmarks[group].lms.n_points)) if custom_info_callback is not None: # iterate over the list of messages returned by the callback # function and append them in the text_per_line. for msg in custom_info_callback(img): text_per_line.append('> {}'.format(msg)) info_wid.set_widget_state(text_per_line=text_per_line) # Create widgets groups_keys, labels_keys = extract_groups_labels_from_image(images[0]) first_label = labels_keys[0] if labels_keys else None channel_options_wid = ChannelOptionsWidget( n_channels=images[0].n_channels, image_is_masked=isinstance(images[0], MaskedImage), render_function=render_function, style=channels_style) renderer_options_wid = RendererOptionsWidget( options_tabs=['markers', 'lines', 'numbering', 'legend', 'zoom_one', 'axes', 'image'], labels=first_label, axes_x_limits=None, axes_y_limits=None, render_function=render_function, style=renderer_style, tabs_style=renderer_tabs_style) landmark_options_wid = LandmarkOptionsWidget( group_keys=groups_keys, labels_keys=labels_keys, render_function=render_function, style=landmarks_style, renderer_widget=renderer_options_wid) info_wid = TextPrintWidget(text_per_line=[''], style=info_style) save_figure_wid = SaveFigureOptionsWidget(renderer=None, style=save_figure_style) # Group widgets if n_images > 1: # Define function that updates options' widgets state def update_widgets(change): # Get new groups and labels, then update landmark options im = image_number_wid.selected_values g_keys, l_keys = extract_groups_labels_from_image( images[im]) # Update landmarks options landmark_options_wid.set_widget_state( group_keys=g_keys, labels_keys=l_keys, allow_callback=False) landmark_options_wid.predefined_style(landmarks_style) # Update channels options channel_options_wid.set_widget_state( n_channels=images[im].n_channels, image_is_masked=isinstance(images[im], MaskedImage), allow_callback=True) # Image selection slider index = {'min': 0, 'max': n_images-1, 'step': 1, 'index': 0} image_number_wid = AnimationOptionsWidget( index, render_function=update_widgets, index_style=browser_style, interval=0.2, description='Image', loop_enabled=True, continuous_update=False, style=animation_style) # Header widget header_wid = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[LogoWidget(style=logo_style), image_number_wid], align='start') else: # Header widget header_wid = LogoWidget(style=logo_style) header_wid.margin = '0.2cm' options_box = ipywidgets.Tab( children=[info_wid, channel_options_wid, landmark_options_wid, renderer_options_wid, save_figure_wid], margin='0.2cm') tab_titles = ['Info', 'Channels', 'Landmarks', 'Renderer', 'Export'] for (k, tl) in enumerate(tab_titles): options_box.set_title(k, tl) if n_images > 1: wid = ipywidgets.VBox(children=[header_wid, options_box], align='start') else: wid = ipywidgets.HBox(children=[header_wid, options_box], align='start') # Set widget's style wid.box_style = widget_box_style wid.border_radius = widget_border_radius wid.border_width = widget_border_width wid.border_color = map_styles_to_hex_colours(widget_box_style) # Display final widget ipydisplay.display(wid) # Trigger initial visualization render_function({})
[docs]def visualize_patches(patches, patch_centers, figure_size=(10, 8), style='coloured', browser_style='buttons', custom_info_callback=None): r""" Widget that allows browsing through a `list` of patch-based images. The patches argument can have any of the two formats that are returned from the `extract_patches()` and `extract_patches_around_landmarks()` methods of `menpo.image.Image`. Specifically it can be: 1. ``(n_center, n_offset, self.n_channels, patch_shape)`` `ndarray` 2. `list` of ``n_center * n_offset`` `menpo.image.Image` objects The patches can have a combination of different attributes, e.g. number of centers, number of offsets, number of channels etc. The widget has options tabs regarding the visualized patches, channels, the renderer (lines, markers, numbering, figure, axes, image) and saving the figure to file. Parameters ---------- patches : `list` The `list` of patch-based images to be visualized. It can consist of objects with any of the two formats that are returned from the `extract_patches()` and `extract_patches_around_landmarks()` methods. Specifically, it can either be an ``(n_center, n_offset, self.n_channels, patch_shape)`` `ndarray` or a `list` of ``n_center * n_offset`` `menpo.image.Image` objects. patch_centers : `list` of `menpo.shape.PointCloud` The centers to set the patches around. If the `list` has only one `menpo.shape.PointCloud` then this will be used for all patches members. Otherwise, it needs to have the same length as patches. figure_size : (`int`, `int`), optional The initial size of the rendered figure. style : ``{'coloured', 'minimal'}``, optional If ``'coloured'``, then the style of the widget will be coloured. If ``minimal``, then the style is simple using black and white colours. browser_style : ``{'buttons', 'slider'}``, optional It defines whether the selector of the objects will have the form of plus/minus buttons or a slider. custom_info_callback: `function` or ``None``, optional If not None, it should be a function that accepts an image and returns a list of custom messages to be printed per image. Each custom message will be printed in a separate line. """ # Ensure that the code is being run inside a Jupyter kernel! from .utils import verify_ipython_and_kernel verify_ipython_and_kernel() print('Initializing...') # Make sure that patches is a list even with one patches member if (isinstance(patches, list) and isinstance(patches[0], Image)) or \ not isinstance(patches, list): patches = [patches] # Make sure that patch_centers is a list even with one pointcloud if not isinstance(patch_centers, list): patch_centers = [patch_centers] * len(patches) elif isinstance(patch_centers, list) and len(patch_centers) == 1: patch_centers *= len(patches) # Make sure all patch-based images are in the single array format for i in range(len(patches)): if isinstance(patches[i], list): patches[i] = _convert_patches_list_to_single_array( patches[i], patch_centers[i].n_points) # Get the number of patch_based images n_patches = len(patches) # Define the styling options if style == 'coloured': logo_style = 'warning' widget_box_style = 'warning' widget_border_radius = 10 widget_border_width = 1 animation_style = 'warning' channels_style = 'info' patches_style = 'minimal' patches_subwidgets_style = 'danger' info_style = 'info' renderer_style = 'info' renderer_tabs_style = 'minimal' save_figure_style = 'danger' else: logo_style = 'minimal' widget_box_style = '' widget_border_radius = 0 widget_border_width = 0 channels_style = 'minimal' patches_style = 'minimal' patches_subwidgets_style = 'minimal' animation_style = 'minimal' info_style = 'minimal' renderer_style = 'minimal' renderer_tabs_style = 'minimal' save_figure_style = 'minimal' # Define render function def render_function(change): # Clear current figure, but wait until the generation of the new data # that will be rendered ipydisplay.clear_output(wait=True) # get selected index im = image_number_wid.selected_values if n_patches > 1 else 0 # show patch-based image with selected options options = renderer_options_wid.selected_values['lines'] options.update(renderer_options_wid.selected_values['markers']) options.update(renderer_options_wid.selected_values['numbering']) options.update(renderer_options_wid.selected_values['axes']) options.update(renderer_options_wid.selected_values['image']) options.update(patch_options_wid.selected_values) new_figure_size = ( renderer_options_wid.selected_values['zoom_one'] * figure_size[0], renderer_options_wid.selected_values['zoom_one'] * figure_size[1]) # show image with selected options renderer = render_patches( patches=patches[im], patch_centers=patch_centers[im], renderer=save_figure_wid.renderer, figure_size=new_figure_size, channels=channel_options_wid.selected_values['channels'], glyph_enabled=channel_options_wid.selected_values['glyph_enabled'], glyph_block_size=channel_options_wid.selected_values['glyph_block_size'], glyph_use_negative=channel_options_wid.selected_values['glyph_use_negative'], sum_enabled=channel_options_wid.selected_values['sum_enabled'], **options) # update info text widget update_info(patches[im], custom_info_callback=custom_info_callback) # Save the current figure id save_figure_wid.renderer = renderer # Define function that updates the info text def update_info(ptchs, custom_info_callback=None): text_per_line = [ "> Patch-Based Image with {} patche{} and {} offset{}.".format( ptchs.shape[0], 's' * (ptchs.shape[0] > 1), ptchs.shape[1], 's' * (ptchs.shape[1] > 1)), "> Each patch has size {}H x {}W with {} channel{}.".format( ptchs.shape[3], ptchs.shape[4], ptchs.shape[2], 's' * (ptchs.shape[2] > 1)), "> min={:.3f}, max={:.3f}".format(ptchs.min(), ptchs.max())] if custom_info_callback is not None: # iterate over the list of messages returned by the callback # function and append them in the text_per_line. for msg in custom_info_callback(ptchs): text_per_line.append('> {}'.format(msg)) info_wid.set_widget_state(text_per_line=text_per_line) # Create widgets patch_options_wid = PatchOptionsWidget( n_patches=patches[0].shape[0], n_offsets=patches[0].shape[1], render_function=render_function, style=patches_style, subwidgets_style=patches_subwidgets_style) channel_options_wid = ChannelOptionsWidget( n_channels=patches[0].shape[2], image_is_masked=False, render_function=render_function, style=channels_style) renderer_options_wid = RendererOptionsWidget( options_tabs=['markers', 'lines', 'numbering', 'zoom_one', 'axes', 'image'], labels=None, axes_x_limits=None, axes_y_limits=None, render_function=None, style=renderer_style, tabs_style=renderer_tabs_style) renderer_options_wid.options_widgets[5].interpolation_checkbox.value = True renderer_options_wid.add_render_function(render_function) info_wid = TextPrintWidget(text_per_line=[''] * 3, style=info_style) save_figure_wid = SaveFigureOptionsWidget(renderer=None, style=save_figure_style) # Group widgets if n_patches > 1: # Define function that updates options' widgets state def update_widgets(change): # Get new groups and labels, then update landmark options im = 0 if n_patches > 1: im = image_number_wid.selected_values # Update patch options patch_options_wid.set_widget_state( n_patches=patches[im].shape[0], n_offsets=patches[im].shape[1], allow_callback=False) # Update channels options channel_options_wid.set_widget_state( n_channels=patches[im].shape[2], image_is_masked=False, allow_callback=True) # Image selection slider index = {'min': 0, 'max': n_patches-1, 'step': 1, 'index': 0} image_number_wid = AnimationOptionsWidget( index, render_function=update_widgets, index_style=browser_style, interval=0.2, description='Image', loop_enabled=True, continuous_update=False, style=animation_style) # Header widget header_wid = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[LogoWidget(style=logo_style), image_number_wid], align='start') else: # Header widget header_wid = LogoWidget(style=logo_style) header_wid.margin = '0.2cm' options_box = ipywidgets.Tab( children=[info_wid, patch_options_wid, channel_options_wid, renderer_options_wid, save_figure_wid], margin='0.2cm') tab_titles = ['Info', 'Patches', 'Channels', 'Renderer', 'Export'] for (k, tl) in enumerate(tab_titles): options_box.set_title(k, tl) if n_patches > 1: wid = ipywidgets.VBox(children=[header_wid, options_box], align='start') else: wid = ipywidgets.HBox(children=[header_wid, options_box], align='start') # Set widget's style wid.box_style = widget_box_style wid.border_radius = widget_border_radius wid.border_width = widget_border_width wid.border_color = map_styles_to_hex_colours(widget_box_style) # Display final widget ipydisplay.display(wid) # Trigger initial visualization render_function({})
[docs]def plot_graph(x_axis, y_axis, legend_entries=None, figure_size=(10, 6), style='coloured'): r""" Widget that allows plotting various curves in a graph. The widget has options tabs regarding the graph and the renderer (lines, markers, legend, figure, axes, grid) and saving the figure to file. Parameters ---------- x_axis : `list` of `float` The values of the horizontal axis. Note that these values are common for all the curves. y_axis : `list` of `lists` of `float` A `list` that stores a `list` of values to be plotted for each curve. legend_entries : `list` or `str` or ``None``, optional The `list` of names that will appear on the legend for each curve. If ``None``, then the names format is ``curve {}.format(i)``. figure_size : (`int`, `int`), optional The initial size of the rendered figure. style : ``{'coloured', 'minimal'}``, optional If ``'coloured'``, then the style of the widget will be coloured. If ``minimal``, then the style is simple using black and white colours. """ # Ensure that the code is being run inside a Jupyter kernel! from .utils import verify_ipython_and_kernel verify_ipython_and_kernel() from menpo.visualize import plot_curve print('Initializing...') # Get number of curves to be plotted n_curves = len(y_axis) # Define the styling options if style == 'coloured': logo_style = 'danger' widget_box_style = 'danger' tabs_style = 'warning' save_figure_style = 'warning' else: logo_style = 'minimal' widget_box_style = 'minimal' tabs_style = 'minimal' save_figure_style = 'minimal' # Parse options if legend_entries is None: legend_entries = ["curve {}".format(i) for i in range(n_curves)] # Define render function def render_function(change): # Clear current figure, but wait until the generation of the new data # that will be rendered ipydisplay.clear_output(wait=True) # plot with selected options opts = wid.selected_values.copy() new_figure_size = ( wid.selected_values['zoom'][0] * figure_size[0], wid.selected_values['zoom'][1] * figure_size[1]) del opts['zoom'] renderer = plot_curve( x_axis=x_axis, y_axis=y_axis, figure_size=new_figure_size, figure_id=save_figure_wid.renderer.figure_id, new_figure=False, **opts) # show plot # Save the current figure id save_figure_wid.renderer = renderer # Create widgets wid = PlotOptionsWidget(legend_entries=legend_entries, render_function=render_function, style=widget_box_style, tabs_style=tabs_style) save_figure_wid = SaveFigureOptionsWidget(renderer=None, style=save_figure_style) # Group widgets logo = LogoWidget(style=logo_style) logo.margin = '0.1cm' tmp_children = list(wid.options_tab.children) tmp_children.append(save_figure_wid) wid.options_tab.children = tmp_children wid.options_tab.set_title(0, 'Figure') wid.options_tab.set_title(1, 'Renderer') wid.options_tab.set_title(2, 'Legend') wid.options_tab.set_title(3, 'Axes') wid.options_tab.set_title(4, 'Zoom') wid.options_tab.set_title(5, 'Grid') wid.options_tab.set_title(6, 'Export') wid.children = [logo, wid.options_tab] wid.align = 'start' # Display final widget ipydisplay.display(wid) # Trigger initial visualization render_function({})
[docs]def save_matplotlib_figure(renderer, style='coloured'): r""" Widget that allows to save a figure, which was generated with Matplotlib, to file. Parameters ---------- renderer : `menpo.visualize.viewmatplotlib.MatplotlibRenderer` The Matplotlib renderer object. style : ``{'coloured', 'minimal'}``, optional If ``'coloured'``, then the style of the widget will be coloured. If ``minimal``, then the style is simple using black and white colours. """ # Ensure that the code is being run inside a Jupyter kernel! from .utils import verify_ipython_and_kernel verify_ipython_and_kernel() # Create sub-widgets if style == 'coloured': style = 'warning' logo_wid = LogoWidget(style='minimal') save_figure_wid = SaveFigureOptionsWidget(renderer, style=style) save_figure_wid.margin = '0.1cm' logo_wid.margin = '0.1cm' wid = ipywidgets.HBox(children=[logo_wid, save_figure_wid]) # Display widget ipydisplay.display(wid)
[docs]def features_selection(style='coloured'): r""" Widget that allows selecting a features function and its options. The widget supports all features from `menpo.feature` and has a preview tab. It returns a `list` of length 1 with the selected features function closure. Parameters ---------- style : ``{'coloured', 'minimal'}``, optional If ``'coloured'``, then the style of the widget will be coloured. If ``minimal``, then the style is simple using black and white colours. Returns ------- features_function : `list` of length ``1`` The function closure of the features function using `functools.partial`. So the function can be called as: :: features_image = features_function[0](image) """ # Ensure that the code is being run inside a Jupyter kernel! from .utils import verify_ipython_and_kernel verify_ipython_and_kernel() # Styling options if style == 'coloured': logo_style = 'info' outer_style = 'info' inner_style = 'warning' but_style = 'primary' rad = 10 elif style == 'minimal': logo_style = 'minimal' outer_style = '' inner_style = 'minimal' but_style = '' rad = 0 else: raise ValueError('style must be either coloured or minimal') # Create sub-widgets logo_wid = LogoWidget(style=logo_style) features_options_wid = FeatureOptionsWidget(style=inner_style) select_but = ipywidgets.Button(description='Select') features_wid = ipywidgets.VBox(children=[features_options_wid, select_but], align='center') # Create final widget wid = ipywidgets.HBox(children=[logo_wid, features_wid]) format_box(wid, outer_style, True, map_styles_to_hex_colours(outer_style), 'solid', 1, rad, 0, 0) logo_wid.margin = '0.3cm' features_options_wid.margin = '0.3cm' select_but.margin = '0.2cm' select_but.button_style = but_style # function for select button def select_function(name): wid.close() output.pop(0) output.append(features_options_wid.function) select_but.on_click(select_function) # Display widget ipydisplay.display(wid) # Initialize output with empty list. It needs to be a list so that # it's mutable and synchronizes with frontend. output = [features_options_wid.function] return output
[docs]def visualize_shape_model(shape_model, n_parameters=5, mode='multiple', parameters_bounds=(-3.0, 3.0), figure_size=(10, 8), style='coloured'): r""" Widget that allows the dynamic visualization of a multi-scale linear statistical shape model. Parameters ---------- shape_model : `list` of `menpo.shape.PCAModel` or `subclass` The multi-scale shape model to be visualized. Note that each level can have different number of components. n_parameters : `int` or `list` of `int` or ``None``, optional The number of principal components to be used for the parameters sliders. If `int`, then the number of sliders per level is the minimum between `n_parameters` and the number of active components per level. If `list` of `int`, then a number of sliders is defined per level. If ``None``, all the active components per level will have a slider. mode : ``{'single', 'multiple'}``, optional If ``'single'``, then only a single slider is constructed along with a drop down menu. If ``'multiple'``, then a slider is constructed for each parameter. parameters_bounds : (`float`, `float`), optional The minimum and maximum bounds, in std units, for the sliders. figure_size : (`int`, `int`), optional The size of the plotted figures. style : ``{'coloured', 'minimal'}``, optional If ``'coloured'``, then the style of the widget will be coloured. If ``minimal``, then the style is simple using black and white colours. """ # Ensure that the code is being run inside a Jupyter kernel! from .utils import verify_ipython_and_kernel verify_ipython_and_kernel() from menpo.visualize.viewmatplotlib import (_set_axes_options, _parse_axes_limits) print('Initializing...') # Make sure that shape_model is a list even with one member if not isinstance(shape_model, list): shape_model = [shape_model] # Get the number of levels (i.e. number of shape models) n_levels = len(shape_model) # Define the styling options if style == 'coloured': model_parameters_style = 'info' logo_style = 'warning' widget_box_style = 'warning' widget_border_radius = 10 widget_border_width = 1 info_style = 'info' renderer_box_style = 'info' renderer_box_border_colour = map_styles_to_hex_colours('info') renderer_box_border_radius = 10 renderer_style = 'danger' renderer_tabs_style = 'danger' save_figure_style = 'danger' elif style == 'minimal': model_parameters_style = 'minimal' logo_style = 'minimal' widget_box_style = '' widget_border_radius = 0 widget_border_width = 0 info_style = 'minimal' renderer_box_style = '' renderer_box_border_colour = 'black' renderer_box_border_radius = 0 renderer_style = 'minimal' renderer_tabs_style = 'minimal' save_figure_style = 'minimal' else: raise ValueError("style must be either coloured or minimal") # Get the maximum number of components per level max_n_params = [sp.n_active_components for sp in shape_model] # Check the given number of parameters (the returned n_parameters is a list # of len n_scales) n_parameters = check_n_parameters(n_parameters, n_levels, max_n_params) # Define render function def render_function(change): # Clear current figure, but wait until the generation of the new data # that will be rendered ipydisplay.clear_output(wait=True) # Get selected level level = 0 if n_levels > 1: level = level_wid.value # Compute weights parameters = model_parameters_wid.selected_values weights = (parameters * shape_model[level].eigenvalues[:len(parameters)] ** 0.5) # Get the mean mean = shape_model[level].mean() # Render shape instance with selected options tmp1 = renderer_options_wid.selected_values['lines'] tmp2 = renderer_options_wid.selected_values['markers'] options = renderer_options_wid.selected_values['numbering'] options.update(renderer_options_wid.selected_values['axes']) new_figure_size = ( renderer_options_wid.selected_values['zoom_one'] * figure_size[0], renderer_options_wid.selected_values['zoom_one'] * figure_size[1]) if mode_wid.value == 1: # Deformation mode # Compute instance instance = shape_model[level].instance(weights) # Render mean shape if mean_wid.value: mean.view(figure_id=save_figure_wid.renderer.figure_id, new_figure=False, image_view=axes_mode_wid.value == 1, figure_size=None, render_lines=tmp1['render_lines'], line_colour='yellow', line_style=tmp1['line_style'], line_width=tmp1['line_width'], render_markers=tmp2['render_markers'], marker_style=tmp2['marker_style'], marker_size=tmp2['marker_size'], marker_face_colour='yellow', marker_edge_colour='yellow', marker_edge_width=tmp2['marker_edge_width']) # Render instance renderer = instance.view( figure_id=save_figure_wid.renderer.figure_id, new_figure=False, image_view=axes_mode_wid.value == 1, figure_size=new_figure_size, render_lines=tmp1['render_lines'], line_colour=tmp1['line_colour'][0], line_style=tmp1['line_style'], line_width=tmp1['line_width'], render_markers=tmp2['render_markers'], marker_style=tmp2['marker_style'], marker_size=tmp2['marker_size'], marker_face_colour=tmp2['marker_face_colour'][0], marker_edge_colour=tmp2['marker_edge_colour'][0], marker_edge_width=tmp2['marker_edge_width'], **options) # Get instance range instance_range = instance.range() else: # Vectors mode # Compute instance instance_lower = shape_model[level].instance([-p for p in weights]) instance_upper = shape_model[level].instance(weights) # Render mean shape renderer = mean.view( figure_id=save_figure_wid.renderer.figure_id, new_figure=False, image_view=axes_mode_wid.value == 1, figure_size=new_figure_size, render_lines=tmp1['render_lines'], line_colour=tmp1['line_colour'][0], line_style=tmp1['line_style'], line_width=tmp1['line_width'], render_markers=tmp2['render_markers'], marker_style=tmp2['marker_style'], marker_size=tmp2['marker_size'], marker_face_colour=tmp2['marker_face_colour'][0], marker_edge_colour=tmp2['marker_edge_colour'][0], marker_edge_width=tmp2['marker_edge_width']) # Render vectors ax = plt.gca() x_min = np.Inf y_min = np.Inf x_max = -np.Inf y_max = -np.Inf for p in range(mean.n_points): xm = mean.points[p, 0] ym = mean.points[p, 1] xl = instance_lower.points[p, 0] yl = instance_lower.points[p, 1] xu = instance_upper.points[p, 0] yu = instance_upper.points[p, 1] if axes_mode_wid.value == 1: # image mode lines = [[(ym, xm), (yl, xl)], [(ym, xm), (yu, xu)]] else: # point cloud mode lines = [[(xm, ym), (xl, yl)], [(xm, ym), (xu, yu)]] lc = mc.LineCollection(lines, colors=('g', 'b'), linestyles='solid', linewidths=2) # update min, max y_min = np.min([y_min, xl, xu]) y_max = np.max([y_max, xl, xu]) x_min = np.min([x_min, yl, yu]) x_max = np.max([x_max, yl, yu]) # add collection ax.add_collection(lc) tmp = renderer_options_wid.selected_values['axes'] # parse axes limits axes_x_limits, axes_y_limits = _parse_axes_limits( x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, tmp['axes_x_limits'], tmp['axes_y_limits']) _set_axes_options( ax, render_axes=tmp['render_axes'], inverted_y_axis=axes_mode_wid.value == 1, axes_font_name=tmp['axes_font_name'], axes_font_size=tmp['axes_font_size'], axes_font_style=tmp['axes_font_style'], axes_font_weight=tmp['axes_font_weight'], axes_x_limits=axes_x_limits, axes_y_limits=axes_y_limits, axes_x_ticks=tmp['axes_x_ticks'], axes_y_ticks=tmp['axes_y_ticks']) # Get instance range instance_range = mean.range() # Save the current figure id save_figure_wid.renderer = renderer # Update info update_info(level, instance_range) # Define function that updates the info text def update_info(level, instance_range): text_per_line = [ "> Level {} out of {}".format(level + 1, n_levels), "> {} components in total".format(shape_model[level].n_components), "> {} active components".format( shape_model[level].n_active_components), "> {:.1f}% variance kept".format( shape_model[level].variance_ratio() * 100), "> Instance range: {:.1f} x {:.1f}".format(instance_range[0], instance_range[1]), "> {} landmark points, {} features".format( shape_model[level].mean().n_points, shape_model[level].n_features)] info_wid.set_widget_state(text_per_line=text_per_line) # Plot variance function def plot_variance(name): # Clear current figure, but wait until the generation of the new data # that will be rendered ipydisplay.clear_output(wait=True) # Get selected level level = level_wid.value if n_levels > 1 else 0 # Render new_figure_size = ( renderer_options_wid.selected_values['zoom_one'] * 10, renderer_options_wid.selected_values['zoom_one'] * 3) plt.subplot(121) shape_model[level].plot_eigenvalues_ratio( figure_id=save_figure_wid.renderer.figure_id) plt.subplot(122) renderer = shape_model[level].plot_eigenvalues_cumulative_ratio( figure_id=save_figure_wid.renderer.figure_id, figure_size=new_figure_size) # Save the current figure id save_figure_wid.renderer = renderer # Create widgets mode_dict = OrderedDict() mode_dict['Deformation'] = 1 mode_dict['Vectors'] = 2 mode_wid = ipywidgets.RadioButtons(options=mode_dict, description='Mode:', value=1) mode_wid.observe(render_function, names='value', type='change') mean_wid = ipywidgets.Checkbox(value=False, description='Render mean shape') mean_wid.observe(render_function, names='value', type='change') # Function that controls mean shape checkbox visibility def mean_visible(change): if change['new'] == 1: mean_wid.disabled = False else: mean_wid.disabled = True mean_wid.value = False mode_wid.observe(mean_visible, names='value', type='change') model_parameters_wid = LinearModelParametersWidget( n_parameters[0], render_function, params_str='Parameter ', mode=mode, params_bounds=parameters_bounds, params_step=0.1, plot_variance_visible=True, plot_variance_function=plot_variance, animation_step=0.5, interval=0., loop_enabled=True, style=model_parameters_style, continuous_update=False) axes_mode_wid = ipywidgets.RadioButtons( options={'Image': 1, 'Point cloud': 2}, description='Axes mode:', value=1) axes_mode_wid.observe(render_function, names='value', type='change') renderer_options_wid = RendererOptionsWidget( options_tabs=['markers', 'lines', 'numbering', 'zoom_one', 'axes'], labels=None, axes_x_limits=0.1, axes_y_limits=0.1, render_function=render_function, style=renderer_style, tabs_style=renderer_tabs_style) renderer_options_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[axes_mode_wid, renderer_options_wid], align='center', margin='0.1cm') info_wid = TextPrintWidget(text_per_line=[''] * 6, style=info_style) save_figure_wid = SaveFigureOptionsWidget(renderer=None, style=save_figure_style) # Define function that updates options' widgets state def update_widgets(change): model_parameters_wid.set_widget_state( n_parameters=n_parameters[change['new']], params_str='Parameter ', allow_callback=True) # Group widgets if n_levels > 1: radio_str = OrderedDict() for l in range(n_levels): if l == 0: radio_str["Level {} (low)".format(l)] = l elif l == n_levels - 1: radio_str["Level {} (high)".format(l)] = l else: radio_str["Level {}".format(l)] = l level_wid = ipywidgets.RadioButtons( options=radio_str, description='Pyramid:', value=n_levels-1) level_wid.observe(update_widgets, names='value', type='change') level_wid.observe(render_function, names='value', type='change') radio_children = [level_wid, mode_wid, mean_wid] else: radio_children = [mode_wid, mean_wid] radio_wids = ipywidgets.VBox(children=radio_children, margin='0.3cm') tmp_wid = ipywidgets.HBox(children=[radio_wids, model_parameters_wid]) options_box = ipywidgets.Tab(children=[tmp_wid, renderer_options_box, info_wid, save_figure_wid]) tab_titles = ['Model', 'Renderer', 'Info', 'Export'] for (k, tl) in enumerate(tab_titles): options_box.set_title(k, tl) logo_wid = LogoWidget(style=logo_style) logo_wid.margin = '0.1cm' wid = ipywidgets.HBox(children=[logo_wid, options_box], align='start') # Set widget's style wid.box_style = widget_box_style wid.border_radius = widget_border_radius wid.border_width = widget_border_width wid.border_color = map_styles_to_hex_colours(widget_box_style) renderer_options_wid.margin = '0.2cm' format_box(renderer_options_box, renderer_box_style, True, renderer_box_border_colour, 'solid', 1, renderer_box_border_radius, '0.1cm', '0.2cm') # Display final widget ipydisplay.display(wid) # Trigger initial visualization render_function({})
[docs]def visualize_appearance_model(appearance_model, n_parameters=5, mode='multiple', parameters_bounds=(-3.0, 3.0), figure_size=(10, 8), style='coloured'): r""" Widget that allows the dynamic visualization of a multi-scale linear statistical appearance model. Parameters ---------- appearance_model : `list` of `menpo.model.PCAModel` or subclass The multi-scale appearance model to be visualized. Note that each level can have different number of components. n_parameters : `int` or `list` of `int` or ``None``, optional The number of principal components to be used for the parameters sliders. If `int`, then the number of sliders per level is the minimum between `n_parameters` and the number of active components per level. If `list` of `int`, then a number of sliders is defined per level. If ``None``, all the active components per level will have a slider. mode : ``{'single', 'multiple'}``, optional If ``'single'``, then only a single slider is constructed along with a drop down menu. If ``'multiple'``, then a slider is constructed for each parameter. parameters_bounds : (`float`, `float`), optional The minimum and maximum bounds, in std units, for the sliders. figure_size : (`int`, `int`), optional The size of the plotted figures. style : ``{'coloured', 'minimal'}``, optional If ``'coloured'``, then the style of the widget will be coloured. If ``minimal``, then the style is simple using black and white colours. """ # Ensure that the code is being run inside a Jupyter kernel! from .utils import verify_ipython_and_kernel verify_ipython_and_kernel() print('Initializing...') # Make sure that appearance_model is a list even with one member if not isinstance(appearance_model, list): appearance_model = [appearance_model] # Get the number of levels (i.e. number of appearance models) n_levels = len(appearance_model) # Define the styling options if style == 'coloured': model_parameters_style = 'info' channels_style = 'info' landmarks_style = 'info' logo_style = 'success' widget_box_style = 'success' widget_border_radius = 10 widget_border_width = 1 info_style = 'info' renderer_style = 'warning' renderer_tabs_style = 'warning' save_figure_style = 'danger' elif style == 'minimal': model_parameters_style = 'minimal' channels_style = 'minimal' landmarks_style = 'minimal' logo_style = 'minimal' widget_box_style = '' widget_border_radius = 0 widget_border_width = 0 info_style = 'minimal' renderer_style = 'minimal' renderer_tabs_style = 'minimal' save_figure_style = 'minimal' else: raise ValueError("style must be either coloured or minimal") # Get the maximum number of components per level max_n_params = [ap.n_active_components for ap in appearance_model] # Check the given number of parameters (the returned n_parameters is a list # of len n_scales) n_parameters = check_n_parameters(n_parameters, n_levels, max_n_params) # Define render function def render_function(change): # Clear current figure, but wait until the generation of the new data # that will be rendered ipydisplay.clear_output(wait=True) # Get selected level level = 0 if n_levels > 1: level = level_wid.value # Compute weights and instance parameters = model_parameters_wid.selected_values weights = (parameters * appearance_model[level].eigenvalues[:len(parameters)] ** 0.5) instance = appearance_model[level].instance(weights) image_is_masked = isinstance(instance, MaskedImage) selected_group = landmark_options_wid.selected_values['group'] # show landmarks with selected options tmp1 = renderer_options_wid.selected_values['lines'] tmp2 = renderer_options_wid.selected_values['markers'] options = renderer_options_wid.selected_values['numbering'] options.update(renderer_options_wid.selected_values['axes']) options.update(renderer_options_wid.selected_values['image']) options.update(channel_options_wid.selected_values) options.update(landmark_options_wid.selected_values) new_figure_size = ( renderer_options_wid.selected_values['zoom_one'] * figure_size[0], renderer_options_wid.selected_values['zoom_one'] * figure_size[1]) # get line and marker colours line_colour = [] marker_face_colour = [] marker_edge_colour = [] if instance.has_landmarks: for lbl in landmark_options_wid.selected_values['with_labels']: lbl_idx = instance.landmarks[selected_group].labels.index(lbl) line_colour.append(tmp1['line_colour'][lbl_idx]) marker_face_colour.append(tmp2['marker_face_colour'][lbl_idx]) marker_edge_colour.append(tmp2['marker_edge_colour'][lbl_idx]) # show image with selected options renderer = render_image( image=instance, renderer=save_figure_wid.renderer, image_is_masked=image_is_masked, render_lines=tmp1['render_lines'], line_style=tmp1['line_style'], line_width=tmp1['line_width'], line_colour=line_colour, render_markers=tmp2['render_markers'], marker_style=tmp2['marker_style'], marker_size=tmp2['marker_size'], marker_edge_width=tmp2['marker_edge_width'], marker_edge_colour=marker_edge_colour, marker_face_colour=marker_face_colour, figure_size=new_figure_size, legend_n_columns=None, legend_border_axes_pad=None, legend_rounded_corners=None, legend_title=None, legend_horizontal_spacing=None, legend_shadow=None, legend_location=None, legend_font_name=None, legend_bbox_to_anchor=None, legend_border=None, legend_marker_scale=None, legend_vertical_spacing=None, legend_font_weight=None, legend_font_size=None, render_legend=False, legend_font_style=None, legend_border_padding=None, **options) # Update info update_info(instance, level, selected_group) # Save the current figure id save_figure_wid.renderer = renderer # Define function that updates the info text def update_info(image, level, group): lvl_app_mod = appearance_model[level] lp = 0 if group is None else image.landmarks[group].lms.n_points text_per_line = [ "> Level: {} out of {}.".format(level + 1, n_levels), "> {} components in total.".format(lvl_app_mod.n_components), "> {} active components.".format(lvl_app_mod.n_active_components), "> {:.1f}% variance kept.".format( lvl_app_mod.variance_ratio() * 100), "> Reference shape of size {} with {} channel{}.".format( image._str_shape(), image.n_channels, 's' * (image.n_channels > 1)), "> {} features.".format(lvl_app_mod.n_features), "> {} landmark points.".format(lp), "> Instance: min={:.3f}, max={:.3f}".format(image.pixels.min(), image.pixels.max())] info_wid.set_widget_state(text_per_line=text_per_line) # Plot variance function def plot_variance(name): # Clear current figure, but wait until the generation of the new data # that will be rendered ipydisplay.clear_output(wait=True) # Get selected level level = 0 if n_levels > 1: level = level_wid.value # Render new_figure_size = ( renderer_options_wid.selected_values['zoom_one'] * 10, renderer_options_wid.selected_values['zoom_one'] * 3) plt.subplot(121) appearance_model[level].plot_eigenvalues_ratio( figure_id=save_figure_wid.renderer.figure_id) plt.subplot(122) renderer = appearance_model[level].plot_eigenvalues_cumulative_ratio( figure_id=save_figure_wid.renderer.figure_id, figure_size=new_figure_size) # Save the current figure id save_figure_wid.renderer = renderer # Create widgets model_parameters_wid = LinearModelParametersWidget( n_parameters[0], render_function, params_str='Parameter ', mode=mode, params_bounds=parameters_bounds, params_step=0.1, plot_variance_visible=True, plot_variance_function=plot_variance, animation_step=0.5, interval=0., loop_enabled=True, style=model_parameters_style, continuous_update=False) groups_keys, labels_keys = extract_groups_labels_from_image( appearance_model[0].mean()) first_label = labels_keys[0] if labels_keys else None channel_options_wid = ChannelOptionsWidget( n_channels=appearance_model[0].mean().n_channels, image_is_masked=isinstance(appearance_model[0].mean(), MaskedImage), render_function=render_function, style=channels_style) renderer_options_wid = RendererOptionsWidget( options_tabs=['image', 'markers', 'lines', 'numbering', 'zoom_one', 'axes'], labels=first_label, axes_x_limits=None, axes_y_limits=None, render_function=render_function, style=renderer_style, tabs_style=renderer_tabs_style) landmark_options_wid = LandmarkOptionsWidget( group_keys=groups_keys, labels_keys=labels_keys, render_function=render_function, style=landmarks_style, renderer_widget=renderer_options_wid) info_wid = TextPrintWidget(text_per_line=[''] * 8, style=info_style) save_figure_wid = SaveFigureOptionsWidget(renderer=None, style=save_figure_style) # Define function that updates options' widgets state def update_widgets(change): value = change['new'] # Update model parameters widget model_parameters_wid.set_widget_state( n_parameters[value], params_str='Parameter ', allow_callback=False) # Update channel options channel_options_wid.set_widget_state( n_channels=appearance_model[value].mean().n_channels, image_is_masked=isinstance(appearance_model[value].mean(), MaskedImage), allow_callback=True) # Group widgets tmp_children = [model_parameters_wid] if n_levels > 1: radio_str = OrderedDict() for l in range(n_levels): if l == 0: radio_str["Level {} (low)".format(l)] = l elif l == n_levels - 1: radio_str["Level {} (high)".format(l)] = l else: radio_str["Level {}".format(l)] = l level_wid = ipywidgets.RadioButtons( options=radio_str, description='Pyramid:', value=n_levels-1, margin='0.3cm') level_wid.observe(update_widgets, names='value', type='change') level_wid.observe(render_function, names='value', type='change''value') tmp_children.insert(0, level_wid) tmp_wid = ipywidgets.HBox(children=tmp_children) options_box = ipywidgets.Tab(children=[tmp_wid, channel_options_wid, landmark_options_wid, renderer_options_wid, info_wid, save_figure_wid]) tab_titles = ['Model', 'Channels', 'Landmarks', 'Renderer', 'Info', 'Export'] for (k, tl) in enumerate(tab_titles): options_box.set_title(k, tl) logo_wid = LogoWidget(style=logo_style) logo_wid.margin = '0.1cm' wid = ipywidgets.HBox(children=[logo_wid, options_box], align='start') # Set widget's style wid.box_style = widget_box_style wid.border_radius = widget_border_radius wid.border_width = widget_border_width wid.border_color = map_styles_to_hex_colours(widget_box_style) renderer_options_wid.margin = '0.2cm' # Display final widget ipydisplay.display(wid) # Trigger initial visualization render_function({})
[docs]def visualize_patch_appearance_model(appearance_model, centers, n_parameters=5, mode='multiple', parameters_bounds=(-3.0, 3.0), figure_size=(10, 8), style='coloured'): r""" Widget that allows the dynamic visualization of a multi-scale linear statistical patch-based appearance model. Parameters ---------- appearance_model : `list` of `menpo.model.PCAModel` or subclass The multi-scale patch-based appearance model to be visualized. Note that each level can have different number of components. centers : `list` of `menpo.shape.PointCloud` or subclass The centers to set the patches around. If the `list` has only one `menpo.shape.PointCloud` then this will be used for all appearance model levels. Otherwise, it needs to have the same length as `appearance_model`. n_parameters : `int` or `list` of `int` or ``None``, optional The number of principal components to be used for the parameters sliders. If `int`, then the number of sliders per level is the minimum between `n_parameters` and the number of active components per level. If `list` of `int`, then a number of sliders is defined per level. If ``None``, all the active components per level will have a slider. mode : ``{'single', 'multiple'}``, optional If ``'single'``, then only a single slider is constructed along with a drop down menu. If ``'multiple'``, then a slider is constructed for each parameter. parameters_bounds : (`float`, `float`), optional The minimum and maximum bounds, in std units, for the sliders. figure_size : (`int`, `int`), optional The size of the plotted figures. style : ``{'coloured', 'minimal'}``, optional If ``'coloured'``, then the style of the widget will be coloured. If ``minimal``, then the style is simple using black and white colours. """ # Ensure that the code is being run inside a Jupyter kernel! from .utils import verify_ipython_and_kernel verify_ipython_and_kernel() print('Initializing...') # Make sure that appearance_model is a list even with one member if not isinstance(appearance_model, list): appearance_model = [appearance_model] # Get the number of levels (i.e. number of appearance models) n_levels = len(appearance_model) # Make sure that centers is a list even with one pointcloud if not isinstance(centers, list): centers = [centers] * n_levels elif isinstance(centers, list) and len(centers) == 1: centers *= n_levels # Define the styling options if style == 'coloured': model_parameters_style = 'info' patches_style = 'minimal' patches_subwidgets_style = 'info' channels_style = 'info' logo_style = 'success' widget_box_style = 'success' widget_border_radius = 10 widget_border_width = 1 info_style = 'info' renderer_style = 'warning' renderer_tabs_style = 'warning' save_figure_style = 'danger' elif style == 'minimal': model_parameters_style = 'minimal' patches_style = 'minimal' patches_subwidgets_style = 'minimal' channels_style = 'minimal' logo_style = 'minimal' widget_box_style = '' widget_border_radius = 0 widget_border_width = 0 info_style = 'minimal' renderer_style = 'minimal' renderer_tabs_style = 'minimal' save_figure_style = 'minimal' else: raise ValueError("style must be either coloured or minimal") # Get the maximum number of components per level max_n_params = [ap.n_active_components for ap in appearance_model] # Check the given number of parameters (the returned n_parameters is a list # of len n_scales) n_parameters = check_n_parameters(n_parameters, n_levels, max_n_params) # Define render function def render_function(change): # Clear current figure, but wait until the generation of the new data # that will be rendered ipydisplay.clear_output(wait=True) # Get selected level level = 0 if n_levels > 1: level = level_wid.value # Compute weights and instance parameters = model_parameters_wid.selected_values weights = (parameters * appearance_model[level].eigenvalues[:len(parameters)] ** 0.5) instance = appearance_model[level].instance(weights) # Render instance with selected options options = renderer_options_wid.selected_values['lines'] options.update(renderer_options_wid.selected_values['markers']) options.update(renderer_options_wid.selected_values['numbering']) options.update(renderer_options_wid.selected_values['axes']) options.update(renderer_options_wid.selected_values['image']) options.update(patch_options_wid.selected_values) new_figure_size = ( renderer_options_wid.selected_values['zoom_one'] * figure_size[0], renderer_options_wid.selected_values['zoom_one'] * figure_size[1]) # show image with selected options renderer = render_patches( patches=instance.pixels, patch_centers=centers[level], renderer=save_figure_wid.renderer, figure_size=new_figure_size, channels=channel_options_wid.selected_values['channels'], glyph_enabled=channel_options_wid.selected_values['glyph_enabled'], glyph_block_size=channel_options_wid.selected_values['glyph_block_size'], glyph_use_negative=channel_options_wid.selected_values['glyph_use_negative'], sum_enabled=channel_options_wid.selected_values['sum_enabled'], **options) # Update info update_info(instance, level) # Save the current figure id save_figure_wid.renderer = renderer # Define function that updates the info text def update_info(image, level): lvl_app_mod = appearance_model[level] text_per_line = [ "> Level: {} out of {}.".format(level + 1, n_levels), "> {} components in total.".format(lvl_app_mod.n_components), "> {} active components.".format(lvl_app_mod.n_active_components), "> {:.1f}% variance kept.".format( lvl_app_mod.variance_ratio() * 100), "> Each patch has size {}H x {}W with {} channel{}.".format( image.pixels.shape[3], image.pixels.shape[4], image.pixels.shape[2], 's' * (image.pixels.shape[2] > 1)), "> {} features.".format(lvl_app_mod.n_features), "> {} landmark points.".format(image.pixels.shape[0]), "> Instance: min={:.3f}, max={:.3f}".format(image.pixels.min(), image.pixels.max())] info_wid.set_widget_state(text_per_line=text_per_line) # Plot variance function def plot_variance(name): # Clear current figure, but wait until the generation of the new data # that will be rendered ipydisplay.clear_output(wait=True) # Get selected level level = 0 if n_levels > 1: level = level_wid.value # Render new_figure_size = ( renderer_options_wid.selected_values['zoom_one'] * 10, renderer_options_wid.selected_values['zoom_one'] * 3) plt.subplot(121) appearance_model[level].plot_eigenvalues_ratio( figure_id=save_figure_wid.renderer.figure_id) plt.subplot(122) renderer = appearance_model[level].plot_eigenvalues_cumulative_ratio( figure_id=save_figure_wid.renderer.figure_id, figure_size=new_figure_size) # Save the current figure id save_figure_wid.renderer = renderer # Create widgets model_parameters_wid = LinearModelParametersWidget( n_parameters[0], render_function, params_str='Parameter ', mode=mode, params_bounds=parameters_bounds, params_step=0.1, plot_variance_visible=True, plot_variance_function=plot_variance, animation_step=0.5, interval=0., loop_enabled=True, style=model_parameters_style, continuous_update=False) patch_options_wid = PatchOptionsWidget( n_patches=appearance_model[0].mean().pixels.shape[0], n_offsets=appearance_model[0].mean().pixels.shape[1], render_function=render_function, style=patches_style, subwidgets_style=patches_subwidgets_style) channel_options_wid = ChannelOptionsWidget( n_channels=appearance_model[0].mean().pixels.shape[2], image_is_masked=False, render_function=render_function, style=channels_style) renderer_options_wid = RendererOptionsWidget( options_tabs=['image', 'markers', 'lines', 'numbering', 'zoom_one', 'axes'], labels=None, axes_x_limits=None, axes_y_limits=None, render_function=None, style=renderer_style, tabs_style=renderer_tabs_style) renderer_options_wid.options_widgets[0].interpolation_checkbox.value = True renderer_options_wid.add_render_function(render_function) info_wid = TextPrintWidget(text_per_line=[''] * 8, style=info_style) save_figure_wid = SaveFigureOptionsWidget(renderer=None, style=save_figure_style) # Define function that updates options' widgets state def update_widgets(change): value = change['new'] # Update model parameters widget model_parameters_wid.set_widget_state(n_parameters[value], params_str='Parameter ', allow_callback=False) # Update patch options patch_options_wid.set_widget_state( n_patches=appearance_model[value].mean().pixels.shape[0], n_offsets=appearance_model[value].mean().pixels.shape[1], allow_callback=False) # Update channels options channel_options_wid.set_widget_state( n_channels=appearance_model[value].mean().pixels.shape[2], image_is_masked=False, allow_callback=True) # Group widgets tmp_children = [model_parameters_wid] if n_levels > 1: radio_str = OrderedDict() for l in range(n_levels): if l == 0: radio_str["Level {} (low)".format(l)] = l elif l == n_levels - 1: radio_str["Level {} (high)".format(l)] = l else: radio_str["Level {}".format(l)] = l level_wid = ipywidgets.RadioButtons( options=radio_str, description='Pyramid:', value=n_levels-1, margin='0.3cm') level_wid.observe(update_widgets, names='value', type='change') level_wid.observe(render_function, names='value', type='change') tmp_children.insert(0, level_wid) tmp_wid = ipywidgets.HBox(children=tmp_children) options_box = ipywidgets.Tab(children=[tmp_wid, patch_options_wid, channel_options_wid, renderer_options_wid, info_wid, save_figure_wid]) tab_titles = ['Model', 'Patches', 'Channels', 'Renderer', 'Info', 'Export'] for (k, tl) in enumerate(tab_titles): options_box.set_title(k, tl) logo_wid = LogoWidget(style=logo_style) logo_wid.margin = '0.1cm' wid = ipywidgets.HBox(children=[logo_wid, options_box], align='start') # Set widget's style wid.box_style = widget_box_style wid.border_radius = widget_border_radius wid.border_width = widget_border_width wid.border_color = map_styles_to_hex_colours(widget_box_style) renderer_options_wid.margin = '0.2cm' # Display final widget ipydisplay.display(wid) # Trigger initial visualization render_function({})
[docs]def webcam_widget(canvas_width=640, hd=True, n_preview_windows=5, style='coloured'): r""" Webcam widget for taking snapshots. The snapshots are dynamically previewed in a FIFO stack of thumbnails. Parameters ---------- canvas_width : `int`, optional The initial width of the rendered canvas. Note that this doesn't actually change the webcam resolution. It simply rescales the rendered image, as well as the size of the returned screenshots. hd : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then the webcam will be set to high definition (HD), i.e. 720 x 1280. Otherwise the default resolution will be used. n_preview_windows : `int`, optional The number of preview thumbnails that will be used as a FIFO stack to show the captured screenshots. It must be at least 4. style : ``{'coloured', 'minimal'}``, optional If ``'coloured'``, then the style of the widget will be coloured. If ``minimal``, then the style is simple using black and white colours. Returns ------- snapshots : `list` of `menpo.image.Image` The list of captured images. """ # Ensure that the code is being run inside a Jupyter kernel! from .utils import verify_ipython_and_kernel verify_ipython_and_kernel() # Define the styling options if style == 'coloured': wid_style = 'danger' preview_style = 'warning' else: wid_style = 'minimal' preview_style = 'minimal' # Create widgets wid = CameraSnapshotWidget( canvas_width=canvas_width, hd=hd, n_preview_windows=n_preview_windows, preview_windows_margin=3, style=wid_style, preview_style=preview_style) # Display widget ipydisplay.display(wid) # Return return wid.selected_values