
class menpowidgets.options.LandmarkOptionsWidget(group_keys, labels_keys, render_function=None, renderer_widget=None, style='minimal')[source]

Bases: MenpoWidget

Creates a widget for selecting landmark options. The widget consists of the following objects from ipywidgets:

No Object Property (self.) Description
1 Latex no_landmarks_msg No landmarks available msg.
2 Checkbox render_landmarks_checkbox Render landmarks checkbox
3 Latex group_description Landmark group title
4 IntSlider group_slider Landmark group selector
5 Dropdown group_dropdown Landmark group selector
6 Latex group_latex Landmark group text
7 HBox group_selection_box Contains 3, 4, 5, 6
8 Latex labels_text Labels title
9 ToggleButtons labels_toggles list with the labels per group
10 HBox labels_box Contains all 9
11 HBox labels_and_text_box Contains 8 and 10
12 VBox options_box Contains 7, 11
13 HBox render_and_options_box Contains 2, 12

Note that:

  • To update the state of the widget, please refer to the set_widget_state() method.
  • The widget has memory about the properties of the objects that are passed into it through set_widget_state(). Each landmarks object has a unique key id assigned through get_key(). Then, the options that correspond to each key are stored in the self.default_options dict.
  • The selected values of the current landmarks object are stored in the self.selected_values trait. It is a dict with the following keys:
    • group : (str or None) The selected group.
    • with_labels : (list or None) The selected labels.
    • render_landmarks : (bool) Whether to render the landmarks.
  • When an unseen landmarks object is passed in (i.e. a key that is not included in the self.default_options dict), it gets the following initial options by default:
    • group = None if group_keys is None else group_keys[0]
    • with_labels = None if group_keys is None else labels_keys[0]
    • render_landmarks = False if group_keys is None else True
  • To set the styling of this widget please refer to the style() and predefined_style() methods.
  • To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the replace_render_function() method.
  • group_keys (list of str or None) – The list of landmark groups. If None, then no landmark groups are available.
  • labels_keys (list of list of str or None) – The list of labels per landmark group. If None, then no labels are available.
  • render_function (callable or None, optional) –

    The render function that is executed when a widgets’ value changes. It must have signature render_function(change) where change is a dict with the following keys:

    • type : The type of notification (normally 'change').
    • owner : the HasTraits instance
    • old : the old value of the modified trait attribute
    • new : the new value of the modified trait attribute
    • name : the name of the modified trait attribute.

    If None, then nothing is assigned.

  • renderer_widget (RendererOptionsWidget or None, optional) – The RendererOptionsWidget that is created and needs to be linked with this widget. If None, then nothing is assigned.
  • style (str (see below), optional) –

    Sets a predefined style at the widget. Possible options are:

    Style Description
    'minimal' Simple black and white style
    'success' Green-based style
    'info' Blue-based style
    'warning' Yellow-based style
    'danger' Red-based style
    '' No style


Let’s create a landmarks widget and then update its state. Firstly, we need to import it:

>>> from menpowidgets.options import LandmarkOptionsWidget

Now let’s define a render function that will get called on every widget change and will dynamically print the selected index:

>>> from menpo.visualize import print_dynamic
>>> def render_function(change):
>>>     s = "Group: {}, Labels: {}".format(
>>>         wid.selected_values['group'],
>>>         wid.selected_values['with_labels'])
>>>     print_dynamic(s)

Create the widget with some initial options and display it:

>>> wid = LandmarkOptionsWidget(
>>>             group_keys=['PTS', 'ibug_face_68'],
>>>             labels_keys=[['all'], ['jaw', 'eye', 'mouth']],
>>>             render_function=render_function, style='danger')
>>> wid

By playing around with the widget, the printed message gets updated. Finally, let’s change the widget status with a new set of options:

>>> wid.set_widget_state(group_keys=['new_group'],
>>>                      labels_keys=[['1', '2', '3']],
>>>                      allow_callback=False)

Remember that the widget is mnemonic, i.e. it remembers the objects it has seen and their corresponding options. These can be retrieved as:

>>> wid.default_options

Function that adds the handler callback functions in all the widget components, which are necessary for the internal functionality.


Method that adds the provided render_function() as a callback handler to the selected_values trait of the widget. The given function is also stored in self._render_function.

Parameters:render_function (callable or None, optional) –

The render function that behaves as a callback handler of the selected_values trait for the change event. Its signature can be render_function() or render_function(change), where change is a dict with the following keys:

  • owner : the HasTraits instance
  • old : the old value of the modified trait attribute
  • new : the new value of the modified trait attribute
  • name : the name of the modified trait attribute.
  • type : 'change'

If None, then nothing is added.


Dynamically add trait attributes to the Widget.

call_render_function(old_value, new_value, type_value='change')

Method that calls the existing render_function() callback handler.

  • old_value (int or float or dict or list or tuple) – The old selected_values value.
  • new_value (int or float or dict or list or tuple) – The new selected_values value.
  • type_value (str, optional) – The trait event type.

Close method.

Closes the underlying comm. When the comm is closed, all of the widget views are automatically removed from the front-end.

get_default_options(group_keys, labels_keys)[source]

Function that returns a dict with default options based on the properties of the provided landmarks. The function returns the dict of options but also updates the self.default_options dict.

  • group_keys (list of str or None) – The list of landmark groups. If None, then no landmark groups are available.
  • labels_keys (list of list of str or None) – The list of labels per landmark group. If None, then no labels are available.

default_options (dict) – A dict with the default options. It contains:

  • group : (str or None) The selected group.
  • with_labels : (list or None) The selected labels.
  • render_landmarks : (bool) Whether to render the landmarks.

If the object is not seen before by the widget, then it automatically gets the following default options:

  • group = None if group_keys is None else group_keys[0]
  • with_labels = None if group_keys is None else labels_keys[0]
  • render_landmarks = False if group_keys is None else True

get_key(group_keys, labels_keys)[source]

Function that returns a unique key based on the properties of the provided landmarks.

  • group_keys (list of str or None) – The list of landmark groups. If None, then no landmark groups are available.
  • labels_keys (list of list of str or None) – The list of labels per landmark group. If None, then no labels are available.

key (str) – The key that has the format '{group_keys}_{labels_keys}'.


Returns True if the object has a trait with the specified name.

observe(handler, names=traitlets.All, type='change')

Setup a handler to be called when a trait changes.

This is used to setup dynamic notifications of trait changes.

  • handler (callable) – A callable that is called when a trait changes. Its signature should be handler(change), where change```is a dictionary. The change dictionary at least holds a 'type' key. * ``type: the type of notification. Other keys may be passed depending on the value of ‘type’. In the case where type is ‘change’, we also have the following keys: * owner : the HasTraits instance * old : the old value of the modified trait attribute * new : the new value of the modified trait attribute * name : the name of the modified trait attribute.
  • names (list, str, All) – If names is All, the handler will apply to all traits. If a list of str, handler will apply to all names in the list. If a str, the handler will apply just to that name.
  • type (str, All (default: 'change')) – The type of notification to filter by. If equal to All, then all notifications are passed to the observe handler.

Function that sets a predefined style on the widget.

Parameters:style (str (see below)) –

Style options:

Style Description
'minimal' Simple black and white style
'success' Green-based style
'info' Blue-based style
'warning' Yellow-based style
'danger' Red-based style
'' No style

Function that removes all the internal handler callback functions.


Method that removes the current self._render_function() as a callback handler to the selected_values trait of the widget and sets self._render_function = None.


Method that replaces the current self._render_function() with the given render_function() as a callback handler to the selected_values trait of the widget.

Parameters:render_function (callable or None, optional) –

The render function that behaves as a callback handler of the selected_values trait for the change event. Its signature can be render_function() or render_function(change), where change is a dict with the following keys:

  • owner : the HasTraits instance
  • old : the old value of the modified trait attribute
  • new : the new value of the modified trait attribute
  • name : the name of the modified trait attribute.
  • type : 'change'

If None, then nothing is added.


Function that sets the visibility of the various components of the widget, depending on the properties of the current landmarks, i.e. self.group_keys.

set_widget_state(group_keys, labels_keys, allow_callback=True)[source]

Method that updates the state of the widget, if the key generated with get_key() based on the provided group_keys and labels_keys is different than the current key based on self.group_keys and self.labels_keys.

  • group_keys (list of str or None) – The list of landmark groups. If None, then no landmark groups are available.
  • labels_keys (list of list of str or None) – The list of labels per landmark group. If None, then no labels are available.
  • allow_callback (bool, optional) – If True, it allows triggering of any callback functions.
style(box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', labels_buttons_style='')[source]

Function that defines the styling of the widget.

  • box_style (str or None (see below), optional) –

    Possible widget style options:

    'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None
  • border_visible (bool, optional) – Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget.
  • border_colour (str, optional) – The colour of the border around the widget.
  • border_style (str, optional) – The line style of the border around the widget.
  • border_width (float, optional) – The line width of the border around the widget.
  • border_radius (float, optional) – The radius of the border around the widget.
  • padding (float, optional) – The padding around the widget.
  • margin (float, optional) – The margin around the widget.
  • font_family (str (see below), optional) –

    The font family to be used. Example options:

    'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace',
  • font_size (int, optional) – The font size.
  • font_style (str (see below), optional) –

    The font style. Example options:

    'normal', 'italic', 'oblique'
  • font_weight (See Below, optional) –

    The font weight. Example options:

    'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium',
    'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy',
    'extra bold', 'black'
  • labels_buttons_style (str or None (see below), optional) –

    Style options:

    ‘success’, ‘info’, ‘warning’, ‘danger’, ‘primary’, ‘’, None

Get a list of all the names of this class’ traits.


Get a dict of all the traits of this class. The dictionary is keyed on the name and the values are the TraitType objects.

The TraitTypes returned don’t know anything about the values that the various HasTrait’s instances are holding.

The metadata kwargs allow functions to be passed in which filter traits based on metadata values. The functions should take a single value as an argument and return a boolean. If any function returns False, then the trait is not included in the output. If a metadata key doesn’t exist, None will be passed to the function.

unobserve(handler, names=traitlets.All, type='change')

Remove a trait change handler.

This is used to unregister handlers to trait change notificiations.

  • handler (callable) – The callable called when a trait attribute changes.
  • names (list, str, All (default: All)) – The names of the traits for which the specified handler should be uninstalled. If names is All, the specified handler is uninstalled from the list of notifiers corresponding to all changes.
  • type (str or All (default: 'change')) – The type of notification to filter by. If All, the specified handler is uninstalled from the list of notifiers corresponding to all types.

Remove trait change handlers of any type for the specified name. If name is not specified, removes all trait notifiers.