
menpowidgets.base.visualize_patch_appearance_model(appearance_model, centers, n_parameters=5, mode='multiple', parameters_bounds=(-3.0, 3.0), figure_size=(10, 8), style='coloured')[source]

Widget that allows the dynamic visualization of a multi-scale linear statistical patch-based appearance model.

  • appearance_model (list of menpo.model.PCAModel or subclass) – The multi-scale patch-based appearance model to be visualized. Note that each level can have different number of components.
  • centers (list of menpo.shape.PointCloud or subclass) – The centers to set the patches around. If the list has only one menpo.shape.PointCloud then this will be used for all appearance model levels. Otherwise, it needs to have the same length as appearance_model.
  • n_parameters (int or list of int or None, optional) – The number of principal components to be used for the parameters sliders. If int, then the number of sliders per level is the minimum between n_parameters and the number of active components per level. If list of int, then a number of sliders is defined per level. If None, all the active components per level will have a slider.
  • mode ({'single', 'multiple'}, optional) – If 'single', then only a single slider is constructed along with a drop down menu. If 'multiple', then a slider is constructed for each parameter.
  • parameters_bounds ((float, float), optional) – The minimum and maximum bounds, in std units, for the sliders.
  • figure_size ((int, int), optional) – The size of the plotted figures.
  • style ({'coloured', 'minimal'}, optional) – If 'coloured', then the style of the widget will be coloured. If minimal, then the style is simple using black and white colours.