Source code for menpowidgets.menpofit.options

import ipywidgets
from traitlets.traitlets import Dict

from menpowidgets.abstract import MenpoWidget
from menpowidgets.options import AnimationOptionsWidget
from import SlicingCommandWidget
from import (format_font, format_box,

[docs]class ResultOptionsWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for selecting options when visualizing a fitting result. The widget consists of the following parts from `ipywidgets`: == ============== ======================= ========================= No Object Property (`self.`) Description == ============== ======================= ========================= 1 `RadioButtons` `mode` Subplot mode flag 2 `Checkbox` `render_image` Image rendering flag 3 `VBox` `mode_render_image_box` Contains 1, 2 4 `Latex` `shape_buttons[0]` 'Shape:' str 5 `ToggleButton` `shape_buttons[1]` Initial shape toggle 6 `ToggleButton` `shape_buttons[2]` Final shape toggle 7 `ToggleButton` `shape_buttons[3]` Ground truth shape toggle 8 `HBox` `shape_selection` Contains 4, 5, 6, 7 == ============== ======================= ========================= Note that: * To update the state of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`set_widget_state` method. * The selected values are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait` which is a `list`. * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` and :meth:`predefined_style` methods. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. Parameters ---------- has_gt_shape : `bool` Whether the fitting result object has the ground truth shape. has_initial_shape : `bool` Whether the fitting result object has the initial shape. has_image : `bool` Whether the fitting result object has the image. render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when a widgets' value changes. It must have signature ``render_function(change)`` where ``change`` is a `dict` with the following keys: * ``type`` : The type of notification (normally ``'change'``). * ``owner`` : the `HasTraits` instance * ``old`` : the old value of the modified trait attribute * ``new`` : the new value of the modified trait attribute * ``name`` : the name of the modified trait attribute. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. style : `str` (see below), optional Sets a predefined style at the widget. Possible options are: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ Example ------- Let's create a fitting result options widget and then update its state. Firstly, we need to import it: >>> from menpowidgets.menpofit.options import ResultOptionsWidget Now let's define a render function that will get called on every widget change and will dynamically print the selected options: >>> from menpo.visualize import print_dynamic >>> def render_function(change): >>> s = "Final: {}, Initial: {}, GT: {}, Image: {}, Subplots: {}".format( >>> wid.selected_values['render_final_shape'], >>> wid.selected_values['render_initial_shape'], >>> wid.selected_values['render_gt_shape'], >>> wid.selected_values['render_image'], >>> wid.selected_values['subplots_enabled']) >>> print_dynamic(s) Create the widget with some initial options and display it: >>> wid = ResultOptionsWidget(has_gt_shape=True, >>> has_initial_shape=True, has_image=True, >>> render_function=render_function, >>> style='info') >>> wid By changing the various widgets, the printed message gets updated. Finally, let's change the widget status with a new set of options: >>> wid.set_widget_state(has_gt_shape=True, has_initial_shape=False, >>> has_image=False, allow_callback=True) """ def __init__(self, has_gt_shape, has_initial_shape, has_image, render_function=None, style='minimal'): # Initialise default options dictionary render_image = True if has_image else False default_options = {'render_final_shape': True, 'render_initial_shape': False, 'render_gt_shape': False, 'render_image': render_image, 'subplots_enabled': True} # Assign properties self.has_gt_shape = None self.has_initial_shape = None self.has_image = None # Create children self.mode = ipywidgets.RadioButtons( description='Figure mode:', options={'Single': False, 'Multiple': True}, value=default_options['subplots_enabled']) self.render_image = ipywidgets.Checkbox( description='Render image', value=default_options['render_image']) self.mode_render_image_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.mode, self.render_image], margin='0.2cm') self.shape_buttons = [ ipywidgets.Latex(value='Shape:', margin='0.2cm'), ipywidgets.ToggleButton(description='Initial', value=False), ipywidgets.ToggleButton(description='Final', value=True), ipywidgets.ToggleButton(description='Groundtruth', value=False)] self.shape_selection = ipywidgets.HBox(children=self.shape_buttons, align='center', margin='0.2cm', padding='0.2cm') # Create final widget children = [self.mode_render_image_box, self.shape_selection] super(ResultOptionsWidget, self).__init__( children, Dict, default_options, render_function=render_function, orientation='horizontal', align='start') # Set values self.add_callbacks() self.set_widget_state(has_gt_shape, has_initial_shape, has_image, allow_callback=False) # Set style self.predefined_style(style) def _save_options(self, change): self.selected_values = { 'render_initial_shape': (self.shape_buttons[1].value and self.has_initial_shape), 'render_final_shape': self.shape_buttons[2].value, 'render_gt_shape': (self.shape_buttons[3].value and self.has_gt_shape), 'render_image': (self.render_image.value and self.has_image), 'subplots_enabled': self.mode.value}
[docs] def add_callbacks(self): r""" Function that adds the handler callback functions in all the widget components, which are necessary for the internal functionality. """ self.render_image.observe(self._save_options, names='value', type='change') self.mode.observe(self._save_options, names='value', type='change') for w in self.shape_selection.children[1::]: w.observe(self._save_options, names='value', type='change')
[docs] def remove_callbacks(self): r""" Function that removes all the internal handler callback functions. """ self.render_image.unobserve(self._save_options, names='value', type='change') self.mode.unobserve(self._save_options, names='value', type='change') for w in self.shape_selection.children[1::]: w.unobserve(self._save_options, names='value', type='change')
[docs] def set_visibility(self): r""" Function that sets the visibility of the various components of the widget, depending on the properties of the current image object, i.e. ``self.n_channels`` and ``self.image_is_masked``. """ self.shape_selection.children[1].visible = self.has_initial_shape self.shape_selection.children[3].visible = self.has_gt_shape self.render_image.visible = self.has_image
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', buttons_style=''): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' buttons_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Style options: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', 'primary', '', None """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.render_image, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.mode, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.shape_selection.children[0], font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) for w in self.shape_selection.children[1::]: format_font(w, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) w.button_style = buttons_style
[docs] def predefined_style(self, style): r""" Function that sets a predefined style on the widget. Parameters ---------- style : `str` (see below) Style options: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ """ if style == 'minimal':, border_visible=True, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding='0.2cm', margin='0.3cm', font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', buttons_style='') elif (style == 'info' or style == 'success' or style == 'danger' or style == 'warning'):, border_visible=True, border_colour=map_styles_to_hex_colours(style), border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=10, padding='0.2cm', margin='0.3cm', font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', buttons_style='primary') else: raise ValueError('style must be minimal or info or success or ' 'danger or warning')
[docs] def set_widget_state(self, has_gt_shape, has_initial_shape, has_image, allow_callback=True): r""" Method that updates the state of the widget. Parameters ---------- has_gt_shape : `bool` Whether the fitting result object has the ground truth shape. has_initial_shape : `bool` Whether the fitting result object has the initial shape. has_image : `bool` Whether the fitting result object has the image. allow_callback : `bool`, optional If ``True``, it allows triggering of any callback functions. """ # keep old value old_value = self.selected_values # check if updates are required if (self.has_gt_shape != has_gt_shape or self.has_initial_shape != has_initial_shape or self.has_image != has_image): # Assign properties self.has_gt_shape = has_gt_shape self.has_initial_shape = has_initial_shape self.has_image = has_image # Set widget's visibility self.set_visibility() # Get values self._save_options({}) # trigger render function if allowed if allow_callback: self.call_render_function(old_value, self.selected_values)
[docs]class IterativeResultOptionsWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for selecting options when visualizing an iterative fitting result. The widget consists of the following parts from `ipywidgets` and :ref:`api-tools-index`: == ============================= =========================== =============== No Object Property (`self.`) Description == ============================= =========================== =============== 1 `RadioButtons` `mode` Subplot mode 2 `Checkbox` `render_image` Image rendering 3 `VBox` `mode_render_image_box` Contains 1, 2 4 `Latex` `shape_buttons[0]` 'Shape:' str 5 `ToggleButton` `shape_buttons[1]` Initial shape 6 `ToggleButton` `shape_buttons[2]` Final shape 7 `ToggleButton` `shape_buttons[3]` Ground truth 8 `HBox` `result_box` Contains 4-7 9 `RadioButtons` `iterations_mode` 'Animation' or 'Static' 10 :map:`AnimationOptionsWidget` `index_animation` Animation wid 11 :map:`SlicingCommandWidget` `index_slicing` Slicing wid 12 `Button` `plot_errors_button` Errors plot 13 `Button` `plot_displacements_button` Displacements 14 `Button` `plot_costs_button` Costs plot 15 `HBox` `buttons_box` Contains 12-14 16 `VBox` `index_buttons_box` 10,11,15 17 `HBox` `mode_index_buttons_box` Contains 9, 16 18 `Latex` `no_iterations_text` No iterations 19 `VBox` `iterations_box` Contains 17, 18 20 `Tab` `result_iterations_tab` Contains 8, 19 == ============================= =========================== =============== Note that: * To update the state of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`set_widget_state` method. * The selected values are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait` which is a `list`. * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` and :meth:`predefined_style` methods. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. * To update the handler callback plot functions of the widget, please refer to :meth:`replace_plots_function`, :meth:`replace_errors_function` and :meth:`replace_displacements_function` methods. Parameters ---------- has_gt_shape : `bool` Whether the fitting result object has the ground truth shape. has_initial_shape : `bool` Whether the fitting result object has the initial shape. has_image : `bool` Whether the fitting result object has the image. n_shapes : `int` or ``None`` The total number of shapes. If ``None``, then it is assumed that no iteration shapes are available. has_costs : `bool` Whether the fitting result object has costs attached. render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when a widgets' value changes. It must have signature ``render_function(change)`` where ``change`` is a `dict` with the following keys: * ``type`` : The type of notification (normally ``'change'``). * ``owner`` : the `HasTraits` instance * ``old`` : the old value of the modified trait attribute * ``new`` : the new value of the modified trait attribute * ``name`` : the name of the modified trait attribute. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. tab_update_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional A function that gets called when switching between the 'Result' and 'Iterations' tabs. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. displacements_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The function that is executed when the 'Displacements' button is pressed. It must have signature ``displacements_function(name)``. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned and the button is invisible. errors_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The function that is executed when the 'Errors' button is pressed. It must have signature ``errors_function(name)``. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned and the button is invisible. costs_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The function that is executed when the 'Errors' button is pressed. It must have signature ``displacements_function(name)``. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned and the button is invisible. style : `str` (see below), optional Sets a predefined style at the widget. Possible options are: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ tabs_style : `str` (see below), optional Sets a predefined style at the tab widgets. Possible options are: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ Example ------- Let's create an iterative result options widget and then update its state. Firstly, we need to import it: >>> from menpowidgets.menpofit.options import IterativeResultOptionsWidget Now let's define a render function that will get called on every widget change and will print the selected options: >>> def render_function(change): >>> print(wid.selected_values) Let's also define a plot function that will get called when one of the 'Errors', 'Costs' or 'Displacements' buttons is pressed: >>> def plot_function(name): >>> print(name) Create the widget with some initial options and display it: >>> wid = IterativeResultOptionsWidget( >>> has_gt_shape=True, has_initial_shape=True, has_image=True, >>> n_shapes=20, has_costs=True, render_function=render_function, >>> displacements_function=plot_function, >>> errors_function=plot_function, costs_function=plot_function, >>> style='info', tabs_style='danger') >>> wid By changing the various widgets, the printed message gets updated. Finally, let's change the widget status with a new set of options: >>> wid.set_widget_state(has_gt_shape=False, has_initial_shape=True, >>> has_image=True, n_shapes=None, has_costs=False, >>> allow_callback=True) """ def __init__(self, has_gt_shape, has_initial_shape, has_image, n_shapes, has_costs, render_function=None, tab_update_function=None, displacements_function=None, errors_function=None, costs_function=None, style='minimal', tabs_style='minimal'): # Initialise default options dictionary render_image = True if has_image else False default_options = {'render_final_shape': True, 'render_initial_shape': False, 'render_gt_shape': False, 'render_image': render_image, 'subplots_enabled': True} # Assign properties self.has_gt_shape = None self.has_initial_shape = None self.has_image = None self.n_shapes = -1 self.tab_update_function = tab_update_function # Create result tab self.mode = ipywidgets.RadioButtons( description='Figure mode:', options={'Single': False, 'Multiple': True}, value=default_options['subplots_enabled']) self.render_image = ipywidgets.Checkbox( description='Render image', value=default_options['render_image']) self.mode_render_image_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.mode, self.render_image], margin='0.2cm') self.shape_buttons = [ ipywidgets.Latex(value='Shape:', margin='0.2cm'), ipywidgets.ToggleButton(description='Initial', value=False), ipywidgets.ToggleButton(description='Final', value=True), ipywidgets.ToggleButton(description='Groundtruth', value=False)] self.result_box = ipywidgets.HBox(children=self.shape_buttons, align='center', margin='0.2cm', padding='0.2cm') # Create iterations tab self.iterations_mode = ipywidgets.RadioButtons( options={'Animation': 'animation', 'Static': 'static'}, value='animation', description='Iterations:', margin='0.15cm') self.iterations_mode.observe(self._stop_animation, names='value', type='change') self.iterations_mode.observe(self._index_visibility, names='value', type='change') index = {'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'step': 1, 'index': 0} self.index_animation = AnimationOptionsWidget( index, description='', index_style='slider', loop_enabled=False, interval=0.) slice_options = {'command': 'range({})'.format(1), 'length': 1} self.index_slicing = SlicingCommandWidget( slice_options, description='', example_visible=True, continuous_update=False, orientation='vertical') self.plot_errors_button = ipywidgets.Button( description='Errors', margin='0.1cm', visible=has_gt_shape and errors_function is not None) self.plot_displacements_button = ipywidgets.Button( description='Displacements', margin='0.1cm', visible=displacements_function is not None) self.plot_costs_button = ipywidgets.Button( description='Costs', margin='0.1cm', visible=has_costs) self.buttons_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.plot_errors_button, self.plot_costs_button, self.plot_displacements_button]) self.index_buttons_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.index_animation, self.index_slicing, self.buttons_box]) self.mode_index_buttons_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.iterations_mode, self.index_buttons_box], margin='0.2cm', padding='0.2cm') self.no_iterations_text = ipywidgets.Latex( value='No iterations available') self.iterations_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.mode_index_buttons_box, self.no_iterations_text]) # Create final tab widget self.result_iterations_tab = ipywidgets.Tab( children=[self.result_box, self.iterations_box], margin='0.2cm') self.result_iterations_tab.set_title(0, 'Final') self.result_iterations_tab.set_title(1, 'Iterations') self.result_iterations_tab.observe( self._stop_animation, names='selected_index', type='change') # Function for updating rendering options if tab_update_function is not None: self.result_iterations_tab.observe(tab_update_function, names='selected_index', type='change') self.iterations_mode.observe(tab_update_function, names='value', type='change') # Create final widget children = [self.mode_render_image_box, self.result_iterations_tab] super(IterativeResultOptionsWidget, self).__init__( children, Dict, default_options, render_function=render_function, orientation='horizontal', align='start') # Visibility self._index_visibility({'new': 'animation'}) # Set callbacks self._displacements_function = None self.add_displacements_function(displacements_function) self._errors_function = None self.add_errors_function(errors_function) self._costs_function = None self.add_costs_function(costs_function) # Set values self.add_callbacks() self.set_widget_state(has_gt_shape, has_initial_shape, has_image, n_shapes, has_costs, allow_callback=False) # Set style self.predefined_style(style, tabs_style) def _index_visibility(self, change): self.index_animation.visible = change['new'] == 'animation' self.index_slicing.visible = change['new'] == 'static' def _stop_animation(self, change): # Make sure that the animation gets stopped when the 'Static' # radiobutton or 'Final' tab is selected. if change['new'] in ['static', 0]: self.index_animation.stop_animation()
[docs] def add_displacements_function(self, displacements_function): r""" Method that adds the provided `displacements_function` as a callback handler to the `click` event of ``self.plot_displacements_button``. The given function is also stored in ``self._displacements_function``. Parameters ---------- displacements_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The function that behaves as a callback handler of the `click` event of ``self.plot_displacements_button``. Its signature is ``displacements_function(name)``. If ``None``, then nothing is added. """ self._displacements_function = displacements_function if self._displacements_function is not None: self.plot_displacements_button.on_click(displacements_function)
[docs] def remove_displacements_function(self): r""" Method that removes the current ``self._displacements_function`` as a callback handler to the `click` event of ``self.plot_displacements_button`` and sets ``self._displacements_function = None``. """ if self._displacements_function is not None: self.plot_displacements_button.on_click( self._displacements_function, remove=True) self._displacements_function = None
[docs] def replace_displacements_function(self, displacements_function): r""" Method that replaces the current ``self._displacements_function`` with the given `displacements_function` as a callback handler to the `click` event of ``self.plot_displacements_button``. Parameters ---------- displacements_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The function that behaves as a callback handler of the `click` event of ``self.plot_displacements_button``. Its signature is ``displacements_function(name)``. If ``None``, then nothing is added. """ # remove old function self.remove_displacements_function() # add new function self.add_displacements_function(displacements_function)
[docs] def add_errors_function(self, errors_function): r""" Method that adds the provided `errors_function` as a callback handler to the `click` event of ``self.plot_errors_button``. The given function is also stored in ``self._errors_function``. Parameters ---------- errors_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The function that behaves as a callback handler of the `click` event of ``self.plot_errors_button``. Its signature is ``errors_function(name)``. If ``None``, then nothing is added. """ self._errors_function = errors_function if self._errors_function is not None: self.plot_errors_button.on_click(errors_function)
[docs] def remove_errors_function(self): r""" Method that removes the current ``self._errors_function`` as a callback handler to the `click` event of ``self.plot_errors_button`` and sets ``self._errors_function = None``. """ if self._errors_function is not None: self.plot_errors_button.on_click(self._errors_function, remove=True) self._errors_function = None
[docs] def replace_errors_function(self, errors_function): r""" Method that replaces the current ``self._errors_function`` with the given `errors_function` as a callback handler to the `click` event of ``self.plot_errors_button``. Parameters ---------- errors_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The function that behaves as a callback handler of the `click` event of ``self.plot_errors_button``. Its signature is ``errors_function(name)``. If ``None``, then nothing is added. """ # remove old function self.remove_errors_function() # add new function self.add_errors_function(errors_function)
[docs] def add_costs_function(self, costs_function): r""" Method that adds the provided `costs_function` as a callback handler to the `click` event of ``self.plot_costs_button``. The given function is also stored in ``self._costs_function``. Parameters ---------- costs_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The function that behaves as a callback handler of the `click` event of ``self.plot_costs_button``. Its signature is ``costs_function(name)``. If ``None``, then nothing is added. """ self._costs_function = costs_function if self._costs_function is not None: self.plot_costs_button.on_click(costs_function)
[docs] def remove_costs_function(self): r""" Method that removes the current ``self._costs_function`` as a callback handler to the `click` event of ``self.plot_costs_button`` and sets ``self._costs_function = None``. """ if self._costs_function is not None: self.plot_costs_button.on_click(self._costs_function, remove=True) self._costs_function = None
[docs] def replace_costs_function(self, costs_function): r""" Method that replaces the current ``self._costs_function`` with the given `costs_function` as a callback handler to the `click` event of ``self.plot_costs_button``. Parameters ---------- costs_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The function that behaves as a callback handler of the `click` event of ``self.plot_costs_button``. Its signature is ``costs_function(name)``. If ``None``, then nothing is added. """ # remove old function self.remove_costs_function() # add new function self.add_costs_function(costs_function)
def _save_options(self, change): if (self.result_iterations_tab.selected_index == 0 or self.n_shapes is None): # Result tab self.selected_values = { 'render_final_shape': self.shape_buttons[2].value, 'render_initial_shape': (self.shape_buttons[1].value and self.has_initial_shape), 'render_gt_shape': (self.shape_buttons[3].value and self.has_gt_shape), 'render_image': self.render_image.value and self.has_image, 'subplots_enabled': self.mode.value} else: # Iterations tab if self.iterations_mode.value == 'animation': # The mode is 'Animation' iters = self.index_animation.selected_values else: # The mode is 'Static' iters = self.index_slicing.selected_values # Get selected values self.selected_values = { 'iters': iters, 'render_image': self.render_image.value and self.has_image, 'subplots_enabled': self.mode.value}
[docs] def add_callbacks(self): r""" Function that adds the handler callback functions in all the widget components, which are necessary for the internal functionality. """ self.render_image.observe(self._save_options, names='value', type='change') self.mode.observe(self._save_options, names='value', type='change') for w in self.result_box.children[1::]: w.observe(self._save_options, names='value', type='change') self.index_animation.observe(self._save_options, names='selected_values', type='change') self.index_slicing.observe(self._save_options, names='selected_values', type='change') self.iterations_mode.observe(self._save_options, names='value', type='change') self.result_iterations_tab.observe( self._save_options, names='selected_index', type='change')
[docs] def remove_callbacks(self): r""" Function that removes all the internal handler callback functions. """ self.render_image.unobserve(self._save_options, names='value', type='change') self.mode.unobserve(self._save_options, names='value', type='change') for w in self.result_box.children[1::]: w.unobserve(self._save_options, names='value', type='change') self.index_animation.unobserve(self._save_options, names='selected_values', type='change') self.index_slicing.unobserve(self._save_options, names='selected_values', type='change') self.iterations_mode.unobserve(self._save_options, names='value', type='change') self.result_iterations_tab.unobserve( self._save_options, names='selected_index', type='change')
[docs] def set_visibility(self): r""" Function that sets the visibility of the various components of the widget, depending on the properties of the current image object, i.e. ``self.n_channels`` and ``self.image_is_masked``. """ self.result_box.children[1].visible = self.has_initial_shape self.result_box.children[3].visible = self.has_gt_shape self.render_image.visible = self.has_image self.plot_errors_button.visible = (self.has_gt_shape and self._errors_function is not None) self.mode_index_buttons_box.visible = self.n_shapes is not None self.no_iterations_text.visible = self.n_shapes is None
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', buttons_style='', tabs_box_style=None, tabs_border_visible=False, tabs_border_colour='black', tabs_border_style='solid', tabs_border_width=1, tabs_border_radius=0): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' buttons_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Style options: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', 'primary', '', None tabs_box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible tab widgets style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None tabs_border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the tab widgets. tabs_border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the tab widgets. tabs_border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the tab widgets. tabs_border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the tab widgets. tabs_border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the tab widgets. """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.render_image, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.mode, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.result_box.children[0], font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) for w in self.result_box.children[1::]: format_font(w, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) w.button_style = buttons_style format_font(self.iterations_mode, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) self.index_animation.predefined_style(tabs_box_style) tmp_box_style = tabs_box_style if tabs_box_style == 'minimal': tmp_box_style = '' box_style=tmp_box_style, border_visible=False, padding=0, margin=0, font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_style=font_style, font_weight=font_weight) box_style=tmp_box_style, border_visible=False, padding=0, margin=0, font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_style=font_style, font_weight=font_weight) self.plot_errors_button.button_style = buttons_style self.plot_displacements_button.button_style = buttons_style self.plot_costs_button.button_style = buttons_style format_box(self.result_box, box_style=tmp_box_style, border_visible=tabs_border_visible, border_colour=tabs_border_colour, border_style=tabs_border_style, border_width=tabs_border_width, border_radius=tabs_border_radius, padding='0.2cm', margin='0.2cm') format_box(self.iterations_box, box_style=tmp_box_style, border_visible=tabs_border_visible, border_colour=tabs_border_colour, border_style=tabs_border_style, border_width=tabs_border_width, border_radius=tabs_border_radius, padding='0.2cm', margin='0.2cm')
[docs] def predefined_style(self, style, tabs_style): r""" Function that sets a predefined style on the widget. Parameters ---------- style : `str` (see below) Style options: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ tabs_style : `str` (see below) Tabs style options: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ """ if style == 'minimal':, border_visible=True, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding='0.2cm', margin='0.3cm', font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', buttons_style='', tabs_box_style=None, tabs_border_visible=True) elif (style == 'info' or style == 'success' or style == 'danger' or style == 'warning'):, border_visible=True, border_colour=map_styles_to_hex_colours(style), border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=10, padding='0.2cm', margin='0.3cm', font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', buttons_style='primary', tabs_box_style=tabs_style, tabs_border_visible=True, tabs_border_colour=map_styles_to_hex_colours(tabs_style), tabs_border_style='solid', tabs_border_width=1, tabs_border_radius=10) else: raise ValueError('style must be minimal or info or success or ' 'danger or warning')
[docs] def set_widget_state(self, has_gt_shape, has_initial_shape, has_image, n_shapes, has_costs, allow_callback=True): r""" Method that updates the state of the widget with a new set of values. Parameters ---------- has_gt_shape : `bool` Whether the fitting result object has the ground truth shape. has_initial_shape : `bool` Whether the fitting result object has the initial shape. has_image : `bool` Whether the fitting result object has the image. n_shapes : `int` or ``None`` The total number of shapes. If ``None``, then it is assumed that no iteration shapes are available. has_costs : `bool` Whether the fitting result object has the costs attached. allow_callback : `bool`, optional If ``True``, it allows triggering of any callback functions. """ # keep old value old_value = self.selected_values # check if updates are required if (self.has_gt_shape != has_gt_shape or self.has_initial_shape != has_initial_shape or self.has_image != has_image or self.n_shapes != n_shapes): # temporarily remove callbacks render_function = self._render_function self.remove_render_function() self.remove_callbacks() # Update widgets if self.n_shapes != n_shapes and n_shapes is not None: index = {'min': 0, 'max': n_shapes - 1, 'step': 1, 'index': 0} self.index_animation.set_widget_state(index, allow_callback=False) slice_options = {'command': 'range({})'.format(n_shapes), 'length': n_shapes} self.index_slicing.set_widget_state(slice_options, allow_callback=False) # Assign properties self.has_gt_shape = has_gt_shape self.has_initial_shape = has_initial_shape self.has_image = has_image self.n_shapes = n_shapes # Set widget's visibility self.set_visibility() # Get values self._save_options({}) # Re-assign callbacks self.add_callbacks() self.add_render_function(render_function) # set costs button visibility self.plot_costs_button.visible = has_costs # trigger render function if allowed if allow_callback: self.call_render_function(old_value, self.selected_values)