
menpowidgets.base.visualize_shape_model(shape_model, n_parameters=5, mode='multiple', parameters_bounds=(-3.0, 3.0), figure_size=(10, 8), style='coloured')[source]

Widget that allows the dynamic visualization of a multi-scale linear statistical shape model.

  • shape_model (list of menpo.shape.PCAModel or subclass) – The multi-scale shape model to be visualized. Note that each level can have different number of components.
  • n_parameters (int or list of int or None, optional) – The number of principal components to be used for the parameters sliders. If int, then the number of sliders per level is the minimum between n_parameters and the number of active components per level. If list of int, then a number of sliders is defined per level. If None, all the active components per level will have a slider.
  • mode ({'single', 'multiple'}, optional) – If 'single', then only a single slider is constructed along with a drop down menu. If 'multiple', then a slider is constructed for each parameter.
  • parameters_bounds ((float, float), optional) – The minimum and maximum bounds, in std units, for the sliders.
  • figure_size ((int, int), optional) – The size of the plotted figures.
  • style ({'coloured', 'minimal'}, optional) – If 'coloured', then the style of the widget will be coloured. If minimal, then the style is simple using black and white colours.