Source code for

from collections import OrderedDict
import ipywidgets
from traitlets.traitlets import List, Int, Float, Dict, Bool, Unicode
from traitlets import link
from PIL import Image as PILImage
from io import BytesIO
import numpy as np
from base64 import b64decode

from menpo.compatibility import unicode
from menpo.image import Image

from .abstract import MenpoWidget
from .style import (map_styles_to_hex_colours, convert_image_to_bytes,
                    format_box, format_font, format_slider, format_text_box,
from .utils import (lists_are_the_same, decode_colour, parse_slicing_command,
                    list_has_constant_step, parse_int_range_command,

# Global variables to try and reduce overhead of loading the logo

[docs]class LogoWidget(ipywidgets.FlexBox): r""" Creates a widget with Menpo's logo image. The widget stores the image in ``self.image`` using `ipywidgets.Image`. To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` method. Parameters ---------- style : ``{'minimal', 'danger', 'info', 'warning', 'success'}``, optional Defines the styling of the logo widget, i.e. the colour around the logo image. """ def __init__(self, style='minimal'): from menpowidgets.base import menpowidgets_src_dir_path import as mio # Try to only load the logo once global MENPO_LOGO_SCALE logos_path = menpowidgets_src_dir_path() / 'logos' if style == 'minimal': global MENPO_MINIMAL_LOGO if MENPO_MINIMAL_LOGO is None: MENPO_MINIMAL_LOGO = mio.import_image( logos_path / "menpoproject_{}.png".format(style)) self.image = ipywidgets.Image( value=convert_image_to_bytes(MENPO_MINIMAL_LOGO), width='50px') elif style == 'danger': global MENPO_DANGER_LOGO if MENPO_DANGER_LOGO is None: MENPO_DANGER_LOGO = mio.import_image( logos_path / "menpoproject_{}.png".format(style)) self.image = ipywidgets.Image( value=convert_image_to_bytes(MENPO_DANGER_LOGO), width='50px') elif style == 'info': global MENPO_INFO_LOGO if MENPO_INFO_LOGO is None: MENPO_INFO_LOGO = mio.import_image( logos_path / "menpoproject_{}.png".format(style)) self.image = ipywidgets.Image( value=convert_image_to_bytes(MENPO_INFO_LOGO), width='50px') elif style == 'warning': global MENPO_WARNING_LOGO if MENPO_WARNING_LOGO is None: MENPO_WARNING_LOGO = mio.import_image( logos_path / "menpoproject_{}.png".format(style)) self.image = ipywidgets.Image( value=convert_image_to_bytes(MENPO_WARNING_LOGO), width='50px') elif style == 'success': global MENPO_SUCCESS_LOGO if MENPO_SUCCESS_LOGO is None: MENPO_SUCCESS_LOGO = mio.import_image( logos_path / "menpoproject_{}.png".format(style)) self.image = ipywidgets.Image( value=convert_image_to_bytes(MENPO_SUCCESS_LOGO), width='50px') else: raise ValueError("style must be 'minimal', 'info', 'danger', " "'warning' or 'success'; {} was " "given.".format(style)) super(LogoWidget, self).__init__(children=[self.image])
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, image_width='50px'): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. image_width : `str`, optional The width of the image object """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) self.image.width = image_width
[docs]class ListWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for selecting a `list` of numbers. It supports both `int` and `float`. * The selected values are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait`. * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` method. * To update the state of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`set_widget_state` method. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. Parameters ---------- selected_list : `list` The initial list of numbers. mode : ``{'int', 'float'}``, optional Defines the data type of the list members. description : `str`, optional The description of the command text box. render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when a widgets' value changes. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. example_visible : `bool`, optional If `True`, then a line with command examples is printed below the main text box. """ def __init__(self, selected_list, mode='float', description='Command:', render_function=None, example_visible=True): # Create children selected_cmd = '' if mode == 'int': for i in selected_list: selected_cmd += '{}, '.format(i) self.example = ipywidgets.Latex( value="e.g. '[1, 2]', '10', '10, 20', 'range(10)', " "'range(1, 8, 2)' etc.", font_size=11, font_style='italic', visible=example_visible) elif mode == 'float': for i in selected_list: selected_cmd += '{:.1f}, '.format(i) self.example = ipywidgets.Latex( value="e.g. '10.', '10., 20.', 'range(10.)', " "'range(2.5, 5., 2.)' etc.", font_size=11, font_style='italic', visible=example_visible) else: raise ValueError("mode must be either int or float.") self.cmd_text = ipywidgets.Text( value=selected_cmd[:-2], description=description) self.valid = ipywidgets.Valid(value=True) self.error_msg = ipywidgets.Latex(value='', font_style='italic', color='#FF0000') self.cmd_text_example_error = ipywidgets.FlexBox( children=[self.cmd_text, self.example, self.error_msg], orientation='vertical', align='end') # Create final widget children = [self.cmd_text_example_error, self.valid] super(ListWidget, self).__init__( children, List, selected_list, render_function=render_function, orientation='horizontal', align='start') # Assign properties self.mode = mode # Set functionality def save_cmd(name): self.error_msg.value = '' try: if self.mode == 'int': self.selected_values = parse_int_range_command( str(self.cmd_text.value)) else: self.selected_values = parse_float_range_command( str(self.cmd_text.value)) self.valid.value = True except ValueError as e: self.valid.value = False self.error_msg.value = str(e) self.cmd_text.on_submit(save_cmd)
[docs] def set_widget_state(self, selected_list, allow_callback=True): r""" Method that updates the state of the widget if the provided `selected_list` value is different than `self.selected_values`. Parameters ---------- selected_list : `list` The selected list of numbers. allow_callback : `bool`, optional If ``True``, it allows triggering of any callback functions. """ if not lists_are_the_same(selected_list, self.selected_values): # Keep old value old_value = self.selected_values # Assign new options dict to selected_values selected_cmd = '' if self.mode == 'int': for i in selected_list: selected_cmd += '{}, '.format(i) elif self.mode == 'float': for i in selected_list: selected_cmd += '{}, '.format(i) # temporarily remove render callback render_function = self._render_function self.remove_render_function() # update command text and selected values self.cmd_text.value = selected_cmd[:-2] self.selected_values = selected_list # re-assign render callback self.add_render_function(render_function) # trigger render function if allowed if allow_callback: self.call_render_function(old_value, self.selected_values)
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, text_box_style=None, text_box_background_colour=None, text_box_width=None, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight=''): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. text_box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Command text box style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None text_box_background_colour : `str`, optional The background colour of the command text box. text_box_width : `str`, optional The width of the command text box. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.cmd_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) self.cmd_text.color = map_styles_to_hex_colours(text_box_style) self.cmd_text.background_color = map_styles_to_hex_colours( text_box_background_colour, background=True) self.cmd_text.border_color = map_styles_to_hex_colours(text_box_style) self.cmd_text.font_family = 'monospace' self.cmd_text.border_width = 1 self.cmd_text.width = text_box_width
[docs]class SlicingCommandWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for selecting a slicing command. * The selected values are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait`. * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` method. * To update the state of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`set_widget_state` method. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. Parameters ---------- slice_options : `dict` The initial slicing options. It must be a `dict` with: * ``command`` : (`str`) The slicing command (e.g. ``':3'``). * ``length`` : (`int`) The maximum length (e.g. ``68``). description : `str`, optional The description of the command text box. render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when a widgets' value changes. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. example_visible : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then a line with command examples is printed below the main text box. continuous_update : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then the render and update functions are called while moving the slider's handle. If ``False``, then the the functions are called only when the handle (mouse click) is released. orientation : ``{'horizontal', 'vertical'}``, optional The orientation between the command text box and the sliders. """ def __init__(self, slice_options, description='Command:', render_function=None, example_visible=True, continuous_update=False, orientation='horizontal'): # Create children indices = parse_slicing_command(slice_options['command'], slice_options['length']) self.cmd_text = ipywidgets.Text(value=slice_options['command'], description=description) self.example = ipywidgets.Latex( value=self._example_str(slice_options['length']), font_size=11, font_style='italic', visible=example_visible) self.error_msg = ipywidgets.Latex(value='', font_style='italic', color='#FF0000') self.single_slider = ipywidgets.IntSlider( min=0, max=slice_options['length'] - 1, value=0, width='6.8cm', visible=self._single_slider_visible(indices), continuous_update=continuous_update) self.multiple_slider = ipywidgets.IntRangeSlider( min=0, max=slice_options['length'] - 1, value=(indices[0], indices[-1]), width='6.8cm', visible=self._multiple_slider_visible(indices)[0], continuous_update=continuous_update) self.valid = ipywidgets.Valid(value=True) self.cmd_text_example_error = ipywidgets.FlexBox( children=[self.cmd_text, self.example, self.error_msg], orientation='vertical', align='end') self.command_error_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.cmd_text_example_error, self.valid], margin='0.1cm') self.sliders_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.single_slider, self.multiple_slider], align='start', margin='0.1cm') # Create final widget children = [self.command_error_box, self.sliders_box] align = 'end' if orientation == 'horizontal': align = 'start' super(SlicingCommandWidget, self).__init__( children, List, indices, render_function=render_function, orientation=orientation, align=align) # Assign properties self.length = slice_options['length'] # Set functionality def save_cmd(name): self.error_msg.value = '' try: self.selected_values = parse_slicing_command( str(self.cmd_text.value), self.length) self.valid.value = True except ValueError as e: self.valid.value = False self.error_msg.value = str(e) # set single slider visibility and value vis = self._single_slider_visible(self.selected_values) self.single_slider.visible = vis if vis: self.single_slider.value = self.selected_values[0] # set multiple slider visibility and value vis, step = self._multiple_slider_visible(self.selected_values) self.multiple_slider.visible = vis if vis: self.multiple_slider.step = step self.multiple_slider.value = (self.selected_values[0], self.selected_values[-1]) self.cmd_text.on_submit(save_cmd) def single_slider_value(change): value = change['new'] self.selected_values = [value] self.cmd_text.value = str(value) self.single_slider.observe(single_slider_value, names='value', type='change') def multiple_slider_value(change): value = change['new'] self.selected_values = list(range(value[0], value[1]+1, self.multiple_slider.step)) self.cmd_text.value = "{}:{}:{}".format(value[0], value[1]+1, self.multiple_slider.step) self.multiple_slider.observe(multiple_slider_value, names='value', type='change') def _example_str(self, length): return "e.g. ':3', '-3:', '1:{}:2', '3::', '0, {}', '7', 'range({})' " \ "etc.".format(length, length, length) def _single_slider_visible(self, selected_values): return len(selected_values) == 1 def _multiple_slider_visible(self, selected_values): return list_has_constant_step(selected_values)
[docs] def set_widget_state(self, slice_options, allow_callback=True): r""" Method that updates the state of the widget if the provided `slice_options` value is different than `self.selected_values`. Parameters ---------- slice_options : `dict` The new slicing options. It must be a `dict` with: * ``command`` : (`str`) The slicing command (e.g. ``':3'``). * ``length`` : (`int`) The maximum length (e.g. ``68``). allow_callback : `bool`, optional If ``True``, it allows triggering of any callback functions. """ # Assign new options dict to selected_values self.length = slice_options['length'] # decode command indices = parse_slicing_command(slice_options['command'], slice_options['length']) if not lists_are_the_same(indices, self.selected_values): # Keep old value old_value = self.selected_values # temporarily remove render callback render_function = self._render_function self.remove_render_function() # update selected values self.selected_values = indices # update single slider vis = self._single_slider_visible(self.selected_values) self.single_slider.visible = vis self.single_slider.max = self.length - 1 if vis: self.single_slider.value = self.selected_values[0] # update multiple slider vis, step = self._multiple_slider_visible(self.selected_values) self.multiple_slider.visible = vis self.multiple_slider.max = self.length - 1 if vis: self.multiple_slider.step = step self.multiple_slider.value = (self.selected_values[0], self.selected_values[-1]) # update command text self.cmd_text.value = slice_options['command'] # Update example str self.example.value = self._example_str(slice_options['length']) # re-assign render callback self.add_render_function(render_function) # trigger render function if allowed if allow_callback: self.call_render_function(old_value, self.selected_values)
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, text_box_style=None, text_box_background_colour=None, text_box_width=None, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight=''): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. text_box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Command text box style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None text_box_background_colour : `str`, optional The background colour of the command text box. text_box_width : `str`, optional The width of the command text box. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.cmd_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) self.cmd_text.color = map_styles_to_hex_colours(text_box_style) self.cmd_text.background_color = map_styles_to_hex_colours( text_box_background_colour, background=True) self.cmd_text.border_color = map_styles_to_hex_colours(text_box_style) self.cmd_text.font_family = 'monospace' self.cmd_text.border_width = 1 self.cmd_text.width = text_box_width self.single_slider.slider_color = map_styles_to_hex_colours( box_style, background=False) self.single_slider.background_color = map_styles_to_hex_colours( box_style, background=False) self.multiple_slider.slider_color = map_styles_to_hex_colours( box_style, background=False) self.multiple_slider.background_color = map_styles_to_hex_colours( box_style, background=False)
[docs]class IndexSliderWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for selecting an index using a slider. * The selected values are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait`. * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` method. * To update the state of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`set_widget_state` method. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. Parameters ---------- index : `dict` The `dict` with the default options: * ``min`` : (`int`) The minimum value (e.g. ``0``). * ``max`` : (`int`) The maximum value (e.g. ``100``). * ``step`` : (`int`) The index step (e.g. ``1``). * ``index`` : (`int`) The index value (e.g. ``10``). description : `str`, optional The title of the widget. continuous_update : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then the render and update functions are called while moving the slider's handle. If ``False``, then the the functions are called only when the handle (mouse click) is released. render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when the index value changes. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. """ def __init__(self, index, description='Index: ', continuous_update=False, render_function=None): # Create children self.slider = ipywidgets.IntSlider( min=index['min'], max=index['max'], value=index['index'], step=index['step'], description=description, width='5cm', continuous_update=continuous_update) # Create final widget children = [self.slider] super(IndexSliderWidget, self).__init__( children, Int, index['index'], render_function=render_function, orientation='vertical', align='start') # Set functionality def save_index(change): self.selected_values = change['new'] self.slider.observe(save_index, names='value', type='change')
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', slider_width='6cm', slider_bar_colour=None, slider_handle_colour=None, slider_text_visible=True): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' slider_width : `float`, optional The width of the slider slider_bar_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the slider's bar. slider_handle_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the slider's handle. slider_text_visible : `bool`, optional Whether the selected value of the slider is visible. """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_slider(self.slider, slider_width=slider_width, slider_handle_colour=slider_handle_colour, slider_bar_colour=slider_bar_colour, slider_text_visible=slider_text_visible)
[docs] def set_widget_state(self, index, allow_callback=True): r""" Method that updates the state of the widget, if the provided `index` values are different than `self.selected_values`. Parameters ---------- index : `dict` The `dict` with the selected options: * ``min`` : (`int`) The minimum value (e.g. ``0``). * ``max`` : (`int`) The maximum value (e.g. ``100``). * ``step`` : (`int`) The index step (e.g. ``1``). * ``index`` : (`int`) The index value (e.g. ``10``). allow_callback : `bool`, optional If ``True``, it allows triggering of any callback functions. """ # Check if update is required if (index['index'] != self.selected_values or index['min'] != self.slider.min or index['max'] != self.slider.max or index['step'] != self.slider.step): # Keep old value old_value = self.selected_values # temporarily remove render function render_function = self._render_function self.remove_render_function() # set values to slider self.slider.min = index['min'] self.slider.max = index['max'] self.slider.step = index['step'] self.slider.value = index['index'] # re-assign render callback self.add_render_function(render_function) # trigger render function if allowed if allow_callback: self.call_render_function(old_value, index['index'])
[docs]class IndexButtonsWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for selecting an index using plus/minus buttons. * The selected values are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait`. * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` method. * To update the state of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`set_widget_state` method. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. Parameters ---------- index : `dict` The `dict` with the default options: * ``min`` : (`int`) The minimum value (e.g. ``0``). * ``max`` : (`int`) The maximum value (e.g. ``100``). * ``step`` : (`int`) The index step (e.g. ``1``). * ``index`` : (`int`) The index value (e.g. ``10``). render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when the index value changes. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. description : `str`, optional The title of the widget. minus_description : `str`, optional The text/icon of the button that decreases the index. If the `str` starts with `'fa-'`, then a font-awesome icon is defined. plus_description : `str`, optional The title of the button that increases the index. If the `str` starts with `'fa-'`, then a font-awesome icon is defined. loop_enabled : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then if by pressing the buttons we reach the minimum (maximum) index values, then the counting will continue from the end (beginning). If ``False``, the counting will stop at the minimum (maximum) value. text_editable : `bool`, optional Flag that determines whether the index text will be editable. """ def __init__(self, index, render_function=None, description='Index: ', minus_description='fa-minus', plus_description='fa-plus', loop_enabled=True, text_editable=True): # Create children self.title = ipywidgets.Latex(value=description, padding=6, margin=6) m_icon, m_description = parse_font_awesome_icon(minus_description) self.button_minus = ipywidgets.Button( description=m_description, icon=m_icon, width='1cm', tooltip='Previous item') p_icon, p_description = parse_font_awesome_icon(plus_description) self.button_plus = ipywidgets.Button( description=p_description, icon=p_icon, width='1cm', tooltip='Next item') self.index_text = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( value=index['index'], min=index['min'], max=index['max'], disabled=not text_editable) # Create final widget children = [self.title, self.button_minus, self.index_text, self.button_plus] super(IndexButtonsWidget, self).__init__( children, Int, index['index'], render_function=render_function, orientation='horizontal', align='start') # Assign properties self.min = index['min'] self.max = index['max'] self.step = index['step'] self.loop_enabled = loop_enabled self.text_editable = text_editable # Set functionality def value_plus(name): tmp_val = int(self.index_text.value) + self.step if tmp_val > self.max: if self.loop_enabled: self.index_text.value = str(self.min) else: self.index_text.value = str(self.max) else: self.index_text.value = str(tmp_val) self.button_plus.on_click(value_plus) def value_minus(name): tmp_val = int(self.index_text.value) - self.step if tmp_val < self.min: if self.loop_enabled: self.index_text.value = str(self.max) else: self.index_text.value = str(self.min) else: self.index_text.value = str(tmp_val) self.button_minus.on_click(value_minus) def save_index(change): self.selected_values = int(change['new']) self.index_text.observe(save_index, names='value', type='change')
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', minus_style='', plus_style='', text_colour=None, text_background_colour=None): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' minus_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Style options :: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', 'primary', '', None plus_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Style options :: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', 'primary', '', None text_colour : `str`, optional The text colour of the index text. text_background_colour : `str`, optional The background colour of the index text. """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self.title, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.button_minus, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.button_plus, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.index_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) self.button_minus.button_style = minus_style self.button_plus.button_style = plus_style format_text_box(self.index_text, text_colour, text_background_colour)
[docs] def set_widget_state(self, index, loop_enabled, text_editable, allow_callback=True): r""" Method that updates the state of the widget, if the provided `index` value is different than `self.selected_values`. Parameters ---------- index : `dict` The `dict` with the selected options: * ``min`` : (`int`) The minimum value (e.g. ``0``). * ``max`` : (`int`) The maximum value (e.g. ``100``). * ``step`` : (`int`) The index step (e.g. ``1``). * ``index`` : (`int`) The index value (e.g. ``10``). loop_enabled : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then if by pressing the buttons we reach the minimum (maximum) index values, then the counting will continue from the end (beginning). If ``False``, the counting will stop at the minimum (maximum) value. text_editable : `bool`, optional Flag that determines whether the index text will be editable. allow_callback : `bool`, optional If ``True``, it allows triggering of any callback functions. """ # Update loop_enabled and text_editable self.loop_enabled = loop_enabled self.text_editable = text_editable self.index_text.disabled = not text_editable # Check if update is required if (index['index'] != self.selected_values or index['min'] != self.min or index['max'] != self.max or index['step'] != self.step): # Keep old value old_value = self.selected_values # temporarily remove render callback render_function = self._render_function self.remove_render_function() # set value to index text self.min = index['min'] self.max = index['max'] self.step = index['step'] self.index_text.min = index['min'] self.index_text.max = index['max'] self.index_text.value = str(index['index']) # re-assign render callback self.add_render_function(render_function) # trigger render function if allowed if allow_callback: self.call_render_function(old_value, index['index'])
[docs]class ColourSelectionWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for colour selection of a single or multiple objects. * The selected values are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait`. * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` method. * To update the state of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`set_widget_state` method. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. Parameters ---------- colours_list : `list` of `str` or [`float`, `float`, `float`] A `list` of colours. If a colour is defined as an `str`, then it must either be a hex code or a colour name, such as :: 'blue', 'green', 'red', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'black', 'white', 'pink', 'orange' If a colour has the form [`float`, `float`, `float`], then it defines an RGB value and must have length 3. render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when a widgets' value changes. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. description : `str`, optional The description of the widget. labels : `list` of `str` or ``None``, optional A `list` with the labels' names. If ``None``, then a `list` of the form ``label {}`` is automatically defined. """ def __init__(self, colours_list, render_function=None, description='Colour', labels=None): # Check if multiple mode should be enabled if isinstance(colours_list, str) or isinstance(colours_list, unicode): colours_list = [colours_list] n_labels = len(colours_list) multiple = n_labels > 1 # Decode the colour of the first label default_colour = decode_colour(colours_list[0]) # Create children labels_dict = OrderedDict() if labels is None: labels = [] for k in range(n_labels): labels_dict["label {}".format(k)] = k labels.append("label {}".format(k)) else: for k, l in enumerate(labels): labels_dict[l] = k self.label_dropdown = ipywidgets.Dropdown(description=description, options=labels_dict, value=0) self.apply_to_all_button = ipywidgets.Button( description=' Apply to all', icon='fa-paint-brush') self.labels_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.label_dropdown, self.apply_to_all_button], visible=multiple, align='end') colour_description = '' if not multiple: colour_description = description self.colour_widget = ipywidgets.ColorPicker( value=default_colour, description=colour_description, width='3cm', tooltip='Select colour') # Create final widget children = [self.labels_box, self.colour_widget] super(ColourSelectionWidget, self).__init__( children, List, colours_list, render_function=render_function, orientation='horizontal', align='start') # Assign properties self.labels = labels self.n_colours = n_labels self.description = description # Set functionality def apply_to_all_function(name): tmp = str(self.colour_widget.value) self.selected_values = [tmp] * len(self.selected_values) self.label_dropdown.value = 0 self.apply_to_all_button.on_click(apply_to_all_function) def update_colour_wrt_label(change): value = change['new'] self.colour_widget.value = decode_colour( self.selected_values[value]) self.label_dropdown.observe(update_colour_wrt_label, names='value', type='change') def save_colour(change): idx = self.label_dropdown.value tmp = [v for v in self.selected_values] tmp[idx] = str(self.colour_widget.value) self.selected_values = tmp self.colour_widget.observe(save_colour, names='value', type='change')
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', label_colour=None, label_background_colour=None, picker_colour=None, picker_background_colour=None, apply_to_all_style=''): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' label_colour : `str`, optional The text colour of the labels dropdown selection. label_background_colour : `str`, optional The background colour of the labels dropdown selection. picker_colour : `str`, optional The text colour of the colour picker. picker_background_colour : `str`, optional The background colour of the colour picker. apply_to_all_style : `str`, Style options :: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', 'primary', '', None """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.label_dropdown, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.apply_to_all_button, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.colour_widget, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_text_box(self.label_dropdown, label_colour, label_background_colour) format_text_box(self.colour_widget, picker_colour, picker_background_colour) self.apply_to_all_button.button_style = apply_to_all_style
[docs] def set_widget_state(self, colours_list, labels=None, allow_callback=True): r""" Method that updates the state of the widget, if the provided `colours_list` and `labels` values are different than `self.selected_values` and `self.labels` respectively. Parameters ---------- colours_list : `list` of `str` or [`float`, `float`, `float`] A `list` of colours. If a colour is defined as an `str`, then it must either be a hex code or a colour name, such as :: 'blue', 'green', 'red', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'black', 'white', 'pink', 'orange' If a colour has the form [`float`, `float`, `float`], then it defines an RGB value and must have length 3. labels : `list` of `str` or ``None``, optional A `list` with the labels' names. If ``None``, then a `list` of the form ``label {}`` is automatically defined. allow_callback : `bool`, optional If ``True``, it allows triggering of any callback functions. """ if isinstance(colours_list, str) or isinstance(colours_list, unicode): colours_list = [colours_list] if labels is None: labels = ["label {}".format(k) for k in range(len(colours_list))] self.n_colours = len(colours_list) sel_colours = self.selected_values sel_labels = self.labels if (lists_are_the_same(sel_colours, colours_list) and not lists_are_the_same(sel_labels, labels)): # the provided colours are the same, but the labels changed, so # update the labels self.labels = labels labels_dict = OrderedDict() for k, l in enumerate(labels): labels_dict[l] = k self.label_dropdown.options = labels_dict if len(labels) > 1: if self.label_dropdown.value > 0: self.label_dropdown.value = 0 else: self.label_dropdown.value = 1 self.label_dropdown.value = 0 elif (not lists_are_the_same(sel_colours, colours_list) and lists_are_the_same(sel_labels, labels)): # the provided labels are the same, but the colours are different # keep old value old_value = self.selected_values # temporarily remove render_function from r, g, b traits render_function = self._render_function self.remove_render_function() # assign colour self.selected_values = colours_list k = self.label_dropdown.value self.colour_widget.value = decode_colour(colours_list[k]) # re-assign render_function self.add_render_function(render_function) # trigger render function if allowed if allow_callback: self.call_render_function(old_value, self.selected_values) elif (not lists_are_the_same(sel_colours, colours_list) and not lists_are_the_same(sel_labels, labels)): # keep old value old_value = self.selected_values # temporarily remove render_function from r, g, b traits render_function = self._render_function self.remove_render_function() # both the colours and the labels are different self.labels_box.visible = len(labels) > 1 if len(labels) > 1: self.colour_widget.description = '' else: self.colour_widget.description = self.description self.selected_values = colours_list self.labels = labels labels_dict = OrderedDict() for k, l in enumerate(labels): labels_dict[l] = k self.label_dropdown.options = labels_dict if len(labels) > 1: if self.label_dropdown.value > 0: self.label_dropdown.value = 0 else: self.label_dropdown.value = 1 self.label_dropdown.value = 0 else: self.label_dropdown.value = 0 # update colour widgets self.colour_widget.value = decode_colour(colours_list[0]) # re-assign render_function self.add_render_function(render_function) # trigger render function if allowed if allow_callback: self.call_render_function(old_value, self.selected_values)
[docs] def set_colours(self, colours_list, allow_callback=True): r""" Method that updates the colour values of the widget. Parameters ---------- colours_list : `list` of `str` or [`float`, `float`, `float`] A `list` of colours. If a colour is defined as an `str`, then it must either be a hex code or a colour name, such as :: 'blue', 'green', 'red', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'black', 'white', 'pink', 'orange' If a colour has the form [`float`, `float`, `float`], then it defines an RGB value and must have length 3. allow_callback : `bool`, optional If ``True``, it allows triggering of any callback functions. Raises ------ ValueError You must provide a colour per label. """ # Check provided colours if isinstance(colours_list, str) or isinstance(colours_list, unicode): colours_list = [colours_list] if len(colours_list) != self.n_colours: raise ValueError("You must provide a colour per label.") # Keep old value old_value = self.selected_values # Remove render function render_fun = self._render_function self.remove_render_function() # Keep previously selected label previous_value = self.label_dropdown.value for k, c in enumerate(colours_list): self.label_dropdown.value = k self.colour_widget.value = c # Select previous label self.label_dropdown.value = previous_value # Add render function self.add_render_function(render_fun) # Callback if allow_callback: self.call_render_function(old_value, self.selected_values)
[docs]class ZoomOneScaleWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for selecting zoom options with a single scale. * The selected values are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait`. * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` method. * To update the state of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`set_widget_state` method. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. Parameters ---------- zoom_options : `dict` The `dict` with the default options. It must have the following keys: * ``min`` : (`float`) The minimum value (e.g. ``0.1``). * ``max`` : (`float`) The maximum value (e.g. ``4.``). * ``step`` : (`float`) The zoom step (e.g. ``0.05``). * ``zoom`` : (`float`) The zoom value (e.g. ``1.``). render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when the index value changes. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. description : `str`, optional The title of the widget. minus_description : `str`, optional The text/icon of the button that zooms_out. If the `str` starts with `'fa-'`, then a font-awesome icon is defined. plus_description : `str`, optional The title of the button that zooms in. If the `str` starts with `'fa-'`, then a font-awesome icon is defined. continuous_update : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then the render and update functions are called while moving the zoom slider's handle. If ``False``, then the the functions are called only when the handle (mouse click) is released. """ def __init__(self, zoom_options, render_function=None, description='Figure scale: ', minus_description='fa-search-minus', plus_description='fa-search-plus', continuous_update=False): # Create children self.title = ipywidgets.Latex(value=description, padding=6, margin=6) m_icon, m_description = parse_font_awesome_icon(minus_description) self.button_minus = ipywidgets.Button( description=m_description, icon=m_icon, width='1cm', tooltip='Zoom Out') p_icon, p_description = parse_font_awesome_icon(plus_description) self.button_plus = ipywidgets.Button( description=p_description, icon=p_icon, width='1cm', tooltip='Zoom In') self.zoom_slider = ipywidgets.FloatSlider( value=zoom_options['zoom'], min=zoom_options['min'], max=zoom_options['max'], step=zoom_options['step'], readout=False, width='6cm', continuous_update=continuous_update) self.zoom_text = ipywidgets.BoundedFloatText( value=zoom_options['zoom'], min=zoom_options['min'], max=zoom_options['max'], width='1.5cm') # Create final widget children = [self.title, self.button_minus, self.zoom_slider, self.button_plus, self.zoom_text] super(ZoomOneScaleWidget, self).__init__( children, Float, zoom_options['zoom'], render_function=render_function, orientation='horizontal', align='start') # Link the zoom text and slider link((self.zoom_slider, 'value'), (self.zoom_text, 'value')) # Set functionality def value_plus(name): tmp_val = float(self.zoom_text.value) + self.zoom_slider.step if tmp_val > self.zoom_slider.max: self.zoom_text.value = "{:.2f}".format(self.zoom_slider.max) else: self.zoom_text.value = "{:.2f}".format(tmp_val) self.button_plus.on_click(value_plus) def value_minus(name): tmp_val = float(self.zoom_text.value) - self.zoom_slider.step if tmp_val < self.zoom_slider.min: self.zoom_text.value = "{:.2f}".format(self.zoom_slider.min) else: self.zoom_text.value = "{:.2f}".format(tmp_val) self.button_minus.on_click(value_minus) def save_zoom_slider(change): self.selected_values = change['new'] self.zoom_slider.observe(save_zoom_slider, names='value', type='change')
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', slider_width='6cm'): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' slider_width : `float`, optional The width of the slider """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self.title, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.button_minus, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.button_plus, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.zoom_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) if box_style not in ['', None]: self.button_minus.button_style = 'primary' self.button_plus.button_style = 'primary' else: self.button_minus.button_style = None self.button_plus.button_style = None format_slider(self.zoom_slider, slider_width=slider_width, slider_handle_colour=map_styles_to_hex_colours(box_style), slider_bar_colour=map_styles_to_hex_colours(box_style), slider_text_visible=False)
[docs] def set_widget_state(self, zoom_options, allow_callback=True): r""" Method that updates the state of the widget, if the provided `zoom_options` value is different than `self.selected_values`. Parameters ---------- zoom_options : `dict` The `dict` with the selected options. It must have the following keys: * ``min`` : (`float`) The minimum value (e.g. ``0.1``). * ``max`` : (`float`) The maximum value (e.g. ``4.``). * ``step`` : (`float`) The zoom step (e.g. ``0.05``). * ``zoom`` : (`float`) The zoom value (e.g. ``1.``). allow_callback : `bool`, optional If ``True``, it allows triggering of any callback functions. """ # Check if update is required if (zoom_options['zoom'] != self.selected_values or zoom_options['min'] != self.zoom_slider.min or zoom_options['max'] != self.zoom_slider.max or zoom_options['step'] != self.zoom_slider.step): # keep old value old_value = self.selected_values # temporarily remove render callback render_function = self._render_function self.remove_render_function() # update widgets self.zoom_text.min = zoom_options['min'] self.zoom_slider.min = zoom_options['min'] self.zoom_text.max = zoom_options['max'] self.zoom_slider.max = zoom_options['max'] self.zoom_slider.step = zoom_options['step'] self.zoom_text.value = "{:.2f}".format(zoom_options['zoom']) # re-assign render callback self.add_render_function(render_function) # trigger render function if allowed if allow_callback: self.call_render_function(old_value, self.selected_values)
[docs]class ZoomTwoScalesWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for selecting zoom options with a single scale. * The selected values are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait`. * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` method. * To update the state of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`set_widget_state` method. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. Parameters ---------- zoom_options : `dict` The `dict` with the default options. It must have the following keys: * ``min`` : (`float`) The minimum value (e.g. ``0.1``). * ``max`` : (`float`) The maximum value (e.g. ``4.``). * ``step`` : (`float`) The zoom step (e.g. ``0.05``). * ``zoom`` : (`float`) The zoom value (e.g. ``1.``). * ``lock_aspect_ratio`` : (`bool`) Flag that locks the aspect ratio. render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when the index value changes. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. description : `str`, optional The title of the widget. minus_description : `str`, optional The text/icon of the button that zooms_out. If the `str` starts with `'fa-'`, then a font-awesome icon is defined. plus_description : `str`, optional The title of the button that zooms in. If the `str` starts with `'fa-'`, then a font-awesome icon is defined. continuous_update : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then the render and update functions are called while moving the zoom slider's handle. If ``False``, then the the functions are called only when the handle (mouse click) is released. """ def __init__(self, zoom_options, render_function=None, description='Figure scale: ', minus_description='fa-search-minus', plus_description='fa-search-plus', continuous_update=False): # Create children self.title = ipywidgets.Latex(value=description, padding=6, margin=6) self.x_title = ipywidgets.Latex(value='X', padding=6, margin=6) self.y_title = ipywidgets.Latex(value='Y', padding=6, margin=6) m_icon, m_description = parse_font_awesome_icon(minus_description) self.x_button_minus = ipywidgets.Button( description=m_description, icon=m_icon, width='1cm', tooltip='Zoom Out') self.y_button_minus = ipywidgets.Button( description=m_description, icon=m_icon, width='1cm', tooltip='Zoom Out') p_icon, p_description = parse_font_awesome_icon(plus_description) self.x_button_plus = ipywidgets.Button( description=p_description, icon=p_icon, width='1cm', tooltip='Zoom In') self.y_button_plus = ipywidgets.Button( description=p_description, icon=p_icon, width='1cm', tooltip='Zoom In') self.x_zoom_slider = ipywidgets.FloatSlider( value=zoom_options['zoom'][0], min=zoom_options['min'], max=zoom_options['max'], readout=False, width='6cm', continuous_update=continuous_update) self.y_zoom_slider = ipywidgets.FloatSlider( value=zoom_options['zoom'][1], min=zoom_options['min'], max=zoom_options['max'], readout=False, width='6cm', continuous_update=continuous_update) self.x_zoom_text = ipywidgets.BoundedFloatText( value=zoom_options['zoom'][0], min=zoom_options['min'], max=zoom_options['max'], width='1.5cm') self.y_zoom_text = ipywidgets.BoundedFloatText( value=zoom_options['zoom'][1], min=zoom_options['min'], max=zoom_options['max'], width='1.5cm') self.x_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.x_title, self.x_button_minus, self.x_zoom_slider, self.x_button_plus, self.x_zoom_text], margin='0.05cm') self.y_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.y_title, self.y_button_minus, self.y_zoom_slider, self.y_button_plus, self.y_zoom_text], margin='0.05cm') self.x_y_box = ipywidgets.VBox(children=[self.x_box, self.y_box]) self.lock_link = ipywidgets.jslink((self.x_zoom_slider, 'value'), (self.y_zoom_slider, 'value')) lock_icon = 'fa-link' if not zoom_options['lock_aspect_ratio']: lock_icon = 'fa-unlink' self.lock_link.unlink() self.lock_aspect_button = ipywidgets.ToggleButton( value=zoom_options['lock_aspect_ratio'], description='', icon=lock_icon, tooltip='Keep aspect ratio') self.options_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.lock_aspect_button, self.x_y_box], align='center') # Create final widget children = [self.title, self.options_box] super(ZoomTwoScalesWidget, self).__init__( children, List, zoom_options['zoom'], render_function=render_function, orientation='horizontal', align='center') # Link the zoom texts and sliders link((self.x_zoom_slider, 'value'), (self.x_zoom_text, 'value')) link((self.y_zoom_slider, 'value'), (self.y_zoom_text, 'value')) # Assign properties self.lock_aspect_ratio = zoom_options['lock_aspect_ratio'] # Set functionality def x_value_plus(name): tmp_val = float(self.x_zoom_text.value) + self.x_zoom_slider.step if tmp_val > self.x_zoom_slider.max: self.x_zoom_text.value = "{:.2f}".format( self.x_zoom_slider.max) else: self.x_zoom_text.value = "{:.2f}".format(tmp_val) self.x_button_plus.on_click(x_value_plus) def x_value_minus(name): tmp_val = float(self.x_zoom_text.value) - self.x_zoom_slider.step if tmp_val < self.x_zoom_slider.min: self.x_zoom_text.value = "{:.2f}".format( self.x_zoom_slider.min) else: self.x_zoom_text.value = "{:.2f}".format(tmp_val) self.x_button_minus.on_click(x_value_minus) def y_value_plus(name): tmp_val = float(self.y_zoom_text.value) + self.y_zoom_slider.step if tmp_val > self.y_zoom_slider.max: self.y_zoom_text.value = "{:.2f}".format( self.y_zoom_slider.max) else: self.y_zoom_text.value = "{:.2f}".format(tmp_val) self.y_button_plus.on_click(y_value_plus) def y_value_minus(name): tmp_val = float(self.y_zoom_text.value) - self.y_zoom_slider.step if tmp_val < self.y_zoom_slider.min: self.y_zoom_text.value = "{:.2f}".format( self.y_zoom_slider.min) else: self.y_zoom_text.value = "{:.2f}".format(tmp_val) self.y_button_minus.on_click(y_value_minus) def save_zoom(change): value = change['new'] if self.lock_aspect_ratio: self.selected_values = [value, value] else: self.selected_values = [self.x_zoom_slider.value, self.y_zoom_slider.value] self.x_zoom_slider.observe(save_zoom, names='value', type='change') self.y_zoom_slider.observe(save_zoom, names='value', type='change') def link_button(change): self.lock_aspect_ratio = change['new'] if change['new']: self.lock_aspect_button.icon = 'fa-link' self.lock_link = link((self.x_zoom_slider, 'value'), (self.y_zoom_slider, 'value')) self.selected_values = [self.x_zoom_slider.value, self.x_zoom_slider.value] else: self.lock_aspect_button.icon = 'fa-unlink' self.lock_link.unlink() self.lock_aspect_button.observe(link_button, names='value', type='change')
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', slider_width='6cm'): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' slider_width : `float`, optional The width of the slider """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self.title, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.x_title, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.y_title, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.x_button_minus, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.x_button_plus, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.x_zoom_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.y_button_minus, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.y_button_plus, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.y_zoom_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) if box_style not in ['', None]: self.x_button_minus.button_style = 'primary' self.x_button_plus.button_style = 'primary' self.y_button_minus.button_style = 'primary' self.y_button_plus.button_style = 'primary' self.lock_aspect_button.button_style = 'warning' else: self.x_button_minus.button_style = None self.x_button_plus.button_style = None self.y_button_minus.button_style = None self.y_button_plus.button_style = None self.lock_aspect_button.button_style = None format_slider(self.x_zoom_slider, slider_width=slider_width, slider_handle_colour=map_styles_to_hex_colours(box_style), slider_bar_colour=map_styles_to_hex_colours(box_style), slider_text_visible=False) format_slider(self.y_zoom_slider, slider_width=slider_width, slider_handle_colour=map_styles_to_hex_colours(box_style), slider_bar_colour=map_styles_to_hex_colours(box_style), slider_text_visible=False)
[docs] def set_widget_state(self, zoom_options, allow_callback=True): r""" Method that updates the state of the widget, if the provided `zoom_options` value is different than `self.selected_values`. Parameters ---------- zoom_options : `dict` The `dict` with the selected options. It must have the following keys: * ``min`` : (`float`) The minimum value (e.g. ``0.1``). * ``max`` : (`float`) The maximum value (e.g. ``4.``). * ``step`` : (`float`) The zoom step (e.g. ``0.05``). * ``zoom`` : (`float`) The zoom value (e.g. ``1.``). * ``lock_aspect_ratio`` : (`bool`) Flag that locks the aspect ratio. allow_callback : `bool`, optional If ``True``, it allows triggering of any callback functions. """ # Check if update is required if (not lists_are_the_same(zoom_options['zoom'], self.selected_values) or zoom_options['min'] != self.x_zoom_slider.min or zoom_options['max'] != self.x_zoom_slider.max or zoom_options['step'] != self.x_zoom_slider.step): # keep old value old_value = self.selected_values # temporarily remove render and update functions render_function = self._render_function self.remove_render_function() # update widgets self.x_zoom_text.min = zoom_options['min'] self.x_zoom_slider.min = zoom_options['min'] self.y_zoom_text.min = zoom_options['min'] self.y_zoom_slider.min = zoom_options['min'] self.x_zoom_text.max = zoom_options['max'] self.x_zoom_slider.max = zoom_options['max'] self.y_zoom_text.max = zoom_options['max'] self.y_zoom_slider.max = zoom_options['max'] self.x_zoom_slider.step = zoom_options['step'] self.y_zoom_slider.step = zoom_options['step'] self.x_zoom_text.value = "{:.2f}".format(zoom_options['zoom'][0]) self.y_zoom_text.value = "{:.2f}".format(zoom_options['zoom'][1]) # re-assign render callback self.add_render_function(render_function) # trigger render function if allowed if allow_callback: self.call_render_function(old_value, self.selected_values)
[docs]class ImageOptionsWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for selecting image rendering options. * The selected values are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait`. * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` method. * To update the state of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`set_widget_state` method. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. Parameters ---------- image_options : `dict` The initial image options. It must be a `dict` with the following keys: * ``alpha`` : (`float`) The alpha value (e.g. ``1.``). * ``interpolation`` : (`str`) The interpolation (e.g. ``'bilinear'``). * ``cmap_name`` : (`str`) The colourmap (e.g. ``'gray'``). render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when a widgets' value changes. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. """ def __init__(self, image_options, render_function=None): # Create children self.interpolation_checkbox = ipywidgets.Checkbox( description='Pixelated', value=image_options['interpolation'] == 'none') self.alpha_slider = ipywidgets.FloatSlider( description='Alpha', value=image_options['alpha'], min=0.0, max=1.0, step=0.05, width='4cm', continuous_update=False) cmap_dict = OrderedDict() cmap_dict['None'] = None cmap_dict['afmhot'] = 'afmhot' cmap_dict['autumn'] = 'autumn' cmap_dict['binary'] = 'binary' cmap_dict['bone'] = 'bone' cmap_dict['brg'] = 'brg' cmap_dict['bwr'] = 'bwr' cmap_dict['cool'] = 'cool' cmap_dict['coolwarm'] = 'coolwarm' cmap_dict['copper'] = 'copper' cmap_dict['cubehelix']= 'cubehelix' cmap_dict['flag'] = 'flag' cmap_dict['gist_earth'] = 'gist_earth' cmap_dict['gist_heat'] = 'gist_heat' cmap_dict['gist_gray'] = 'gist_gray' cmap_dict['gist_ncar'] = 'gist_ncar' cmap_dict['gist_rainbow'] = 'gist_rainbow' cmap_dict['gist_stern'] = 'gist_stern' cmap_dict['gist_yarg'] = 'gist_yarg' cmap_dict['gnuplot'] = 'gnuplot' cmap_dict['gnuplot2'] = 'gnuplot2' cmap_dict['gray'] = 'gray' cmap_dict['hot'] = 'hot' cmap_dict['hsv'] = 'hsv' cmap_dict['inferno'] = 'inferno' cmap_dict['jet'] = 'jet' cmap_dict['magma'] = 'magma' cmap_dict['nipy_spectral'] = 'nipy_spectral' cmap_dict['ocean'] = 'ocean' cmap_dict['pink'] = 'pink' cmap_dict['plasma'] = 'plasma' cmap_dict['prism'] = 'prism' cmap_dict['rainbow'] = 'rainbow' cmap_dict['seismic'] = 'seismic' cmap_dict['spectral'] = 'spectral' cmap_dict['spring'] = 'spring' cmap_dict['summer'] = 'summer' cmap_dict['terrain'] = 'terrain' cmap_dict['viridis'] = 'viridis' cmap_dict['winter'] = 'winter' cmap_dict['Blues'] = 'Blues' cmap_dict['BuGn'] = 'BuGn' cmap_dict['BuPu'] = 'BuPu' cmap_dict['GnBu'] = 'GnBu' cmap_dict['Greens'] = 'Greens' cmap_dict['Greys'] = 'Greys' cmap_dict['Oranges'] = 'Oranges' cmap_dict['OrRd'] = 'OrRd' cmap_dict['PuBu'] = 'PuBu' cmap_dict['PuBuGn'] = 'PuBuGn' cmap_dict['PuRd'] = 'PuRd' cmap_dict['Purples'] = 'Purples' cmap_dict['RdPu'] = 'RdPu' cmap_dict['Reds'] = 'Reds' cmap_dict['YlGn'] = 'YlGn' cmap_dict['YlGnBu'] = 'YlGnBu' cmap_dict['YlOrBr'] = 'YlOrBr' cmap_dict['YlOrRd'] = 'YlOrRd' self.cmap_select = ipywidgets.Select( options=cmap_dict, value='gray', description='Colourmap', width='3cm', height='2cm') self.alpha_interpolation_box = ipywidgets.VBox(children=[ self.alpha_slider, self.interpolation_checkbox]) # Create final widget children = [self.cmap_select, self.alpha_interpolation_box] super(ImageOptionsWidget, self).__init__( children, Dict, image_options, render_function=render_function, orientation='horizontal', align='start') # Set functionality def save_interpolation(change): if change['new']: interpolation = 'none' else: interpolation = 'bilinear' tmp = self.selected_values self.selected_values = {'interpolation': interpolation, 'alpha': tmp['alpha'], 'cmap_name': tmp['cmap_name']} self.interpolation_checkbox.observe(save_interpolation, names='value', type='change') def save_alpha(change): tmp = self.selected_values self.selected_values = {'interpolation': tmp['interpolation'], 'alpha': change['new'], 'cmap_name': tmp['cmap_name']} self.alpha_slider.observe(save_alpha, names='value', type='change') def save_cmap(change): tmp = self.selected_values self.selected_values = {'interpolation': tmp['interpolation'], 'alpha': tmp['alpha'], 'cmap_name': change['new']} self.cmap_select.observe(save_cmap, names='value', type='change')
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight=''): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.alpha_slider, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.interpolation_checkbox, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.cmap_select, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_slider(self.alpha_slider, slider_width='4cm', slider_handle_colour=map_styles_to_hex_colours(box_style), slider_bar_colour=map_styles_to_hex_colours(box_style), slider_text_visible=True)
[docs] def set_widget_state(self, image_options, allow_callback=True): r""" Method that updates the state of the widget if the provided `image_options` are different than `self.selected_values`. Parameters ---------- image_options : `dict` The selected image options. It must be a `dict` with the following keys: * ``alpha`` : (`float`) The alpha value (e.g. ``1.``). * ``interpolation`` : (`str`) The interpolation (e.g. ``'bilinear'``) * ``cmap_name`` : (`str`) The colourmap (e.g. ``'gray'``). allow_callback : `bool`, optional If ``True``, it allows triggering of any callback functions. """ if image_options != self.selected_values: # keep old value old_value = self.selected_values # temporarily remove render callback render_function = self._render_function self.remove_render_function() # update self.alpha_slider.value = image_options['alpha'] self.interpolation_checkbox.value = \ image_options['interpolation'] == 'none' self.cmap_select.value = image_options['cmap_name'] # re-assign render callback self.add_render_function(render_function) # trigger render function if allowed if allow_callback: self.call_render_function(old_value, self.selected_values)
[docs]class LineOptionsWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for selecting line rendering options. * The selected values are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait`. * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` method. * To update the state of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`set_widget_state` method. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. Parameters ---------- line_options : `dict` The initial line options. It must be a `dict` with the following keys: * ``render_lines`` : (`bool`) Flag for rendering the lines. * ``line_width`` : ('float`) The width of the lines (e.g. ``1.``) * ``line_colour`` : (`str`) The colour of the lines (e.g. ``'blue'``). * ``line_style`` : (`str`) The style of the lines (e.g. ``'-'``). render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when a widgets' value changes. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. render_checkbox_title : `str`, optional The description of the show line checkbox. labels : `list` of `str` or ``None``, optional A `list` with the labels' names that get passed in to the `ColourSelectionWidget`. If ``None``, then a `list` of the form ``label {}`` is automatically defined. Note that the labels are defined only for the colour option and not the rest of the options. """ def __init__(self, line_options, render_function=None, render_checkbox_title='Render lines', labels=None): # Create children self.render_lines_checkbox = ipywidgets.Checkbox( description=render_checkbox_title, value=line_options['render_lines']) self.line_width_text = ipywidgets.BoundedFloatText( description='Width', value=line_options['line_width'], min=0., max=10**6) line_style_dict = OrderedDict() line_style_dict['solid'] = '-' line_style_dict['dashed'] = '--' line_style_dict['dash-dot'] = '-.' line_style_dict['dotted'] = ':' self.line_style_dropdown = ipywidgets.Dropdown( options=line_style_dict, value=line_options['line_style'], description='Style') self.line_colour_widget = ColourSelectionWidget( line_options['line_colour'], description='Colour', labels=labels, render_function=None) self.line_options_box = ipywidgets.Box( children=[self.line_style_dropdown, self.line_width_text, self.line_colour_widget]) # Create final widget children = [self.render_lines_checkbox, self.line_options_box] super(LineOptionsWidget, self).__init__( children, Dict, line_options, render_function=render_function, orientation='horizontal', align='start') # Set functionality def line_options_visible(change): self.line_options_box.visible = change['new'] line_options_visible({'new': line_options['render_lines']}) self.render_lines_checkbox.observe(line_options_visible, names='value', type='change') def save_options(change): self.selected_values = { 'render_lines': self.render_lines_checkbox.value, 'line_width': float(self.line_width_text.value), 'line_colour': self.line_colour_widget.selected_values, 'line_style': self.line_style_dropdown.value} self.render_lines_checkbox.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.line_width_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.line_colour_widget.observe(save_options, names='selected_values', type='change') self.line_style_dropdown.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change')
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight=''): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.render_lines_checkbox, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.line_style_dropdown, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.line_width_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) box_style=None, border_visible=False, font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_weight=font_weight, font_style=font_style, label_colour=None, label_background_colour=None, picker_colour=None, picker_background_colour=None, apply_to_all_style='')
[docs] def set_widget_state(self, line_options, labels=None, allow_callback=True): r""" Method that updates the state of the widget if the provided `line_options` are different than `self.selected_values`. Parameters ---------- line_options : `dict` The selected line options. It must be a `dict` with the following keys: * ``render_lines`` : (`bool`) Flag for rendering the lines. * ``line_width`` : ('float`) The width of the lines (e.g. ``1.``) * ``line_colour`` : (`str`) The colour of the lines (e.g. ``'blue'``). * ``line_style`` : (`str`) The style of the lines (e.g. ``'-'``). labels : `list` of `str` or ``None``, optional A `list` with the labels' names that get passed in to the `ColourSelectionWidget`. If ``None``, then a `list` of the form ``label {}`` is automatically defined. allow_callback : `bool`, optional If ``True``, it allows triggering of any callback functions. """ if self.selected_values != line_options: # keep old value old_value = self.selected_values # temporarily remove render callback render_function = self._render_function self.remove_render_function() # update self.render_lines_checkbox.value = line_options['render_lines'] self.line_style_dropdown.value = line_options['line_style'] self.line_width_text.value = float(line_options['line_width']) self.line_colour_widget.set_widget_state( line_options['line_colour'], labels=labels, allow_callback=False) # re-assign render callback self.add_render_function(render_function) # trigger render function if allowed if allow_callback: self.call_render_function(old_value, self.selected_values)
[docs]class MarkerOptionsWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for selecting marker rendering options. * The selected values are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait`. * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` method. * To update the state of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`set_widget_state` method. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. Parameters ---------- marker_options : `dict` The initial marker options. It must be a `dict` with the following keys: * ``render_markers`` : (`bool`) Flag for rendering the markers. * ``marker_size`` : (`int`) The size of the markers (e.g. ``20``). * ``marker_face_colour`` : (`list`) The colours list. (e.g. ``['red', 'blue']``). * ``marker_edge_colour`` : (`list`) The edge colours list. (e.g. ``['black', 'white']``). * ``marker_style`` : (`str`) The size of the markers. (e.g. ``'o'``). * ``marker_edge_width`` : (`int`) The esdge width of the markers. (e.g. ``1``). render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when a widgets' value changes. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. render_checkbox_title : `str`, optional The description of the render marker checkbox. labels : `list` of `str` or ``None``, optional A `list` with the labels' names that get passed in to the `ColourSelectionWidget`. If ``None``, then a `list` of the form ``label {}`` is automatically defined. Note that the labels are defined only for the colour option and not the rest of the options. """ def __init__(self, marker_options, render_function=None, render_checkbox_title='Render markers', labels=None): # Create children self.render_markers_checkbox = ipywidgets.Checkbox( description=render_checkbox_title, value=marker_options['render_markers']) self.marker_size_text = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( description='Size', value=marker_options['marker_size'], min=0, max=10**6) self.marker_edge_width_text = ipywidgets.BoundedFloatText( description='Edge width', min=0., max=10**6, value=marker_options['marker_edge_width']) marker_style_dict = OrderedDict() marker_style_dict['point'] = '.' marker_style_dict['pixel'] = ',' marker_style_dict['circle'] = 'o' marker_style_dict['triangle down'] = 'v' marker_style_dict['triangle up'] = '^' marker_style_dict['triangle left'] = '<' marker_style_dict['triangle right'] = '>' marker_style_dict['tri down'] = '1' marker_style_dict['tri up'] = '2' marker_style_dict['tri left'] = '3' marker_style_dict['tri right'] = '4' marker_style_dict['octagon'] = '8' marker_style_dict['square'] = 's' marker_style_dict['pentagon'] = 'p' marker_style_dict['star'] = '*' marker_style_dict['hexagon 1'] = 'h' marker_style_dict['hexagon 2'] = 'H' marker_style_dict['plus'] = '+' marker_style_dict['x'] = 'x' marker_style_dict['diamond'] = 'D' marker_style_dict['thin diamond'] = 'd' self.marker_style_dropdown = ipywidgets.Dropdown( options=marker_style_dict, value=marker_options['marker_style'], description='Style') self.marker_box_1 = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.marker_style_dropdown, self.marker_size_text, self.marker_edge_width_text], margin='0.1cm') self.marker_face_colour_widget = ColourSelectionWidget( marker_options['marker_face_colour'], description='Face colour', labels=labels, render_function=None) self.marker_edge_colour_widget = ColourSelectionWidget( marker_options['marker_edge_colour'], description='Edge colour', labels=labels, render_function=None) self.marker_box_2 = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.marker_face_colour_widget, self.marker_edge_colour_widget], margin='0.1cm', align='end') self.marker_options_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.marker_box_1, self.marker_box_2]) # Create final widget children = [self.render_markers_checkbox, self.marker_options_box] super(MarkerOptionsWidget, self).__init__( children, Dict, marker_options, render_function=render_function, orientation='horizontal', align='start') # Set functionality def marker_options_visible(change): self.marker_options_box.visible = change['new'] marker_options_visible({'new': marker_options['render_markers']}) self.render_markers_checkbox.observe(marker_options_visible, names='value', type='change') def save_options(change): self.selected_values = { 'render_markers': self.render_markers_checkbox.value, 'marker_size': int(self.marker_size_text.value), 'marker_face_colour': self.marker_face_colour_widget.selected_values, 'marker_edge_colour': self.marker_edge_colour_widget.selected_values, 'marker_style': self.marker_style_dropdown.value, 'marker_edge_width': float(self.marker_edge_width_text.value)} self.render_markers_checkbox.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.marker_size_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.marker_face_colour_widget.observe( save_options, names='selected_values', type='change') self.marker_edge_colour_widget.observe( save_options, names='selected_values', type='change') self.marker_style_dropdown.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.marker_edge_width_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change')
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight=''): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.render_markers_checkbox, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.marker_style_dropdown, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.marker_size_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.marker_edge_width_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) box_style=None, border_visible=False, font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_weight=font_weight, font_style=font_style, label_colour=None, label_background_colour=None, picker_colour=None, picker_background_colour=None, apply_to_all_style='') box_style=None, border_visible=False, font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_weight=font_weight, font_style=font_style, label_colour=None, label_background_colour=None, picker_colour=None, picker_background_colour=None, apply_to_all_style='')
[docs] def set_widget_state(self, marker_options, labels=None, allow_callback=True): r""" Method that updates the state of the widget if the provided `marker_options` are different than `self.selected_values`. Parameters ---------- marker_options : `dict` The seected marker options. It must be a `dict` with the following keys: * ``render_markers`` : (`bool`) Flag for rendering the markers. * ``marker_size`` : (`int`) The size of the markers (e.g. ``20``). * ``marker_face_colour`` : (`list`) The colours list. (e.g. ``['red', 'blue']``). * ``marker_edge_colour`` : (`list`) The edge colours list. (e.g. ``['black', 'white']``). * ``marker_style`` : (`str`) The size of the markers. (e.g. ``'o'``). * ``marker_edge_width`` : (`int`) The esdge width of the markers. (e.g. ``1``). labels : `list` of `str` or ``None``, optional A `list` with the labels' names that get passed in to the `ColourSelectionWidget`. If ``None``, then a `list` of the form ``label {}`` is automatically defined. allow_callback : `bool`, optional If ``True``, it allows triggering of any callback functions. """ if self.selected_values != marker_options: # keep old value old_value = self.selected_values # temporarily remove render callback render_function = self._render_function self.remove_render_function() # update self.render_markers_checkbox.value = marker_options['render_markers'] self.marker_style_dropdown.value = marker_options['marker_style'] self.marker_size_text.value = int(marker_options['marker_size']) self.marker_edge_width_text.value = \ float(marker_options['marker_edge_width']) self.marker_face_colour_widget.set_widget_state( marker_options['marker_face_colour'], labels=labels, allow_callback=False) self.marker_edge_colour_widget.set_widget_state( marker_options['marker_edge_colour'], labels=labels, allow_callback=False) # re-assign render callback self.add_render_function(render_function) # trigger render function if allowed if allow_callback: self.call_render_function(old_value, self.selected_values)
[docs]class NumberingOptionsWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for selecting numbering rendering options. * The selected values are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait`. * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` method. * To update the state of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`set_widget_state` method. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. Parameters ---------- numbers_options : `dict` The initial numbering options. It must be a `dict` with the following keys: * ``render_numbering`` : (`bool`) Flag for rendering the numbers. * ``numbers_font_name`` : (`str`) The font name (e.g. ``'serif'``). * ``numbers_font_size`` : (`int`) The font size (e.g. ``10``). * ``numbers_font_style`` : (`str`) The font style (e.g. ``'normal'``). * ``numbers_font_weight`` : (`str`) The font weight (e.g. ``'normal'``). * ``numbers_font_colour`` : (`list`) The font colour (e.g. ``['black']``) * ``numbers_horizontal_align`` : (`str`) The horizontal alignment (e.g. ``'center'``). * ``numbers_vertical_align`` : (`str`) The vertical alignment (e.g. ``'bottom'``). render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when a widgets' value changes. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. render_checkbox_title : `str`, optional The description of the render numbering checkbox. """ def __init__(self, numbers_options, render_function=None, render_checkbox_title='Render numbering'): # Create children self.render_numbering_checkbox = ipywidgets.Checkbox( description=render_checkbox_title, value=numbers_options['render_numbering']) numbers_font_name_dict = OrderedDict() numbers_font_name_dict['serif'] = 'serif' numbers_font_name_dict['sans-serif'] = 'sans-serif' numbers_font_name_dict['cursive'] = 'cursive' numbers_font_name_dict['fantasy'] = 'fantasy' numbers_font_name_dict['monospace'] = 'monospace' self.numbers_font_name_dropdown = ipywidgets.Dropdown( options=numbers_font_name_dict, value=numbers_options['numbers_font_name'], description='Font') self.numbers_font_size_text = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( description='Size', min=0, max=10**6, value=numbers_options['numbers_font_size']) numbers_font_style_dict = OrderedDict() numbers_font_style_dict['normal'] = 'normal' numbers_font_style_dict['italic'] = 'italic' numbers_font_style_dict['oblique'] = 'oblique' self.numbers_font_style_dropdown = ipywidgets.Dropdown( options=numbers_font_style_dict, value=numbers_options['numbers_font_style'], description='Style') numbers_font_weight_dict = OrderedDict() numbers_font_weight_dict['normal'] = 'normal' numbers_font_weight_dict['ultralight'] = 'ultralight' numbers_font_weight_dict['light'] = 'light' numbers_font_weight_dict['regular'] = 'regular' numbers_font_weight_dict['book'] = 'book' numbers_font_weight_dict['medium'] = 'medium' numbers_font_weight_dict['roman'] = 'roman' numbers_font_weight_dict['semibold'] = 'semibold' numbers_font_weight_dict['demibold'] = 'demibold' numbers_font_weight_dict['demi'] = 'demi' numbers_font_weight_dict['bold'] = 'bold' numbers_font_weight_dict['heavy'] = 'heavy' numbers_font_weight_dict['extra bold'] = 'extra bold' numbers_font_weight_dict['black'] = 'black' self.numbers_font_weight_dropdown = ipywidgets.Dropdown( options=numbers_font_weight_dict, value=numbers_options['numbers_font_weight'], description='Weight') self.numbers_font_colour_widget = ColourSelectionWidget( numbers_options['numbers_font_colour'], description='Colour', render_function=None) numbers_horizontal_align_dict = OrderedDict() numbers_horizontal_align_dict['center'] = 'center' numbers_horizontal_align_dict['right'] = 'right' numbers_horizontal_align_dict['left'] = 'left' self.numbers_horizontal_align_dropdown = ipywidgets.Dropdown( options=numbers_horizontal_align_dict, value=numbers_options['numbers_horizontal_align'], description='Align hor.') numbers_vertical_align_dict = OrderedDict() numbers_vertical_align_dict['center'] = 'center' numbers_vertical_align_dict['top'] = 'top' numbers_vertical_align_dict['bottom'] = 'bottom' numbers_vertical_align_dict['baseline'] = 'baseline' self.numbers_vertical_align_dropdown = ipywidgets.Dropdown( options=numbers_vertical_align_dict, value=numbers_options['numbers_vertical_align'], description='Align ver.') self.name_size_style_weight = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.numbers_font_name_dropdown, self.numbers_font_size_text, self.numbers_font_style_dropdown, self.numbers_font_weight_dropdown]) self.colour_horizontal_vertical_align = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.numbers_font_colour_widget, self.numbers_horizontal_align_dropdown, self.numbers_vertical_align_dropdown]) self.numbering_options_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.name_size_style_weight, self.colour_horizontal_vertical_align]) # Create final widget children = [self.render_numbering_checkbox, self.numbering_options_box] super(NumberingOptionsWidget, self).__init__( children, Dict, numbers_options, render_function=render_function, orientation='horizontal', align='start') # Set functionality def numbering_options_visible(change): self.numbering_options_box.visible = change['new'] numbering_options_visible({'new': numbers_options['render_numbering']}) self.render_numbering_checkbox.observe(numbering_options_visible, names='value', type='change') def save_options(change): self.selected_values = { 'render_numbering': self.render_numbering_checkbox.value, 'numbers_font_name': self.numbers_font_name_dropdown.value, 'numbers_font_size': int(self.numbers_font_size_text.value), 'numbers_font_style': self.numbers_font_style_dropdown.value, 'numbers_font_weight': self.numbers_font_weight_dropdown.value, 'numbers_font_colour': self.numbers_font_colour_widget.selected_values[0], 'numbers_horizontal_align': self.numbers_horizontal_align_dropdown.value, 'numbers_vertical_align': self.numbers_vertical_align_dropdown.value} self.render_numbering_checkbox.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.numbers_font_name_dropdown.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.numbers_font_size_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.numbers_font_style_dropdown.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.numbers_font_weight_dropdown.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.numbers_font_colour_widget.observe( save_options, names='selected_values', type='change') self.numbers_horizontal_align_dropdown.observe( save_options, names='value', type='change') self.numbers_vertical_align_dropdown.observe( save_options, names='value', type='change')
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight=''): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.render_numbering_checkbox, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.numbers_font_name_dropdown, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.numbers_font_size_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.numbers_font_style_dropdown, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.numbers_font_weight_dropdown, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.numbers_horizontal_align_dropdown, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.numbers_vertical_align_dropdown, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) box_style=None, border_visible=False, font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_weight=font_weight, font_style=font_style, label_colour=None, label_background_colour=None, picker_colour=None, picker_background_colour=None, apply_to_all_style='')
[docs] def set_widget_state(self, numbers_options, allow_callback=True): r""" Method that updates the state of the widget if the given `numbers_options` are different than `self.selected_values`. Parameters ---------- numbers_options : `dict` The selected numbering options. It must be a `dict` with the following keys: * ``render_numbering`` : (`bool`) Flag for rendering the numbers. * ``numbers_font_name`` : (`str`) The font name (e.g. ``'serif'``). * ``numbers_font_size`` : (`int`) The font size (e.g. ``10``). * ``numbers_font_style`` : (`str`) The font style (e.g. ``'normal'``). * ``numbers_font_weight`` : (`str`) The font weight (e.g. ``'normal'``). * ``numbers_font_colour`` : (`colour`) The font colour (e.g. ``'black'``) * ``numbers_horizontal_align`` : (`str`) The horizontal alignment (e.g. ``'center'``). * ``numbers_vertical_align`` : (`str`) The vertical alignment (e.g. ``'bottom'``). allow_callback : `bool`, optional If ``True``, it allows triggering of any callback functions. """ if self.selected_values != numbers_options: # keep old value old_value = self.selected_values # temporarily remove render callback render_function = self._render_function self.remove_render_function() # update self.render_numbering_checkbox.value = \ numbers_options['render_numbering'] self.numbers_font_name_dropdown.value = \ numbers_options['numbers_font_name'] self.numbers_font_size_text.value = \ int(numbers_options['numbers_font_size']) self.numbers_font_style_dropdown.value = \ numbers_options['numbers_font_style'] self.numbers_font_weight_dropdown.value = \ numbers_options['numbers_font_weight'] self.numbers_horizontal_align_dropdown.value = \ numbers_options['numbers_horizontal_align'] self.numbers_vertical_align_dropdown.value = \ numbers_options['numbers_vertical_align'] self.numbers_font_colour_widget.set_widget_state( numbers_options['numbers_font_colour'], allow_callback=False) # re-assign render callback self.add_render_function(render_function) # trigger render function if allowed if allow_callback: self.call_render_function(old_value, self.selected_values)
[docs]class AxesLimitsWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for selecting the axes limits. * The selected values are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait`. * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` method. * To update the state of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`set_widget_state` method. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. Parameters ---------- axes_x_limits : `float` or [`float`, `float`] or ``None`` The limits of the x axis. axes_y_limits : `float` or [`float`, `float`] or ``None`` The limits of the y axis. render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when the index value changes. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. """ def __init__(self, axes_x_limits, axes_y_limits, render_function=None): # Create children # x limits if axes_x_limits is None: toggles_initial_value = 'auto' percentage_initial_value = [0.] percentage_visible = False range_initial_value = [0., 100.] range_visible = False elif isinstance(axes_x_limits, float): toggles_initial_value = 'percentage' percentage_initial_value = [axes_x_limits] percentage_visible = True range_initial_value = [0., 100.] range_visible = False else: toggles_initial_value = 'range' percentage_initial_value = [0.] percentage_visible = False range_initial_value = axes_x_limits range_visible = True self.axes_x_limits_toggles = ipywidgets.ToggleButtons( description='X limits:', value=toggles_initial_value, options=['auto', 'percentage', 'range'], margin='0.1cm') self.axes_x_limits_percentage = ListWidget( percentage_initial_value, mode='float', description='', render_function=None, example_visible=False) self.axes_x_limits_percentage.margin = '0.1cm' self.axes_x_limits_percentage.visible = percentage_visible self.axes_x_limits_range = ListWidget( range_initial_value, mode='float', description='', render_function=None, example_visible=False) self.axes_x_limits_range.margin = '0.1cm' self.axes_x_limits_range.visible = range_visible self.axes_x_limits_options_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.axes_x_limits_percentage, self.axes_x_limits_range]) self.axes_x_limits_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.axes_x_limits_toggles, self.axes_x_limits_options_box], align='start') # y limits if axes_y_limits is None: toggles_initial_value = 'auto' percentage_initial_value = [0.] percentage_visible = False range_initial_value = [0., 100.] range_visible = False elif isinstance(axes_y_limits, float): toggles_initial_value = 'percentage' percentage_initial_value = [axes_y_limits] percentage_visible = True range_initial_value = [0., 100.] range_visible = False else: toggles_initial_value = 'range' percentage_initial_value = [0.] percentage_visible = False range_initial_value = axes_y_limits range_visible = True self.axes_y_limits_toggles = ipywidgets.ToggleButtons( description='Y limits:', value=toggles_initial_value, options=['auto', 'percentage', 'range'], margin='0.1cm') self.axes_y_limits_percentage = ListWidget( percentage_initial_value, mode='float', description='', render_function=None, example_visible=False) self.axes_y_limits_percentage.margin = '0.1cm' self.axes_y_limits_percentage.visible = percentage_visible self.axes_y_limits_range = ListWidget( range_initial_value, mode='float', description='', render_function=None, example_visible=False) self.axes_y_limits_range.margin = '0.1cm' self.axes_y_limits_range.visible = range_visible self.axes_y_limits_options_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.axes_y_limits_percentage, self.axes_y_limits_range]) self.axes_y_limits_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.axes_y_limits_toggles, self.axes_y_limits_options_box], align='start') # Create final widget children = [self.axes_x_limits_box, self.axes_y_limits_box] super(AxesLimitsWidget, self).__init__( children, Dict, {'x': axes_x_limits, 'y': axes_y_limits}, render_function=render_function, orientation='vertical', align='start') # Set functionality def x_visibility(change): if change['new'] == 'auto': self.axes_x_limits_percentage.visible = False self.axes_x_limits_range.visible = False elif change['new'] == 'percentage': self.axes_x_limits_percentage.visible = True self.axes_x_limits_range.visible = False else: self.axes_x_limits_percentage.visible = False self.axes_x_limits_range.visible = True self.axes_x_limits_toggles.observe(x_visibility, names='value', type='change') def y_visibility(change): if change['new'] == 'auto': self.axes_y_limits_percentage.visible = False self.axes_y_limits_range.visible = False elif change['new'] == 'percentage': self.axes_y_limits_percentage.visible = True self.axes_y_limits_range.visible = False else: self.axes_y_limits_percentage.visible = False self.axes_y_limits_range.visible = True self.axes_y_limits_toggles.observe(y_visibility, names='value', type='change') def save_options(change): if self.axes_x_limits_toggles.value == 'auto': x_val = None elif self.axes_x_limits_toggles.value == 'percentage': x_val = self.axes_x_limits_percentage.selected_values[0] else: x_val = [self.axes_x_limits_range.selected_values[0], self.axes_x_limits_range.selected_values[1]] if self.axes_y_limits_toggles.value == 'auto': y_val = None elif self.axes_y_limits_toggles.value == 'percentage': y_val = self.axes_y_limits_percentage.selected_values[0] else: y_val = [self.axes_y_limits_range.selected_values[0], self.axes_y_limits_range.selected_values[1]] self.selected_values = {'x': x_val, 'y': y_val} self.axes_x_limits_toggles.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.axes_x_limits_percentage.observe( save_options, names='selected_values', type='change') self.axes_x_limits_range.observe(save_options, names='selected_values', type='change') self.axes_y_limits_toggles.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.axes_y_limits_percentage.observe( save_options, names='selected_values', type='change') self.axes_y_limits_range.observe(save_options, names='selected_values', type='change')
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', toggles_style=''): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' toggles_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Style options :: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', 'primary', '', None """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self.axes_x_limits_toggles, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.axes_y_limits_toggles, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) self.axes_x_limits_toggles.button_style = toggles_style self.axes_y_limits_toggles.button_style = toggles_style box_style=box_style, border_visible=False, padding=0, margin='0.1cm', text_box_style=box_style, text_box_width=None, font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_style=font_style, font_weight=font_weight) box_style=box_style, border_visible=False, padding=0, margin='0.1cm', text_box_style=box_style, text_box_width=None, font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_style=font_style, font_weight=font_weight) box_style=box_style, border_visible=False, padding=0, margin='0.1cm', text_box_style=box_style, text_box_width=None, font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_style=font_style, font_weight=font_weight) box_style=box_style, border_visible=False, padding=0, margin='0.1cm', text_box_style=box_style, text_box_width=None, font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_style=font_style, font_weight=font_weight)
[docs] def set_widget_state(self, axes_x_limits, axes_y_limits, allow_callback=True): r""" Method that updates the state of the widget, if the provided `axes_y_limits` and `axes_x_limits` values are different than `self.selected_values`. Parameters ---------- axes_x_limits : `float` or [`float`, `float`] or ``None`` The limits of the x axis. axes_y_limits : `float` or [`float`, `float`] or ``None`` The limits of the y axis. allow_callback : `bool`, optional If ``True``, it allows triggering of any callback functions. """ # Check if update is required if self.selected_values != {'x': axes_x_limits, 'y': axes_y_limits}: # keep old values old_value = self.selected_values # temporarily remove render callback render_function = self._render_function self.remove_render_function() # update if axes_x_limits is None: self.axes_x_limits_toggles.value = 'auto' elif isinstance(axes_x_limits, float): self.axes_x_limits_toggles.value = 'percentage' self.axes_x_limits_percentage.set_widget_state( [axes_x_limits], allow_callback=False) else: self.axes_x_limits_toggles.value = 'range' self.axes_x_limits_range.set_widget_state( axes_x_limits, allow_callback=False) if axes_y_limits is None: self.axes_y_limits_toggles.value = 'auto' elif isinstance(axes_y_limits, float): self.axes_y_limits_toggles.value = 'percentage' self.axes_y_limits_percentage.set_widget_state( [axes_y_limits], allow_callback=False) else: self.axes_y_limits_toggles.value = 'range' self.axes_y_limits_range.set_widget_state( axes_y_limits, allow_callback=False) # re-assign render callback self.add_render_function(render_function) # trigger render function if allowed if allow_callback: self.call_render_function(old_value, self.selected_values)
[docs]class AxesTicksWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for selecting the axes ticks. * The selected values are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait`. * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` method. * To update the state of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`set_widget_state` method. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. Parameters ---------- axes_ticks : `dict` The initial options. It must be a `dict` with the following keys: * ``x`` : (`list` or ``None``) The x ticks (e.g. ``[10, 20]``). * ``y`` : (`list` or ``None``) The y ticks (e.g. ``None``). render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when the index value changes. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. """ def __init__(self, axes_ticks, render_function=None): # Create children # x ticks if axes_ticks['x'] is None: toggles_initial_value = 'auto' list_visible = False list_value = [] else: toggles_initial_value = 'list' list_visible = True list_value = axes_ticks['x'] self.axes_x_ticks_toggles = ipywidgets.ToggleButtons( description='X ticks:', value=toggles_initial_value, options=['auto', 'list'], margin='0.1cm') self.axes_x_ticks_list = ListWidget( list_value, mode='float', description='', render_function=None, example_visible=False) self.axes_x_ticks_list.margin = '0.1cm' self.axes_x_ticks_list.visible = list_visible self.axes_x_ticks_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.axes_x_ticks_toggles, self.axes_x_ticks_list], align='start') # y ticks if axes_ticks['y'] is None: toggles_initial_value = 'auto' list_visible = False list_value = [] else: toggles_initial_value = 'list' list_visible = True list_value = axes_ticks['y'] self.axes_y_ticks_toggles = ipywidgets.ToggleButtons( description='Y ticks:', value=toggles_initial_value, options=['auto', 'list'], margin='0.1cm') self.axes_y_ticks_list = ListWidget( list_value, mode='float', description='', render_function=None, example_visible=False) self.axes_y_ticks_list.margin = '0.1cm' self.axes_y_ticks_list.visible = list_visible self.axes_y_ticks_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.axes_y_ticks_toggles, self.axes_y_ticks_list], align='start') # Create final widget children = [self.axes_x_ticks_box, self.axes_y_ticks_box] super(AxesTicksWidget, self).__init__( children, Dict, axes_ticks, render_function=render_function, orientation='vertical', align='start') # Set functionality def x_visibility(change): self.axes_x_ticks_list.visible = change['new'] == 'list' self.axes_x_ticks_toggles.observe(x_visibility, names='value', type='change') def y_visibility(change): self.axes_y_ticks_list.visible = change['new'] == 'list' self.axes_y_ticks_toggles.observe(y_visibility, names='value', type='change') def save_options(change): if self.axes_x_ticks_toggles.value == 'auto': x_val = None else: x_val = self.axes_x_ticks_list.selected_values if self.axes_y_ticks_toggles.value == 'auto': y_val = None else: y_val = self.axes_y_ticks_list.selected_values self.selected_values = {'x': x_val, 'y': y_val} self.axes_x_ticks_toggles.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.axes_x_ticks_list.observe(save_options, names='selected_values', type='change') self.axes_y_ticks_toggles.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.axes_y_ticks_list.observe(save_options, names='selected_values', type='change')
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', toggles_style=''): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' toggles_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Style options :: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', 'primary', '', None """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self.axes_x_ticks_toggles, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.axes_y_ticks_toggles, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) self.axes_x_ticks_toggles.button_style = toggles_style self.axes_y_ticks_toggles.button_style = toggles_style box_style=None, border_visible=False, text_box_style=None, text_box_background_colour=None, font_family=font_family, margin='0.1cm', font_size=font_size, font_style=font_style, font_weight=font_weight) box_style=None, border_visible=False, text_box_style=None, text_box_background_colour=None, font_family=font_family, margin='0.1cm', font_size=font_size, font_style=font_style, font_weight=font_weight)
[docs] def set_widget_state(self, axes_ticks, allow_callback=True): r""" Method that updates the state of the widget, if the provided `axes_ticks` values are different than `self.selected_values`. Parameters ---------- axes_ticks : `dict` The selected options. It must be a `dict` with the following keys: * ``x`` : (`list` or ``None``) The x ticks (e.g. ``[10, 20]``). * ``y`` : (`list` or ``None``) The y ticks (e.g. ``None``). allow_callback : `bool`, optional If ``True``, it allows triggering of any callback functions. """ # Check if update is required if axes_ticks != self.selected_values: # keep old value old_value = self.selected_values # temporarily remove render callback render_function = self._render_function self.remove_render_function() # update if axes_ticks['x'] is None: self.axes_x_ticks_toggles.value = 'auto' else: self.axes_x_ticks_toggles.value = 'list' self.axes_x_ticks_list.set_widget_state(axes_ticks['x'], allow_callback=False) if axes_ticks['y'] is None: self.axes_y_ticks_toggles.value = 'auto' else: self.axes_y_ticks_toggles.value = 'list' self.axes_y_ticks_list.set_widget_state(axes_ticks['y'], allow_callback=False) # re-assign render callback self.add_render_function(render_function) # trigger render function if allowed if allow_callback: self.call_render_function(old_value, self.selected_values)
[docs]class AxesOptionsWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for selecting axes rendering options. * The selected values are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait`. * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` method. * To update the state of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`set_widget_state` method. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. Parameters ---------- axes_options : `dict` The initial axes options. It must be a `dict` with the following keys: * ``render_axes`` : (`bool`) Flag for rendering the axes. * ``axes_font_name`` : (`str`) The axes font name (e.g. ``'serif'``). * ``axes_font_size`` : (`int`) The axes font size (e.g. ``10``). * ``axes_font_style`` : (`str`) The axes font style (e.g. ``'normal'``) * ``axes_font_weight`` : (`str`) The font weight (e.g. ``'normal'``). * ``axes_x_ticks`` : (`list` or ``None``) The x ticks (e.g. ``[10, 20]``) * ``axes_y_ticks`` : (`list` or ``None``) The y ticks (e.g. ``None``). * ``axes_x_limits`` : (`float` or [`float`, `float`] or ``None``) The x limits (e.g. ``None``). * ``axes_y_limits`` : (`float` or [`float`, `float`] or ``None``) The y limits (e.g. ``1.``). render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when a widgets' value changes. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. render_checkbox_title : `str`, optional The description of the show line checkbox. """ def __init__(self, axes_options, render_function=None, render_checkbox_title='Render axes'): # Create children # render checkbox self.render_axes_checkbox = ipywidgets.Checkbox( description=render_checkbox_title, value=axes_options['render_axes']) # axes font options axes_font_name_dict = OrderedDict() axes_font_name_dict['serif'] = 'serif' axes_font_name_dict['sans-serif'] = 'sans-serif' axes_font_name_dict['cursive'] = 'cursive' axes_font_name_dict['fantasy'] = 'fantasy' axes_font_name_dict['monospace'] = 'monospace' self.axes_font_name_dropdown = ipywidgets.Dropdown( options=axes_font_name_dict, value=axes_options['axes_font_name'], description='Font') self.axes_font_size_text = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( description='Size', value=axes_options['axes_font_size'], min=0, max=10**6) axes_font_style_dict = OrderedDict() axes_font_style_dict['normal'] = 'normal' axes_font_style_dict['italic'] = 'italic' axes_font_style_dict['oblique'] = 'oblique' self.axes_font_style_dropdown = ipywidgets.Dropdown( options=axes_font_style_dict, description='Style', value=axes_options['axes_font_style']) axes_font_weight_dict = OrderedDict() axes_font_weight_dict['normal'] = 'normal' axes_font_weight_dict['ultralight'] = 'ultralight' axes_font_weight_dict['light'] = 'light' axes_font_weight_dict['regular'] = 'regular' axes_font_weight_dict['book'] = 'book' axes_font_weight_dict['medium'] = 'medium' axes_font_weight_dict['roman'] = 'roman' axes_font_weight_dict['semibold'] = 'semibold' axes_font_weight_dict['demibold'] = 'demibold' axes_font_weight_dict['demi'] = 'demi' axes_font_weight_dict['bold'] = 'bold' axes_font_weight_dict['heavy'] = 'heavy' axes_font_weight_dict['extra bold'] = 'extra bold' axes_font_weight_dict['black'] = 'black' self.axes_font_weight_dropdown = ipywidgets.Dropdown( options=axes_font_weight_dict, value=axes_options['axes_font_weight'], description='Weight') self.axes_font_box_1 = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.axes_font_name_dropdown, self.axes_font_size_text], margin='0.2cm') self.axes_font_box_2 = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.axes_font_style_dropdown, self.axes_font_weight_dropdown], margin='0.2cm') self.axes_font_options_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.axes_font_box_1, self.axes_font_box_2]) # axes ticks options axes_ticks = {'x': axes_options['axes_x_ticks'], 'y': axes_options['axes_y_ticks']} self.axes_ticks_widget = AxesTicksWidget(axes_ticks, render_function=None) # axes font and ticks options box self.axes_font_ticks_options = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.axes_font_options_box, self.axes_ticks_widget]) # axes font, ticks and render checkbox box self.axes_options_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.render_axes_checkbox, self.axes_font_ticks_options], margin='0.2cm') # axes limits options self.axes_limits_widget = AxesLimitsWidget( axes_options['axes_x_limits'], axes_options['axes_y_limits'], render_function=None) # options tab self.axes_options_tab = ipywidgets.Tab( children=[self.axes_options_box, self.axes_limits_widget]) self.axes_options_tab.set_title(0, 'Font & Ticks') self.axes_options_tab.set_title(1, 'Limits') # Create final widget children = [self.axes_options_tab] super(AxesOptionsWidget, self).__init__( children, Dict, axes_options, render_function=render_function, orientation='vertical', align='start') # Set functionality def axes_options_visible(change): self.axes_font_ticks_options.visible = change['new'] axes_options_visible({'new': axes_options['render_axes']}) self.render_axes_checkbox.observe(axes_options_visible, names='value', type='change') def save_options(change): self.selected_values = { 'render_axes': self.render_axes_checkbox.value, 'axes_font_name': self.axes_font_name_dropdown.value, 'axes_font_size': int(self.axes_font_size_text.value), 'axes_font_style': self.axes_font_style_dropdown.value, 'axes_font_weight': self.axes_font_weight_dropdown.value, 'axes_x_ticks': self.axes_ticks_widget.selected_values['x'], 'axes_y_ticks': self.axes_ticks_widget.selected_values['y'], 'axes_x_limits': self.axes_limits_widget.selected_values['x'], 'axes_y_limits': self.axes_limits_widget.selected_values['y']} self.render_axes_checkbox.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.axes_font_name_dropdown.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.axes_font_size_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.axes_font_style_dropdown.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.axes_font_weight_dropdown.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.axes_ticks_widget.observe(save_options, names='selected_values', type='change') self.axes_limits_widget.observe(save_options, names='selected_values', type='change')
[docs] def set_widget_state(self, axes_options, allow_callback=True): r""" Method that updates the state of the widget if the provided `axes_options` are different than `self.selected_values`. Parameters ---------- axes_options : `dict` The selected axes options. It must be a `dict` with the following keys: * ``render_axes`` : (`bool`) Flag for rendering the axes. * ``axes_font_name`` : (`str`) The axes font name (e.g. ``'serif'``). * ``axes_font_size`` : (`int`) The axes font size (e.g. ``10``). * ``axes_font_style`` : (`str`) The axes font style (e.g. ``'normal'``) * ``axes_font_weight`` : (`str`) The font weight (e.g. ``'normal'``). * ``axes_x_ticks`` : (`list` or ``None``) The x ticks (e.g. ``[10, 20]``). * ``axes_y_ticks`` : (`list` or ``None``) The y ticks (e.g. ``None``) * ``axes_x_limits`` : (`float` or [`float`, `float`] or ``None``) The x limits (e.g. ``None``). * ``axes_y_limits`` : (`float` or [`float`, `float`] or ``None``) The y limits (e.g. ``1.``). allow_callback : `bool`, optional If ``True``, it allows triggering of any callback functions. """ if self.selected_values != axes_options: # keep old value old_value = self.selected_values # temporarily remove render callback render_function = self._render_function self.remove_render_function() # update self.render_axes_checkbox.value = axes_options['render_axes'] self.axes_font_name_dropdown.value = axes_options['axes_font_name'] self.axes_font_size_text.value = axes_options['axes_font_size'] self.axes_font_style_dropdown.value = \ axes_options['axes_font_style'] self.axes_font_weight_dropdown.value = \ axes_options['axes_font_weight'] axes_ticks = {'x': axes_options['axes_x_ticks'], 'y': axes_options['axes_y_ticks']} self.axes_ticks_widget.set_widget_state(axes_ticks, allow_callback=False) self.axes_limits_widget.set_widget_state( axes_options['axes_x_limits'], axes_options['axes_y_limits'], allow_callback=False) # re-assign render callback self.add_render_function(render_function) # trigger render function if allowed if allow_callback: self.call_render_function(old_value, self.selected_values)
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight=''): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.render_axes_checkbox, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.axes_font_name_dropdown, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.axes_font_style_dropdown, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.axes_font_size_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.axes_font_weight_dropdown, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) box_style=None, border_visible=False, font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_style=font_style, font_weight=font_weight, toggles_style='') box_style=None, border_visible=False, font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_style=font_style, font_weight=font_weight, toggles_style='')
[docs]class LegendOptionsWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for selecting legend rendering options. * The selected values are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait`. * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` method. * To update the state of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`set_widget_state` method. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. Parameters ---------- legend_options : `dict` The initial legend options. It must be a `dict` with the following keys: * ``render_legend`` : (`bool`) Flag for rendering the legend. * ``legend_title`` : (`str`) The legend title (e.g. ``''``). * ``legend_font_name`` : (`str`) The font name (e.g. ``'serif'``). * ``legend_font_style`` : (`str`) The font style (e.g. ``'normal'``). * ``legend_font_size`` : (`str`) The font size (e.g. ``10``). * ``legend_font_weight`` : (`str`) The font weight (e.g. ``'normal'``). * ``legend_marker_scale`` : (`float`) The marker scale (e.g. ``1.``). * ``legend_location`` : (`int`) The legend location (e.g. ``2``). * ``legend_bbox_to_anchor`` : (`tuple`) Bbox to anchor (e.g. ``(1.05, 1.)``). * ``legend_border_axes_pad`` : (`float`) Border axes pad (e.g. ``1.``). * ``legend_n_columns`` : (`int`) The number of columns (e.g. ``1``). * ``legend_horizontal_spacing`` : (`float`) Horizontal spacing (e.g. ``1.``). * ``legend_vertical_spacing`` : (`float`) Vetical spacing (e.g. ``1.``). * ``legend_border`` : (`bool`) Flag for adding border to the legend. * ``legend_border_padding`` : (`float`) The border padding (e.g. ``0.5``) * ``legend_shadow`` : (`bool`) Flag for adding shadow to the legend. * ``legend_rounded_corners`` : (`bool`) Flag for adding rounded corners to the legend. render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when a widgets' value changes. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. render_checkbox_title : `str`, optional The description of the render legend checkbox. """ def __init__(self, legend_options, render_function=None, render_checkbox_title='Render legend'): # Create children # render checkbox self.render_legend_checkbox = ipywidgets.Checkbox( description=render_checkbox_title, value=legend_options['render_legend'], margin='0.2cm') # font-related options and title legend_font_name_dict = OrderedDict() legend_font_name_dict['serif'] = 'serif' legend_font_name_dict['sans-serif'] = 'sans-serif' legend_font_name_dict['cursive'] = 'cursive' legend_font_name_dict['fantasy'] = 'fantasy' legend_font_name_dict['monospace'] = 'monospace' self.legend_font_name_dropdown = ipywidgets.Dropdown( options=legend_font_name_dict, value=legend_options['legend_font_name'], description='Font') self.legend_font_size_text = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( description='Size', min=0, max=10**6, value=legend_options['legend_font_size']) legend_font_style_dict = OrderedDict() legend_font_style_dict['normal'] = 'normal' legend_font_style_dict['italic'] = 'italic' legend_font_style_dict['oblique'] = 'oblique' self.legend_font_style_dropdown = ipywidgets.Dropdown( options=legend_font_style_dict, value=legend_options['legend_font_style'], description='Style') legend_font_weight_dict = OrderedDict() legend_font_weight_dict['normal'] = 'normal' legend_font_weight_dict['ultralight'] = 'ultralight' legend_font_weight_dict['light'] = 'light' legend_font_weight_dict['regular'] = 'regular' legend_font_weight_dict['book'] = 'book' legend_font_weight_dict['medium'] = 'medium' legend_font_weight_dict['roman'] = 'roman' legend_font_weight_dict['semibold'] = 'semibold' legend_font_weight_dict['demibold'] = 'demibold' legend_font_weight_dict['demi'] = 'demi' legend_font_weight_dict['bold'] = 'bold' legend_font_weight_dict['heavy'] = 'heavy' legend_font_weight_dict['extra bold'] = 'extra bold' legend_font_weight_dict['black'] = 'black' self.legend_font_weight_dropdown = ipywidgets.Dropdown( options=legend_font_weight_dict, value=legend_options['legend_font_weight'], description='Weight') self.legend_title_text = ipywidgets.Text( description='Title', value=legend_options['legend_title'], margin='0.1cm') self.legend_font_name_and_size_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.legend_font_name_dropdown, self.legend_font_size_text]) self.legend_font_style_and_weight_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.legend_font_style_dropdown, self.legend_font_weight_dropdown]) self.legend_font_box = ipywidgets.Box( children=[self.legend_font_name_and_size_box, self.legend_font_style_and_weight_box], margin='0.1cm') self.font_related_box = ipywidgets.Box( children=[self.legend_title_text, self.legend_font_box]) # location-related options legend_location_dict = OrderedDict() legend_location_dict['best'] = 0 legend_location_dict['upper right'] = 1 legend_location_dict['upper left'] = 2 legend_location_dict['lower left'] = 3 legend_location_dict['lower right'] = 4 legend_location_dict['right'] = 5 legend_location_dict['center left'] = 6 legend_location_dict['center right'] = 7 legend_location_dict['lower center'] = 8 legend_location_dict['upper center'] = 9 legend_location_dict['center'] = 10 self.legend_location_dropdown = ipywidgets.Dropdown( options=legend_location_dict, value=legend_options['legend_location'], description='Anchor') if legend_options['legend_bbox_to_anchor'] is None: tmp1 = False tmp2 = 0. tmp3 = 0. else: tmp1 = True tmp2 = legend_options['legend_bbox_to_anchor'][0] tmp3 = legend_options['legend_bbox_to_anchor'][1] self.bbox_to_anchor_enable_checkbox = ipywidgets.Checkbox( value=tmp1, description='Offset', margin='0.1cm') self.bbox_to_anchor_x_text = ipywidgets.FloatText( value=tmp2, description='', width='3cm') self.bbox_to_anchor_y_text = ipywidgets.FloatText( value=tmp3, description='', width='3cm') self.legend_bbox_to_anchor_x_y_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.bbox_to_anchor_x_text, self.bbox_to_anchor_y_text], margin='0.1cm') self.legend_bbox_to_anchor_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.bbox_to_anchor_enable_checkbox, self.legend_bbox_to_anchor_x_y_box], align='start') self.legend_border_axes_pad_text = ipywidgets.BoundedFloatText( value=legend_options['legend_border_axes_pad'], description='Padding', min=0.) self.legend_location_border_axes_pad_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.legend_location_dropdown, self.legend_border_axes_pad_text], margin='0.1cm') self.location_related_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.legend_location_border_axes_pad_box, self.legend_bbox_to_anchor_box]) # formatting related self.legend_n_columns_text = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( value=legend_options['legend_n_columns'], description='Columns', min=0, width='1.6cm') self.legend_marker_scale_text = ipywidgets.BoundedFloatText( description='Marker scale', width='1.6cm', value=legend_options['legend_marker_scale'], min=0.) self.legend_horizontal_spacing_text = ipywidgets.BoundedFloatText( value=legend_options['legend_horizontal_spacing'], description='Horizontal space', min=0., width='1.6cm') self.legend_vertical_spacing_text = ipywidgets.BoundedFloatText( value=legend_options['legend_vertical_spacing'], description='Vertical space', min=0., width='1.6cm') self.legend_n_columns_and_marker_scale_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.legend_n_columns_text, self.legend_horizontal_spacing_text], align='end') self.legend_horizontal_and_vertical_spacing_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.legend_marker_scale_text, self.legend_vertical_spacing_text], align='end') self.location_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.legend_n_columns_and_marker_scale_box, self.legend_horizontal_and_vertical_spacing_box], margin='0.1cm') self.legend_border_checkbox = ipywidgets.Checkbox( description='Border', value=legend_options['legend_border']) self.legend_border_padding_text = ipywidgets.BoundedFloatText( value=legend_options['legend_border_padding'], description='Padding', min=0., width='1.5cm') self.border_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.legend_border_checkbox, self.legend_border_padding_text]) self.legend_shadow_checkbox = ipywidgets.Checkbox( description='Shadow', value=legend_options['legend_shadow']) self.legend_rounded_corners_checkbox = ipywidgets.Checkbox( description='Fancy', value=legend_options['legend_rounded_corners']) self.shadow_fancy_border_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.border_box, self.legend_shadow_checkbox, self.legend_rounded_corners_checkbox], margin='0.1cm') self.formatting_related_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.location_box, self.shadow_fancy_border_box]) # Options widget self.tab_box = ipywidgets.Tab( children=[self.location_related_box, self.font_related_box, self.formatting_related_box]) self.tab_box.set_title(0, 'Location') self.tab_box.set_title(1, 'Font') self.tab_box.set_title(2, 'Formatting') # Create final widget children = [self.render_legend_checkbox, self.tab_box] super(LegendOptionsWidget, self).__init__( children, Dict, legend_options, render_function=render_function, orientation='horizontal', align='start') # Set functionality def legend_options_visible(change): self.tab_box.visible = change['new'] legend_options_visible({'new': legend_options['render_legend']}) self.render_legend_checkbox.observe(legend_options_visible, names='value', type='change') def border_pad_visible(change): self.legend_border_padding_text.visible = change['new'] self.legend_border_checkbox.observe(border_pad_visible, names='value', type='change') def bbox_to_anchor_visible(change): self.bbox_to_anchor_x_text.visible = change['new'] self.bbox_to_anchor_y_text.visible = change['new'] bbox_to_anchor_visible({ 'new': not legend_options['legend_bbox_to_anchor'] is None}) self.bbox_to_anchor_enable_checkbox.observe( bbox_to_anchor_visible, names='value', type='change') def save_options(change): legend_bbox_to_anchor = None if self.bbox_to_anchor_enable_checkbox.value: legend_bbox_to_anchor = (self.bbox_to_anchor_x_text.value, self.bbox_to_anchor_y_text.value) self.selected_values = { 'render_legend': self.render_legend_checkbox.value, 'legend_title': str(self.legend_title_text.value), 'legend_font_name': self.legend_font_name_dropdown.value, 'legend_font_style': self.legend_font_style_dropdown.value, 'legend_font_size': int(self.legend_font_size_text.value), 'legend_font_weight': self.legend_font_weight_dropdown.value, 'legend_marker_scale': float(self.legend_marker_scale_text.value), 'legend_location': self.legend_location_dropdown.value, 'legend_bbox_to_anchor': legend_bbox_to_anchor, 'legend_border_axes_pad': float(self.legend_border_axes_pad_text.value), 'legend_n_columns': int(self.legend_n_columns_text.value), 'legend_horizontal_spacing': float(self.legend_horizontal_spacing_text.value), 'legend_vertical_spacing': float(self.legend_vertical_spacing_text.value), 'legend_border': self.legend_border_checkbox.value, 'legend_border_padding': float(self.legend_border_padding_text.value), 'legend_shadow': self.legend_shadow_checkbox.value, 'legend_rounded_corners': self.legend_rounded_corners_checkbox.value} self.render_legend_checkbox.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.legend_title_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.legend_font_name_dropdown.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.legend_font_size_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.legend_font_style_dropdown.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.legend_font_weight_dropdown.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.legend_location_dropdown.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.bbox_to_anchor_enable_checkbox.observe( save_options, names='value', type='change') self.bbox_to_anchor_x_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.bbox_to_anchor_y_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.legend_border_axes_pad_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.legend_n_columns_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.legend_marker_scale_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.legend_horizontal_spacing_text.observe( save_options, names='value', type='change') self.legend_vertical_spacing_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.legend_border_checkbox.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.legend_border_padding_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.legend_shadow_checkbox.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.legend_rounded_corners_checkbox.observe( save_options, names='value', type='change')
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight=''): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.render_legend_checkbox, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.legend_font_name_dropdown, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.legend_font_size_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.legend_font_style_dropdown, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.legend_font_weight_dropdown, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.legend_title_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.legend_location_dropdown, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.bbox_to_anchor_enable_checkbox, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.bbox_to_anchor_x_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.bbox_to_anchor_y_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.legend_border_axes_pad_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.legend_n_columns_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.legend_marker_scale_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.legend_horizontal_spacing_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.legend_vertical_spacing_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.legend_border_checkbox, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.legend_border_padding_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.legend_shadow_checkbox, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.legend_rounded_corners_checkbox, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight)
[docs] def set_widget_state(self, legend_options, allow_callback=True): r""" Method that updates the state of the widget if the provided `legend_options` are different than `self.selected_values`. Parameters ---------- legend_options : `dict` The selected legend options. It must be a `dict` with the following keys: * ``render_legend`` : (`bool`) Flag for rendering the legend. * ``legend_title`` : (`str`) The legend title (e.g. ``''``). * ``legend_font_name`` : (`str`) The font name (e.g. ``'serif'``). * ``legend_font_style`` : (`str`) The font style (e.g. ``'normal'``). * ``legend_font_size`` : (`str`) The font size (e.g. ``10``). * ``legend_font_weight`` : (`str`) The font weight (e.g. ``'normal'``). * ``legend_marker_scale`` : (`float`) The marker scale (e.g. ``1.``). * ``legend_location`` : (`int`) The legend location (e.g. ``2``). * ``legend_bbox_to_anchor`` : (`tuple`) Bbox to anchor (e.g. ``(1.05, 1.)``). * ``legend_border_axes_pad`` : (`float`) Border axes pad (e.g. ``1.``). * ``legend_n_columns`` : (`int`) The number of columns (e.g. ``1``). * ``legend_horizontal_spacing`` : (`float`) Horizontal spacing (e.g. ``1.``). * ``legend_vertical_spacing`` : (`float`) Vetical spacing (e.g. ``1.``) * ``legend_border`` : (`bool`) Flag for adding border to the legend. * ``legend_border_padding`` : (`float`) The border padding (e.g. ``0.5``) * ``legend_shadow`` : (`bool`) Flag for adding shadow to the legend. * ``legend_rounded_corners`` : (`bool`) Flag for adding rounded corners to the legend. allow_callback : `bool`, optional If ``True``, it allows triggering of any callback functions. """ if self.selected_values != legend_options: # keep old value old_value = self.selected_values # temporarily remove render callback render_function = self._render_function self.remove_render_function() # update render legend checkbox self.render_legend_checkbox.value = legend_options['render_legend'] # update legend_title self.legend_title_text.value = legend_options['legend_title'] # update legend_font_name dropdown menu self.legend_font_name_dropdown.value = \ legend_options['legend_font_name'] # update legend_font_size text box self.legend_font_size_text.value = \ int(legend_options['legend_font_size']) # update legend_font_style dropdown menu self.legend_font_style_dropdown.value = \ legend_options['legend_font_style'] # update legend_font_weight dropdown menu self.legend_font_weight_dropdown.value = \ legend_options['legend_font_weight'] # update legend_location dropdown menu self.legend_location_dropdown.value = \ legend_options['legend_location'] # update legend_bbox_to_anchor if legend_options['legend_bbox_to_anchor'] is None: tmp1 = False tmp2 = 0. tmp3 = 0. else: tmp1 = True tmp2 = legend_options['legend_bbox_to_anchor'][0] tmp3 = legend_options['legend_bbox_to_anchor'][1] self.bbox_to_anchor_enable_checkbox.value = tmp1 self.bbox_to_anchor_x_text.value = tmp2 self.bbox_to_anchor_y_text.value = tmp3 # update legend_border_axes_pad self.legend_border_axes_pad_text.value = \ legend_options['legend_border_axes_pad'] # update legend_n_columns text box self.legend_n_columns_text.value = \ int(legend_options['legend_n_columns']) # update legend_marker_scale text box self.legend_marker_scale_text.value = \ float(legend_options['legend_marker_scale']) # update legend_horizontal_spacing text box self.legend_horizontal_spacing_text.value = \ float(legend_options['legend_horizontal_spacing']) # update legend_vertical_spacing text box self.legend_vertical_spacing_text.value = \ float(legend_options['legend_vertical_spacing']) # update legend_border self.legend_border_checkbox.value = legend_options['legend_border'] # update legend_border_padding text box self.legend_border_padding_text.value = \ float(legend_options['legend_border_padding']) # update legend_shadow self.legend_shadow_checkbox.value = legend_options['legend_shadow'] # update legend_rounded_corners self.legend_rounded_corners_checkbox.value = \ legend_options['legend_rounded_corners'] # re-assign render callback self.add_render_function(render_function) # trigger render function if allowed if allow_callback: self.call_render_function(old_value, self.selected_values)
[docs]class GridOptionsWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for selecting grid rendering options. * The selected values are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait`. * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` method. * To update the state of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`set_widget_state` method. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. Parameters ---------- grid_options : `dict` The initial grid options. It must be a `dict` with the following keys: * ``render_grid`` : (`bool`) Flag for rendering the grid. * ``grid_line_width`` : (`int`) The line width (e.g. ``1``). * ``grid_line_style`` : (`str`) The line style (e.g. ``'-'``). render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when a widgets' value changes. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. render_checkbox_title : `str`, optional The description of the show line checkbox. """ def __init__(self, grid_options, render_function=None, render_checkbox_title='Render grid'): # Create children self.render_grid_checkbox = ipywidgets.Checkbox( description=render_checkbox_title, value=grid_options['render_grid']) self.grid_line_width_text = ipywidgets.BoundedFloatText( description='Width', value=grid_options['grid_line_width'], min=0., max=10**6) grid_line_style_dict = OrderedDict() grid_line_style_dict['solid'] = '-' grid_line_style_dict['dashed'] = '--' grid_line_style_dict['dash-dot'] = '-.' grid_line_style_dict['dotted'] = ':' self.grid_line_style_dropdown = ipywidgets.Dropdown( value=grid_options['grid_line_style'], description='Style', options=grid_line_style_dict,) self.grid_options_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.grid_line_style_dropdown, self.grid_line_width_text]) # Create final widget children = [self.render_grid_checkbox, self.grid_options_box] super(GridOptionsWidget, self).__init__( children, Dict, grid_options, render_function=render_function, orientation='horizontal', align='start') # Set functionality def grid_options_visible(change): self.grid_options_box.visible = change['new'] grid_options_visible({'new': grid_options['render_grid']}) self.render_grid_checkbox.observe(grid_options_visible, names='value', type='change') def save_options(change): self.selected_values = { 'render_grid': self.render_grid_checkbox.value, 'grid_line_width': float(self.grid_line_width_text.value), 'grid_line_style': self.grid_line_style_dropdown.value} self.render_grid_checkbox.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.grid_line_width_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.grid_line_style_dropdown.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change')
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight=''): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.render_grid_checkbox, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.grid_line_style_dropdown, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.grid_line_width_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight)
[docs] def set_widget_state(self, grid_options, allow_callback=True): r""" Method that updates the state of the widget with a new set of values. Parameters ---------- grid_options : `dict` The selected grid options. It must be a `dict` with the following keys: * ``render_grid`` : (`bool`) Flag for rendering the grid. * ``grid_line_width`` : (`int`) The line width (e.g. ``1``). * ``grid_line_style`` : (`str`) The line style (e.g. ``'-'``). allow_callback : `bool`, optional If ``True``, it allows triggering of any callback functions. """ if self.selected_values != grid_options: # keep old value old_value = self.selected_values # temporarily remove render callback render_function = self._render_function self.remove_render_function() # update self.render_grid_checkbox.value = grid_options['render_grid'] self.grid_line_style_dropdown.value = \ grid_options['grid_line_style'] self.grid_line_width_text.value = \ float(grid_options['grid_line_width']) # re-assign render callback self.add_render_function(render_function) # trigger render function if allowed if allow_callback: self.call_render_function(old_value, self.selected_values)
[docs]class HOGOptionsWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for selecting HOG options. * The selected values are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait`. * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` method. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. Parameters ---------- hog_options : `dict` The initial options. It must be a `dict` with the following keys: * ``mode`` : (`str`) ``'dense'`` or ``'sparse'``. * ``algorithm`` : (`str`) ``'dalaltriggs'`` or ``'zhuramanan'``. * ``num_bins`` : (`int`) The number of orientation bins (e.g. ``9``). * ``cell_size`` : (`int`) The cell size in pixels (e.g. ``8``). * ``block_size`` : (`int`) The block size in cells (e.g. ``2``). * ``signed_gradient`` : (`bool`) Whether to use signed gradients. * ``l2_norm_clip`` : (`float`) L2 norm clipping threshold (e.g ``0.2``). * ``window_height`` : (`int`) The sliding window height (e.g. ``1``). * ``window_width`` : (`int`) The sliding window width (e.g. ``1``). * ``window_unit`` : (`str`) The window size unit (e.g. ``'blocks'``). * ``window_step_vertical`` : (`int`) The vertical window step (e.g. ``1``). * ``window_step_horizontal`` : (`int`) The horizontal window step (e.g. ``1``). * ``window_step_unit`` : (`str`) The window step unit (e.g. ``'pixels'``) * ``padding`` : (`bool`) Whether to pad the final image. render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when a widgets' value changes. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. """ def __init__(self, hog_options, render_function=None): # Window related options tmp = OrderedDict() tmp['Dense'] = 'dense' tmp['Sparse'] = 'sparse' self.mode_radiobuttons = ipywidgets.RadioButtons( options=tmp, description='Mode', value=hog_options['mode']) self.padding_checkbox = ipywidgets.Checkbox( description='Padding', value=hog_options['padding']) self.mode_padding_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.mode_radiobuttons, self.padding_checkbox]) self.window_height_text = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( value=hog_options['window_height'], description='Height', min=1, width='2cm') self.window_width_text = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( value=hog_options['window_width'], description='Width', min=1, width='2cm') tmp = OrderedDict() tmp['Blocks'] = 'blocks' tmp['Pixels'] = 'pixels' self.window_size_unit_radiobuttons = ipywidgets.RadioButtons( options=tmp, description=' Size unit', value=hog_options['window_unit']) self.window_size_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.window_height_text, self.window_width_text, self.window_size_unit_radiobuttons]) self.window_vertical_text = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( value=hog_options['window_step_vertical'], description='Step Y', min=1, width='2cm') self.window_horizontal_text = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( value=hog_options['window_step_horizontal'], description='Step X', min=1, width='2cm') tmp = OrderedDict() tmp['Pixels'] = 'pixels' tmp['Cells'] = 'cells' self.window_step_unit_radiobuttons = ipywidgets.RadioButtons( options=tmp, description='Step unit', value=hog_options['window_step_unit']) self.window_step_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.window_vertical_text, self.window_horizontal_text, self.window_step_unit_radiobuttons]) self.window_size_step_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.window_size_box, self.window_step_box]) self.window_box = ipywidgets.Box(children=[self.mode_padding_box, self.window_size_step_box]) # Algorithm related options tmp = OrderedDict() tmp['Dalal & Triggs'] = 'dalaltriggs' tmp['Zhu & Ramanan'] = 'zhuramanan' self.algorithm_radiobuttons = ipywidgets.RadioButtons( options=tmp, value=hog_options['algorithm'], description='Algorithm') self.cell_size_text = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( value=hog_options['cell_size'], description='Cell size (in pixels)', min=1, width='1.5cm') self.block_size_text = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( value=hog_options['block_size'], description='Block size (in cells)', min=1, width='1.5cm') self.num_bins_text = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( value=hog_options['num_bins'], description='Orientation bins', min=1, width='1.5cm') self.algorithm_sizes_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.cell_size_text, self.block_size_text, self.num_bins_text]) self.signed_gradient_checkbox = ipywidgets.Checkbox( value=hog_options['signed_gradient'], description='Gradient sign') self.l2_norm_clipping_text = ipywidgets.BoundedFloatText( value=hog_options['l2_norm_clip'], description='L2 norm clipping', min=0., width='1.5cm') self.algorithm_other_box = ipywidgets.Box( children=[self.signed_gradient_checkbox, self.l2_norm_clipping_text], align='end') self.algorithm_options_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.algorithm_sizes_box, self.algorithm_other_box]) self.algorithm_box = ipywidgets.Box( children=[self.algorithm_radiobuttons, self.algorithm_options_box]) # Final widget self.options_box = ipywidgets.Tab(children=[self.window_box, self.algorithm_box]) self.options_box.set_title(0, 'Window') self.options_box.set_title(1, 'Algorithm') # Create final widget children = [self.options_box] super(HOGOptionsWidget, self).__init__( children, Dict, hog_options, render_function=render_function, orientation='horizontal', align='start') # Set functionality def window_mode(change): value = change['new'] self.window_horizontal_text.disabled = value == 'sparse' self.window_vertical_text.disabled = value == 'sparse' self.window_step_unit_radiobuttons.disabled = value == 'sparse' self.window_height_text.disabled = value == 'sparse' self.window_width_text.disabled = value == 'sparse' self.window_size_unit_radiobuttons.disabled = value == 'sparse' self.mode_radiobuttons.observe(window_mode, names='value', type='change') # algorithm function def algorithm_mode(change): value = change['new'] self.l2_norm_clipping_text.disabled = value == 'zhuramanan' self.signed_gradient_checkbox.disabled = value == 'zhuramanan' self.block_size_text.disabled = value == 'zhuramanan' self.num_bins_text.disabled = value == 'zhuramanan' self.algorithm_radiobuttons.observe(algorithm_mode, names='value', type='change') # get options def save_options(change): self.selected_values = { 'mode': self.mode_radiobuttons.value, 'algorithm': self.algorithm_radiobuttons.value, 'num_bins': self.num_bins_text.value, 'cell_size': self.cell_size_text.value, 'block_size': self.block_size_text.value, 'signed_gradient': self.signed_gradient_checkbox.value, 'l2_norm_clip': self.l2_norm_clipping_text.value, 'window_height': self.window_height_text.value, 'window_width': self.window_width_text.value, 'window_unit': self.window_size_unit_radiobuttons.value, 'window_step_vertical': self.window_vertical_text.value, 'window_step_horizontal': self.window_horizontal_text.value, 'window_step_unit': self.window_step_unit_radiobuttons.value, 'padding': self.padding_checkbox.value} self.mode_radiobuttons.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.padding_checkbox.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.window_height_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.window_width_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.window_size_unit_radiobuttons.observe( save_options, names='value', type='change') self.window_vertical_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.window_horizontal_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.window_step_unit_radiobuttons.observe( save_options, names='value', type='change') self.algorithm_radiobuttons.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.num_bins_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.cell_size_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.block_size_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.signed_gradient_checkbox.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.l2_norm_clipping_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change')
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight=''): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.options_box, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.mode_radiobuttons, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.padding_checkbox, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.window_height_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.window_width_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.window_size_unit_radiobuttons, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.window_vertical_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.window_horizontal_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.window_step_unit_radiobuttons, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.algorithm_radiobuttons, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.cell_size_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.block_size_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.num_bins_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.signed_gradient_checkbox, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.l2_norm_clipping_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight)
[docs]class DSIFTOptionsWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for selecting desnse SIFT options. * The selected values are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait`. * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` method. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. Parameters ---------- dsift_options : `dict` The initial options. It must be a `dict` with the following keys: * ``window_step_horizontal`` : (`int`) The horizontal window step (e.g. ``1``). * ``window_step_vertical`` : (`int`) The vertical window step (e.g. ``1``). * ``num_bins_horizontal`` : (`int`) The horizontal number of spatial bins (e.g. ``2``). * ``num_bins_vertical`` : (`int`) The vertical number of spatial bins (e.g. ``2``). * ``num_or_bins`` : (`int`) The number of orientation bins (e.g. ``9``). * ``cell_size_horizontal`` : (`int`) The horizontal cell size in pixels (e.g. ``6``). * ``cell_size_vertical`` : (`int`) The vertical cell size in pixels (e.g. ``6``). * ``fast`` : (`bool`) Flag for fast approximation. render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when a widgets' value changes. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. """ def __init__(self, dsift_options, render_function=None): # Create widgets self.window_vertical_text = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( value=dsift_options['window_step_vertical'], description='Step Y', min=1, width='2cm') self.window_horizontal_text = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( value=dsift_options['window_step_horizontal'], description='Step X', min=1, width='2cm') self.fast_checkbox = ipywidgets.Checkbox( value=dsift_options['fast'], description='Fast computation') self.cell_size_vertical_text = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( value=dsift_options['cell_size_vertical'], description='Cell size Y', min=1, width='2cm') self.cell_size_horizontal_text = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( value=dsift_options['cell_size_horizontal'], description='Cell size X', min=1, width='2cm') self.num_bins_vertical_text = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( value=dsift_options['num_bins_vertical'], description='Bins Y', min=1, width='2cm') self.num_bins_horizontal_text = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( value=dsift_options['num_bins_horizontal'], description='Bins X', min=1, width='2cm') self.num_or_bins_text = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( value=dsift_options['num_or_bins'], description='Orientation bins', min=1, width='2cm') # Final widget self.window_step_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.window_vertical_text, self.window_horizontal_text, self.fast_checkbox]) self.cell_size_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.cell_size_vertical_text, self.cell_size_horizontal_text]) self.num_bins_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.num_bins_vertical_text, self.num_bins_horizontal_text, self.num_or_bins_text]) self.options_box = ipywidgets.HBox(children=[self.window_step_box, self.cell_size_box, self.num_bins_box]) # Create final widget children = [self.options_box] super(DSIFTOptionsWidget, self).__init__( children, Dict, dsift_options, render_function=render_function, orientation='horizontal', align='start') # Get options def save_options(change): self.selected_values = { 'window_step_horizontal': self.window_horizontal_text.value, 'window_step_vertical': self.window_vertical_text.value, 'num_bins_horizontal': self.num_bins_horizontal_text.value, 'num_bins_vertical': self.num_bins_vertical_text.value, 'num_or_bins': self.num_or_bins_text.value, 'cell_size_horizontal': self.cell_size_horizontal_text.value, 'cell_size_vertical': self.cell_size_vertical_text.value, 'fast': self.fast_checkbox.value} self.window_vertical_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.window_horizontal_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.num_bins_vertical_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.num_bins_horizontal_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.num_or_bins_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.cell_size_vertical_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.cell_size_horizontal_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.fast_checkbox.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change')
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight=''): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.options_box, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.window_vertical_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.window_horizontal_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.num_bins_vertical_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.num_bins_horizontal_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.num_or_bins_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.cell_size_vertical_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.cell_size_horizontal_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.fast_checkbox, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight)
[docs]class DaisyOptionsWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for selecting Daisy options. * The selected values are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait`. * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` method. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. Parameters ---------- daisy_options : `dict` The initial options. It must be a `dict` with the following keys: * ``step`` : (`int`) The sampling step (e.g. ``1``). * ``radius`` : (`int`) The radius value (e.g. ``15``). * ``rings`` : (`int`) The number of rings (e.g. ``2``). * ``histograms`` : (`int`) The number of histograms (e.g. ``2``). * ``orientations`` : (`int`) The number of orientation bins (e.g. ``8``). * ``normalization`` : (`str`) The normalisation method (e.g. ``'l1'``). * ``sigmas`` : (`list` or ``None``) * ``ring_radii`` : (`list` or ``None``) render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when a widgets' value changes. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. """ def __init__(self, daisy_options, render_function=None): self.step_text = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( value=daisy_options['step'], description='Step', min=1, max=10**6, width='1.6cm') self.radius_text = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( value=daisy_options['radius'], description='Radius', min=1, max=10**6, width='1.6cm') self.rings_text = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( value=daisy_options['rings'], description='Rings', min=1, max=10**6, width='1.6cm') self.histograms_text = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( value=daisy_options['histograms'], description='Histograms', min=1, max=10**6, width='1.6cm') self.orientations_text = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( value=daisy_options['orientations'], description='Orientations', min=1, max=10**6, width='1.6cm') tmp = OrderedDict() tmp['L1'] = 'l1' tmp['L2'] = 'l2' tmp['Daisy'] = 'daisy' tmp['None'] = None self.normalization_dropdown = ipywidgets.Dropdown( value=daisy_options['normalization'], options=tmp, description='Normalisation') init_sigmas = daisy_options['sigmas'] if init_sigmas is None: init_sigmas = [] self.sigmas_wid = ListWidget( init_sigmas, mode='float', description='Sigmas', render_function=None, example_visible=False) init_ring = daisy_options['ring_radii'] if init_ring is None: init_ring = [] self.ring_radii_wid = ListWidget( init_ring, mode='float', description='Ring radii', render_function=None, example_visible=False) self.step_radius_rings_histograms_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.step_text, self.radius_text, self.rings_text, self.histograms_text]) self.orientations_normalization_sigmas_radii_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.orientations_text, self.normalization_dropdown, self.sigmas_wid, self.ring_radii_wid]) # Create final widget children = [self.step_radius_rings_histograms_box, self.orientations_normalization_sigmas_radii_box] super(DaisyOptionsWidget, self).__init__( children, Dict, daisy_options, render_function=render_function, orientation='horizontal', align='start') # Set functionality def save_options(change): sigmas_val = self.sigmas_wid.selected_values if len(sigmas_val) == 0: sigmas_val = None ring_radii_val = self.ring_radii_wid.selected_values if len(ring_radii_val) == 0: ring_radii_val = None self.selected_values = { 'step': self.step_text.value, 'radius': self.radius_text.value, 'rings': self.rings_text.value, 'histograms': self.histograms_text.value, 'orientations': self.orientations_text.value, 'normalization': self.normalization_dropdown.value, 'sigmas': sigmas_val, 'ring_radii': ring_radii_val} self.step_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.radius_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.rings_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.histograms_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.orientations_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.normalization_dropdown.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.sigmas_wid.observe(save_options, names='selected_values', type='change') self.ring_radii_wid.observe(save_options, names='selected_values', type='change')
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight=''): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.step_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.radius_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.rings_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.histograms_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.orientations_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.normalization_dropdown, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight), border_visible=False, font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_style=font_style, font_weight=font_weight), border_visible=False, font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_style=font_style, font_weight=font_weight)
[docs]class LBPOptionsWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for selecting LBP options. * The selected values are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait`. * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` method. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. Parameters ---------- lbp_options : `dict` The initial options. It must be a `dict` with the following keys: * ``radius`` : (`list`) The radius values list (e.g. ``[0, 1, 2, 3]``). * ``samples`` : (`list`) The sampling poitns list (e.g. ``[8] * 4``). * ``mapping_type`` : (`str`) The mapping type (e.g. ``'u2'``). * ``window_step_vertical`` : (`int`) The vertical window step (e.g. ``1``), * ``window_step_horizontal`` : (`int`) The horizontal window step (e.g. ``1``) * ``window_step_unit`` : (`str`) The window step unit (e.g. ``'pixels'``) * ``padding`` : (`bool`) Whether to pad the final image. render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when a widgets' value changes. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. """ def __init__(self, lbp_options, render_function=None): # Create children tmp = OrderedDict() tmp['Uniform-2'] = 'u2' tmp['Rotation-Invariant'] = 'ri' tmp['Both'] = 'riu2' tmp['None'] = 'none' self.mapping_type_dropdown = ipywidgets.Dropdown( value=lbp_options['mapping_type'], options=tmp, description='Mapping') self.radius_wid = ListWidget( lbp_options['radius'], mode='int', description='Radius', render_function=None, example_visible=False) self.samples_wid = ListWidget( lbp_options['samples'], mode='int', description='Samples', render_function=None, example_visible=False) self.radius_samples_mapping_type_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.radius_wid, self.samples_wid, self.mapping_type_dropdown]) self.window_vertical_text = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( value=lbp_options['window_step_vertical'], description='Step Y', min=1, max=10**6, width='1.5cm') self.window_horizontal_text = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( value=lbp_options['window_step_horizontal'], description='Step X', min=1, max=10**6, width='1.5cm') tmp = OrderedDict() tmp['Pixels'] = 'pixels' tmp['Windows'] = 'cells' self.window_step_unit_radiobuttons = ipywidgets.RadioButtons( options=tmp, description='Step unit', value=lbp_options['window_step_unit']) self.padding_checkbox = ipywidgets.Checkbox( value=lbp_options['padding'], description='Padding') self.window_box = ipywidgets.Box( children=[self.window_vertical_text, self.window_horizontal_text, self.window_step_unit_radiobuttons, self.padding_checkbox]) # Create final widget children = [self.window_box, self.radius_samples_mapping_type_box] super(LBPOptionsWidget, self).__init__( children, Dict, lbp_options, render_function=render_function, orientation='horizontal', align='start') # Set functionality def save_options(change): self.selected_values = { 'radius': self.radius_wid.selected_values, 'samples': self.samples_wid.selected_values, 'mapping_type': self.mapping_type_dropdown.value, 'window_step_vertical': self.window_vertical_text.value, 'window_step_horizontal': self.window_horizontal_text.value, 'window_step_unit': self.window_step_unit_radiobuttons.value, 'padding': self.padding_checkbox.value} self.mapping_type_dropdown.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.window_vertical_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.window_horizontal_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.window_step_unit_radiobuttons.observe( save_options, names='value', type='change') self.padding_checkbox.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.radius_wid.observe(save_options, names='selected_values', type='change') self.samples_wid.observe(save_options, names='selected_values', type='change')
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight=''): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.mapping_type_dropdown, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight), border_visible=False, font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_style=font_style, font_weight=font_weight), border_visible=False, font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_style=font_style, font_weight=font_weight) format_font(self.window_vertical_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.window_horizontal_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.window_step_unit_radiobuttons, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.padding_checkbox, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight)
[docs]class IGOOptionsWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for selecting IGO options. * The selected values are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait`. * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` method. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. Parameters ---------- igo_options : `dict` The initial options. It must be a `dict` with the following keys: * ``double_angles`` : (`bool`) Whether to use the cos and sin of the double angles as well. render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when a widgets' value changes. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. """ def __init__(self, igo_options, render_function=None): self.double_angles_checkbox = ipywidgets.Checkbox( value=igo_options['double_angles'], description='Double angles') # Create final widget children = [self.double_angles_checkbox] super(IGOOptionsWidget, self).__init__( children, Dict, igo_options, render_function=render_function, orientation='horizontal', align='start') # Set functionality def save_options(change): self.selected_values = {'double_angles': change['new']} self.double_angles_checkbox.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change')
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight=''): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.double_angles_checkbox, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight)
[docs]class CameraWidget(ipywidgets.DOMWidget): r""" Creates a webcam widget. Parameters ---------- canvas_width : `int`, optional The initial width of the rendered canvas. Note that this doesn't actually change the webcam resolution. It simply rescales the rendered image, as well as the size of the returned screenshots. hd : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then the webcam will be set to high definition (HD), i.e. 720 x 1280. Otherwise the default resolution will be used. """ _view_name = Unicode('CameraView').tag(sync=True) imageurl = Unicode('').tag(sync=True) take_snapshot = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) canvas_width = Int(640).tag(sync=True) canvas_height = Int().tag(sync=True) hd = Bool(True).tag(sync=True) snapshots = List().tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, canvas_width=640, hd=True, *args): super(CameraWidget, self).__init__(*args) # Set tait values self.canvas_width = canvas_width self.hd = hd # Assign callback to imageurl trait self.observe(self._from_data_url, names='imageurl', type='change') @staticmethod def _from_data_url(change): r""" Method that converts the image in `imageurl` to `menpo.image.Image` and appends it to `self.snapshots`. """ self = change['owner'] data_uri = change['new'] data_uri = data_uri.encode('utf-8') data_uri = data_uri[len('data:image/png;base64,'):] im = self.snapshots.append( Image.init_from_channels_at_back(np.array(im)[..., :3]))