Source code for menpowidgets.options

import ipywidgets
from IPython.display import display, Javascript
from traitlets.traitlets import Int, Dict, List
from traitlets import link
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
from base64 import b64decode

from menpo.compatibility import unicode

from .abstract import MenpoWidget
from .tools import (IndexSliderWidget, IndexButtonsWidget, SlicingCommandWidget,
                    LineOptionsWidget, MarkerOptionsWidget, LogoWidget,
                    NumberingOptionsWidget, LegendOptionsWidget,
                    ZoomOneScaleWidget, ZoomTwoScalesWidget, AxesOptionsWidget,
                    GridOptionsWidget, ImageOptionsWidget, CameraWidget,
                    ColourSelectionWidget, HOGOptionsWidget, DSIFTOptionsWidget,
                    IGOOptionsWidget, LBPOptionsWidget, DaisyOptionsWidget)
from .style import (map_styles_to_hex_colours, format_box, format_font,
from .utils import sample_colours_from_colourmap

[docs]class AnimationOptionsWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for animating through a list of objects. The widget consists of the following objects from `ipywidgets` and :ref:`api-tools-index`: == ========================= ====================== ==================== No Object Property (`self.`) Description == ========================= ====================== ==================== 1 `ToggleButton` `play_stop_toggle` The play/stop button 2 `Button` `fast_forward_button` Increase speed 3 `Button` `fast_backward_button` Decrease speed 4 `ToggleButton` `loop_toggle` Repeat mode 5 `HBox` `animation_box` Contains 1, 2, 3, 4 8 :map:`IndexButtonsWidget` `index_wid` The index selector :map:`IndexSliderWidget` == ========================= ====================== ==================== Note that: * The selected values are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait`. * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` and :meth:`predefined_style` methods. * To update the state of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`set_widget_state` method. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. Parameters ---------- index : `dict` The initial options. It must be a `dict` with the following keys: * ``min`` : (`int`) The minimum value (e.g. ``0``). * ``max`` : (`int`) The maximum value (e.g. ``100``). * ``step`` : (`int`) The index step (e.g. ``1``). * ``index`` : (`int`) The index value (e.g. ``10``). render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when a widgets' value changes. It must have signature ``render_function(change)`` where ``change`` is a `dict` with the following keys: * ``type`` : The type of notification (normally ``'change'``). * ``owner`` : the `HasTraits` instance * ``old`` : the old value of the modified trait attribute * ``new`` : the new value of the modified trait attribute * ``name`` : the name of the modified trait attribute. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. index_style : ``{'buttons', 'slider'}``, optional If ``'buttons'``, then :map:`IndexButtonsWidget` class is called. If ``'slider'``, then :map:`IndexSliderWidget` class is called. interval : `float`, optional The interval between the animation progress in seconds. interval_step : `float`, optional The interval step (in seconds) that is applied when fast forward/backward buttons are pressed. description : `str`, optional The title of the widget. loop_enabled : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then after reach the minimum (maximum) index values, the counting will continue from the end (beginning). If ``False``, the counting will stop at the minimum (maximum) value. style : `str` (see below), optional Sets a predefined style at the widget. Possible options are: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ continuous_update : `bool`, optional If ``True`` and `index_style` is set to ``'slider'``, then the render and update functions are called while moving the slider's handle. If ``False``, then the the functions are called only when the handle (mouse click) is released. Example ------- Let's create an animation widget and then update its state. Firstly, we need to import it: >>> from menpowidgets.options import AnimationOptionsWidget Now let's define a render function that will get called on every widget change and will dynamically print the selected index: >>> from menpo.visualize import print_dynamic >>> def render_function(change): >>> s = "Selected index: {}".format(wid.selected_values) >>> print_dynamic(s) Create the widget with some initial options and display it: >>> index = {'min': 0, 'max': 100, 'step': 1, 'index': 10} >>> wid = AnimationOptionsWidget(index, index_style='buttons', >>> render_function=render_function, >>> style='info') >>> wid By pressing the buttons (or simply pressing the Play button), the printed message gets updated. Finally, let's change the widget status with a new dictionary of options: >>> new_options = {'min': 0, 'max': 20, 'step': 2, 'index': 16} >>> wid.set_widget_state(new_options, allow_callback=False) """ def __init__(self, index, render_function=None, index_style='buttons', interval=0.2, interval_step=0.05, description='Index: ', loop_enabled=True, style='minimal', continuous_update=False): from time import sleep from IPython import get_ipython # Get the kernel to use it later in order to make sure that the widgets' # traits changes are passed during a while-loop kernel = get_ipython().kernel # Create index widget if index_style == 'slider': self.index_wid = IndexSliderWidget( index, description=description, continuous_update=continuous_update) elif index_style == 'buttons': self.index_wid = IndexButtonsWidget( index, description=description, minus_description='fa-minus', plus_description='fa-plus', loop_enabled=loop_enabled, text_editable=True) else: raise ValueError('index_style should be either slider or buttons'), border_visible=False, padding=0, margin='0.1cm') # Create other widgets self.play_stop_toggle = ipywidgets.ToggleButton( icon='fa-play', description='', value=False, margin='0.1cm', tooltip='Play animation') self._toggle_play_style = '' if style == 'minimal' else 'success' self._toggle_stop_style = '' if style == 'minimal' else 'danger' self.fast_forward_button = ipywidgets.Button( icon='fa-fast-forward', description='', margin='0.1cm', tooltip='Increase animation speed') self.fast_backward_button = ipywidgets.Button( icon='fa-fast-backward', description='', margin='0.1cm', tooltip='Decrease animation speed') loop_icon = 'fa-repeat' if loop_enabled else 'fa-long-arrow-right' self.loop_toggle = ipywidgets.ToggleButton( icon=loop_icon, description='', value=loop_enabled, margin='0.1cm', tooltip='Repeat animation') self.animation_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.play_stop_toggle, self.loop_toggle, self.fast_backward_button, self.fast_forward_button]) # Create final widget children = [self.index_wid, self.animation_box] super(AnimationOptionsWidget, self).__init__( children, Int, index['index'], render_function=render_function, orientation='horizontal', align='start') # Assign properties self.min = index['min'] self.max = index['max'] self.step = index['step'] self.loop_enabled = loop_enabled self.index_style = index_style self.continuous_update = continuous_update self.interval = interval self.interval_step = interval_step # Set style self.predefined_style(style) # Set functionality def play_stop_pressed(change): value = change['new'] if value: # Animation was not playing, so Play was pressed. # Change the button style self.play_stop_toggle.button_style = self._toggle_stop_style # Change the icon and tooltip to Stop self.play_stop_toggle.icon = 'fa-stop' self.play_stop_toggle.tooltip = 'Stop animation' else: # Animation was playing, so Stop was pressed. # Change the button style self.play_stop_toggle.button_style = self._toggle_play_style # Change the icon and tooltip to Play self.play_stop_toggle.icon = 'fa-play' self.play_stop_toggle.tooltip = 'Play animation' self.play_stop_toggle.observe(play_stop_pressed, names='value', type='change') def loop_pressed(change): if change['new']: self.loop_toggle.icon = 'fa-repeat' else: self.loop_toggle.icon = 'fa-long-arrow-right' kernel.do_one_iteration() self.loop_toggle.observe(loop_pressed, names='value', type='change') def fast_forward_pressed(name): tmp = self.interval tmp -= self.interval_step if tmp < 0: tmp = 0 self.interval = tmp kernel.do_one_iteration() self.fast_forward_button.on_click(fast_forward_pressed) def fast_backward_pressed(name): self.interval += self.interval_step kernel.do_one_iteration() self.fast_backward_button.on_click(fast_backward_pressed) def animate(change): i = self.selected_values if self.loop_toggle.value and i >= self.max: i = self.min else: i += self.step while i <= self.max and self.play_stop_toggle.value: # update index value if index_style == 'slider': self.index_wid.slider.value = i else: self.index_wid.index_text.value = i # Run IPython iteration. # This is the code that makes this operation non-blocking. # This allows widget messages and callbacks to be processed. kernel.do_one_iteration() # update counter if self.loop_toggle.value and i >= self.max: i = self.min else: i += self.step # wait sleep(self.interval) if not self.loop_toggle.value and i > self.max: self.stop_animation() self.play_stop_toggle.observe(animate, names='value', type='change') def save_value(change): self.selected_values = self.index_wid.selected_values self.index_wid.observe(save_value, names='selected_values', type='change')
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight=''): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) if self.index_style == 'buttons': box_style=None, border_visible=False, padding=0, margin='0.1cm', font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_style=font_style, font_weight=font_weight) else: box_style=None, border_visible=False, padding=0, margin='0.1cm', font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_style=font_style, font_weight=font_weight)
[docs] def predefined_style(self, style): r""" Function that sets a predefined style on the widget. Parameters ---------- style : `str` (see below) Style options: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ """ if style == 'minimal':'', border_visible=False) self.play_stop_toggle.button_style = '' self.fast_forward_button.button_style = '' self.fast_backward_button.button_style = '' self.loop_toggle.button_style = '' if self.index_style == 'buttons': self.index_wid.button_plus.button_style = '' self.index_wid.button_plus.font_weight = 'normal' self.index_wid.button_minus.button_style = '' self.index_wid.button_minus.font_weight = 'normal' self.index_wid.index_text.background_color = None elif self.index_style == 'slider': self.index_wid.slider.slider_color = None self.index_wid.slider.background_color = None self._toggle_play_style = '' self._toggle_stop_style = '' elif (style == 'info' or style == 'success' or style == 'danger' or style == 'warning'):, border_visible=False) self.play_stop_toggle.button_style = 'success' self.fast_forward_button.button_style = 'info' self.fast_backward_button.button_style = 'info' self.loop_toggle.button_style = 'info' if self.index_style == 'buttons': self.index_wid.button_plus.button_style = 'primary' self.index_wid.button_plus.font_weight = 'bold' self.index_wid.button_minus.button_style = 'primary' self.index_wid.button_minus.font_weight = 'bold' self.index_wid.index_text.background_color = \ map_styles_to_hex_colours(style, True) elif self.index_style == 'slider': self.index_wid.slider.slider_color = \ map_styles_to_hex_colours(style) self.index_wid.slider.background_color = \ map_styles_to_hex_colours(style) self._toggle_play_style = 'success' self._toggle_stop_style = 'danger' else: raise ValueError('style must be minimal or info or success or ' 'danger or warning')
[docs] def set_widget_state(self, index, allow_callback=True): r""" Method that updates the state of the widget, if the provided `index` values are different than `self.selected_values`. Parameters ---------- index : `dict` The selected options. It must be a `dict` with the following keys: * ``min`` : (`int`) The minimum value (e.g. ``0``). * ``max`` : (`int`) The maximum value (e.g. ``100``). * ``step`` : (`int`) The index step (e.g. ``1``). * ``index`` : (`int`) The index value (e.g. ``10``). allow_callback : `bool`, optional If ``True``, it allows triggering of any callback functions. """ # Keep old value old_value = self.selected_values # Check if update is required if (index['index'] != self.selected_values or index['min'] != self.min or index['max'] != self.max or index['step'] != self.step): # temporarily remove render callback render_function = self._render_function self.remove_render_function() # update if self.play_stop_toggle.value: self.stop_animation() if self.index_style == 'slider': self.index_wid.set_widget_state(index, allow_callback=False) else: self.index_wid.set_widget_state( index, loop_enabled=self.loop_toggle.value, text_editable=True, allow_callback=False) self.selected_values = index['index'] self.min = index['min'] self.max = index['max'] self.step = index['step'] # re-assign render callback self.add_render_function(render_function) # trigger render function if allowed if allow_callback: self.call_render_function(old_value, self.selected_values)
[docs] def stop_animation(self): r""" Method that stops an active annotation by setting ``self.play_stop_toggle.value = False``. """ self.play_stop_toggle.value = False
[docs]class ChannelOptionsWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for selecting channel options for rendering an image. The widget consists of the following objects from `ipywidgets` and :ref:`api-tools-index`: == =========================== ======================== ===================== No Object Property (`self.`) Description == =========================== ======================== ===================== 1 :map:`SlicingCommandWidget` `channels_wid` The channels selector 2 `Checkbox` `masked_checkbox` Controls masked mode 3 `Checkbox` `rgb_checkbox` View as RGB 4 `Checkbox` `sum_checkbox` View sum of channels 5 `Checkbox` `glyph_checkbox` View glyph 6 `BoundedIntText` `glyph_block_size_text` Glyph block size 7 `Checkbox` `glyph_use_neg_checkbox` Use negative values 8 `Latex` `no_options_latex` No options message 9 `VBox` `glyph_options_box` Contains 6, 7 10 `HBox` `glyph_box` Contains 5, 9 11 `HBox` `rgb_masked_options_box` Contains 3, 2 12 `HBox` `glyph_sum_options_box` Contains 4, 10 13 `VBox` `checkboxes_box` Contains 11, 12 == =========================== ======================== ===================== Note that: * To update the state of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`set_widget_state` method. * The widget has **memory** about the properties of the objects that are passed into it through :meth:`set_widget_state`. Each image object has a unique key id assigned through :meth:`get_key`. Then, the options that correspond to each key are stored in the ``self.default_options`` `dict`. * The selected values of the current image object are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait`. It is a `dict` with the following keys: * ``channels`` : (`list`) The selected channels. * ``glyph_enabled`` : (`bool`) Whether to render as glyph. * ``glyph_block_size`` : (`int`) The glyph's block size. * ``glyph_use_negative`` : (`bool`) Whether to use negative values in glyph * ``sum_enabled`` : (`bool`) Whether to render as sum of channels. * ``masked_enabled`` : (`bool`) Whether to render as masked. * When an unseen image object is passed in (i.e. a key that is not included in the ``self.default_options`` `dict`), it gets the following initial options by default: * ``channels = [0] if n_channels == 3 else None`` * ``glyph_enabled = False`` * ``glyph_block_size = 3`` * ``glyph_use_negative = False`` * ``sum_enabled = False`` * ``masked_enabled = image_is_masked`` * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` and :meth:`predefined_style` methods. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. Parameters ---------- n_channels : `int` The number of channels of the initial image object. image_is_masked : `bool` Whether the initial image object is masked or not. If ``True``, then the image is assumed to be a `menpo.image.MaskedImage` object. render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when a widgets' value changes. It must have signature ``render_function(change)`` where ``change`` is a `dict` with the following keys: * ``type`` : The type of notification (normally ``'change'``). * ``owner`` : the `HasTraits` instance * ``old`` : the old value of the modified trait attribute * ``new`` : the new value of the modified trait attribute * ``name`` : the name of the modified trait attribute. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. style : `str` (see below), optional Sets a predefined style at the widget. Possible options are: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ Example ------- Let's create a channels widget and then update its state. Firstly, we need to import it: >>> from menpowidgets.options import ChannelOptionsWidget Now let's define a render function that will get called on every widget change and will dynamically print the selected channels and masked flag: >>> from menpo.visualize import print_dynamic >>> def render_function(change): >>> s = "Channels: {}, Masked: {}, Glyph: {}, Sum: {}".format( >>> wid.selected_values['channels'], >>> wid.selected_values['masked_enabled'], >>> wid.selected_values['glyph_enabled'], >>> wid.selected_values['sum_enabled']) >>> print_dynamic(s) Create the widget with some initial options and display it: >>> wid = ChannelOptionsWidget(n_channels=30, image_is_masked=True, >>> render_function=render_function, >>> style='warning') >>> wid By playing around with the widget, printed message gets updated. Finally, let's change the widget status with a new object: >>> wid.set_widget_state(n_channels=10, image_is_masked=False, >>> allow_callback=False) Remember that the widget is **mnemonic**, i.e. it remembers the objects it has seen and their corresponding options. These can be retrieved as: >>> wid.default_options """ def __init__(self, n_channels, image_is_masked, render_function=None, style='minimal'): # Initialise default options dictionary self.default_options = {} # Assign properties self.n_channels = None self.image_is_masked = None # Create children slice_options = {'command': '0', 'length': n_channels} self.channels_wid = SlicingCommandWidget( slice_options, description='Channels:', render_function=None, example_visible=True, continuous_update=False, orientation='horizontal') self.masked_checkbox = ipywidgets.Checkbox(description='Masked', margin='0.1cm') self.rgb_checkbox = ipywidgets.Checkbox(description='RGB', margin='0.1cm') self.sum_checkbox = ipywidgets.Checkbox(description='Sum', margin='0.1cm') self.glyph_checkbox = ipywidgets.Checkbox(description='Glyph', margin='0.1cm') self.glyph_block_size_text = ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( description='Block size', min=1, max=25, width='1.5cm') self.glyph_use_negative_checkbox = ipywidgets.Checkbox( description='Negative') self.no_options_latex = ipywidgets.Latex(value='No options available') # Group widgets self.glyph_options_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.glyph_block_size_text, self.glyph_use_negative_checkbox], margin='0.1cm', visible=False) self.glyph_box = ipywidgets.HBox(children=[self.glyph_checkbox, self.glyph_options_box], align='start') self.rgb_masked_options_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.rgb_checkbox, self.masked_checkbox]) self.glyph_sum_options_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.sum_checkbox, self.glyph_box]) self.checkboxes_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.rgb_masked_options_box, self.glyph_sum_options_box]) # Create final widget children = [self.channels_wid, self.checkboxes_box, self.no_options_latex] super(ChannelOptionsWidget, self).__init__( children, Dict, {}, render_function=render_function, orientation='horizontal', align='start') # Set values self.set_widget_state(n_channels, image_is_masked, allow_callback=False) # Set style self.predefined_style(style)
[docs] def add_callbacks(self): r""" Function that adds the handler callback functions in all the widget components, which are necessary for the internal functionality. """ self.glyph_block_size_text.observe(self._save_options, names='value', type='change') self.glyph_use_negative_checkbox.observe( self._save_options, names='value', type='change') self.masked_checkbox.observe(self._save_options, names='value', type='change') self.channels_wid.observe(self._save_channels, names='selected_values', type='change') self.rgb_checkbox.observe(self._save_rgb, names='value', type='change') self.sum_checkbox.observe(self._save_sum, names='value', type='change') self.glyph_checkbox.observe(self._save_glyph, names='value', type='change')
[docs] def remove_callbacks(self): r""" Function that removes all the internal handler callback functions. """ self.glyph_block_size_text.unobserve(self._save_options, names='value', type='change') self.glyph_use_negative_checkbox.unobserve( self._save_options, names='value', type='change') self.masked_checkbox.unobserve(self._save_options, names='value', type='change') self.channels_wid.unobserve(self._save_channels, names='selected_values', type='change') self.rgb_checkbox.unobserve(self._save_rgb, names='value', type='change') self.sum_checkbox.unobserve(self._save_sum, names='value', type='change') self.glyph_checkbox.unobserve(self._save_glyph, names='value', type='change')
def _save_options(self, change): # get channels value channels_val = self.channels_wid.selected_values if self.rgb_checkbox.value: channels_val = None # update selected values self.selected_values = { 'channels': channels_val, 'glyph_enabled': self.glyph_checkbox.value, 'glyph_block_size': self.glyph_block_size_text.value, 'glyph_use_negative': self.glyph_use_negative_checkbox.value, 'sum_enabled': self.sum_checkbox.value, 'masked_enabled': self.masked_checkbox.value} # update default values current_key = self.get_key(self.n_channels, self.image_is_masked) self.default_options[current_key] = self.selected_values def _save_channels(self, change): if self.n_channels == 3: # temporarily remove rgb callback self.rgb_checkbox.unobserve(self._save_rgb, names='value', type='change') # set value self.rgb_checkbox.value = False # re-assign rgb callback self.rgb_checkbox.observe(self._save_rgb, names='value', type='change') self._save_options({}) def _save_rgb(self, change): if change['new']: # temporarily remove channels callback self.channels_wid.unobserve( self._save_channels, names='selected_values', type='change') # update channels widget self.channels_wid.set_widget_state( {'command': '0, 1, 2', 'length': self.n_channels}, allow_callback=False) # re-assign channels callback self.channels_wid.observe( self._save_channels, names='selected_values', type='change') self._save_options({}) def _save_sum(self, change): if change['new'] and self.glyph_checkbox.value: # temporarily remove glyph callback self.glyph_checkbox.unobserve(self._save_glyph, names='value', type='change') # set glyph to False self.glyph_checkbox.value = False self.glyph_options_box.visible = False # re-assign glyph callback self.glyph_checkbox.observe(self._save_glyph, names='value', type='change') self._save_options({}) def _save_glyph(self, change): if change['new'] and self.sum_checkbox.value: # temporarily remove sum callback self.sum_checkbox.unobserve(self._save_sum, names='value', type='change') # set glyph to false self.sum_checkbox.value = False # re-assign sum callback self.sum_checkbox.observe(self._save_sum, names='value', type='change') # set visibility self.glyph_options_box.visible = change['new'] self._save_options({})
[docs] def set_visibility(self): r""" Function that sets the visibility of the various components of the widget, depending on the properties of the current image object, i.e. ``self.n_channels`` and ``self.image_is_masked``. """ self.channels_wid.visible = self.n_channels > 1 self.glyph_sum_options_box.visible = self.n_channels > 1 self.rgb_checkbox.visible = self.n_channels == 3 self.masked_checkbox.visible = self.image_is_masked self.no_options_latex.visible = (self.n_channels == 1 and not self.image_is_masked) self.glyph_options_box.visible = self.glyph_checkbox.value
[docs] def get_key(self, n_channels, image_is_masked): r""" Function that returns a unique key based on the properties of the provided image object. Parameters ---------- n_channels : `int` The number of channels. image_is_masked : `bool` Whether the image object is masked or not. If ``True``, then the image is assumed to be a `menpo.image.MaskedImage` object. Returns ------- key : `str` The key that has the format ``'{n_channels}_{image_is_masked}'``. """ return "{}_{}".format(n_channels, image_is_masked)
[docs] def get_default_options(self, n_channels, image_is_masked): r""" Function that returns a `dict` with default options given the properties of an image object, i.e. `n_channels` and `image_is_masked`. The function returns the `dict` of options but also updates the ``self.default_options`` `dict`. Parameters ---------- n_channels : `int` The number of channels. image_is_masked : `bool` Whether the image object is masked or not. If ``True``, then the image is assumed to be a `menpo.image.MaskedImage` object. Returns ------- default_options : `dict` A `dict` with the default options. It contains: * ``channels`` : (`list`) The selected channels. * ``glyph_enabled`` : (`bool`) Whether to render as glyph. * ``glyph_block_size`` : (`int`) The glyph's block size. * ``glyph_use_negative`` : (`bool`) Whether to use negative values. * ``sum_enabled`` : (`bool`) Whether to render as sum of channels. * ``masked_enabled`` : (`bool`) Whether to render as masked. If the object is not seen before by the widget, then it automatically gets the following default options: * ``channels = [0] if n_channels == 3 else None`` * ``glyph_enabled = False`` * ``glyph_block_size = 3`` * ``glyph_use_negative = False`` * ``sum_enabled = False`` * ``masked_enabled = image_is_masked`` """ # create key key = self.get_key(n_channels, image_is_masked) # if the key does not exist in the default options dict, then add it if key not in self.default_options: # if image has 3 channels, visualise it as RGB, else render only the # first channel channels = None if n_channels == 3 else [0] # if image is masked, render it as masked masked_enabled = image_is_masked # update default options dictionary self.default_options[key] = {'channels': channels, 'glyph_enabled': False, 'glyph_block_size': 3, 'glyph_use_negative': False, 'sum_enabled': False, 'masked_enabled': masked_enabled} return self.default_options[key]
def _parse_channels_value(self, channels): if channels is None: return '0, 1, 2' elif isinstance(channels, list): return str(channels).strip('[]') else: return str(channels)
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', slider_width='4cm'): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' slider_width : `str`, optional The width of the slider. """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) self.channels_wid.single_slider.width = slider_width self.channels_wid.multiple_slider.width = slider_width format_font(self, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.rgb_checkbox, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.masked_checkbox, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.sum_checkbox, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.glyph_checkbox, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.glyph_block_size_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.glyph_use_negative_checkbox, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.no_options_latex, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) box_style=box_style, border_visible=False, text_box_style=None, text_box_background_colour=None, text_box_width=None, font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_style=font_style, font_weight=font_weight)
[docs] def predefined_style(self, style): r""" Function that sets a predefined style on the widget. Parameters ---------- style : `str` (see below) Style options: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ """ if style == 'minimal':, border_visible=True, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding='0.2cm', margin='0.3cm', font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', slider_width='4cm') format_box(self.glyph_options_box, box_style='', border_visible=False, border_colour='', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding='0.1cm', margin=0) elif (style == 'info' or style == 'success' or style == 'danger' or style == 'warning'):, border_visible=True, border_colour=map_styles_to_hex_colours(style), border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=10, padding='0.2cm', margin='0.3cm', font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', slider_width='4cm') format_box(self.glyph_options_box, box_style=style, border_visible=True, border_colour=map_styles_to_hex_colours(style), border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=10, padding='0.1cm', margin=0) else: raise ValueError('style must be minimal or info or success or ' 'danger or warning')
[docs] def set_widget_state(self, n_channels, image_is_masked, allow_callback=True): r""" Method that updates the state of the widget, if the key generated with :meth:`get_key` based on the provided `n_channels` and `image_is_masked` is different than the current key based on ``self.n_channels`` and ``self.image_is_masked``. Parameters ---------- n_channels : `int` The number of channels of the initial image object. image_is_masked : `bool` Whether the initial image object is masked or not. If ``True``, then the image is assumed to be a `menpo.image.MaskedImage` object. allow_callback : `bool`, optional If ``True``, it allows triggering of any callback functions. """ # keep old value old_value = self.selected_values # check if updates are required if (not self.default_options or self.get_key(self.n_channels, self.image_is_masked) != self.get_key(n_channels, image_is_masked)): # temporarily remove callbacks render_function = self._render_function self.remove_render_function() self.remove_callbacks() # Assign properties self.n_channels = n_channels self.image_is_masked = image_is_masked # Get initial options channel_options = self.get_default_options(n_channels, image_is_masked) # Parse channels value channels = self._parse_channels_value(channel_options['channels']) # Set both sum and glyph to False, to make sure that there is no # conflict self.sum_checkbox.value = False self.glyph_checkbox.value = False # Update widgets' state slice_options = {'command': channels, 'length': self.n_channels} self.channels_wid.set_widget_state(slice_options, allow_callback=False) self.masked_checkbox.value = channel_options['masked_enabled'] self.rgb_checkbox.value = (self.n_channels == 3 and channel_options['channels'] is None) self.sum_checkbox.value = channel_options['sum_enabled'] self.glyph_checkbox.value = channel_options['glyph_enabled'] self.glyph_block_size_text.value = \ channel_options['glyph_block_size'] self.glyph_use_negative_checkbox.value = \ channel_options['glyph_use_negative'] # Set widget's visibility self.set_visibility() # Get values self._save_options({}) # Re-assign callbacks self.add_callbacks() self.add_render_function(render_function) # trigger render function if allowed if allow_callback: self.call_render_function(old_value, self.selected_values)
[docs]class LandmarkOptionsWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for selecting landmark options. The widget consists of the following objects from `ipywidgets`: == =============== =========================== ============================== No Object Property (`self.`) Description == =============== =========================== ============================== 1 `Latex` `no_landmarks_msg` No landmarks available msg. 2 `Checkbox` `render_landmarks_checkbox` Render landmarks checkbox 3 `Latex` `group_description` Landmark group title 4 `IntSlider` `group_slider` Landmark group selector 5 `Dropdown` `group_dropdown` Landmark group selector 6 `Latex` `group_latex` Landmark group text 7 `HBox` `group_selection_box` Contains 3, 4, 5, 6 8 `Latex` `labels_text` Labels title 9 `ToggleButtons` `labels_toggles` list with the labels per group 10 `HBox` `labels_box` Contains all 9 11 `HBox` `labels_and_text_box` Contains 8 and 10 12 `VBox` `options_box` Contains 7, 11 13 `HBox` `render_and_options_box` Contains 2, 12 == =============== =========================== ============================== Note that: * To update the state of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`set_widget_state` method. * The widget has **memory** about the properties of the objects that are passed into it through :meth:`set_widget_state`. Each landmarks object has a unique key id assigned through :meth:`get_key`. Then, the options that correspond to each key are stored in the ``self.default_options`` `dict`. * The selected values of the current landmarks object are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait`. It is a `dict` with the following keys: * ``group`` : (`str` or ``None``) The selected group. * ``with_labels`` : (`list` or ``None``) The selected labels. * ``render_landmarks`` : (`bool`) Whether to render the landmarks. * When an unseen landmarks object is passed in (i.e. a key that is not included in the ``self.default_options`` `dict`), it gets the following initial options by default: * ``group = None if group_keys is None else group_keys[0]`` * ``with_labels = None if group_keys is None else labels_keys[0]`` * ``render_landmarks = False if group_keys is None else True`` * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` and :meth:`predefined_style` methods. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. Parameters ---------- group_keys : `list` of `str` or ``None`` The `list` of landmark groups. If ``None``, then no landmark groups are available. labels_keys : `list` of `list` of `str` or ``None`` The `list` of labels per landmark group. If ``None``, then no labels are available. render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when a widgets' value changes. It must have signature ``render_function(change)`` where ``change`` is a `dict` with the following keys: * ``type`` : The type of notification (normally ``'change'``). * ``owner`` : the `HasTraits` instance * ``old`` : the old value of the modified trait attribute * ``new`` : the new value of the modified trait attribute * ``name`` : the name of the modified trait attribute. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. renderer_widget : :map:`RendererOptionsWidget` or ``None``, optional The :map:`RendererOptionsWidget` that is created and needs to be linked with this widget. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. style : `str` (see below), optional Sets a predefined style at the widget. Possible options are: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ Example ------- Let's create a landmarks widget and then update its state. Firstly, we need to import it: >>> from menpowidgets.options import LandmarkOptionsWidget Now let's define a render function that will get called on every widget change and will dynamically print the selected index: >>> from menpo.visualize import print_dynamic >>> def render_function(change): >>> s = "Group: {}, Labels: {}".format( >>> wid.selected_values['group'], >>> wid.selected_values['with_labels']) >>> print_dynamic(s) Create the widget with some initial options and display it: >>> wid = LandmarkOptionsWidget( >>> group_keys=['PTS', 'ibug_face_68'], >>> labels_keys=[['all'], ['jaw', 'eye', 'mouth']], >>> render_function=render_function, style='danger') >>> wid By playing around with the widget, the printed message gets updated. Finally, let's change the widget status with a new set of options: >>> wid.set_widget_state(group_keys=['new_group'], >>> labels_keys=[['1', '2', '3']], >>> allow_callback=False) Remember that the widget is **mnemonic**, i.e. it remembers the objects it has seen and their corresponding options. These can be retrieved as: >>> wid.default_options """ def __init__(self, group_keys, labels_keys, render_function=None, renderer_widget=None, style='minimal'): # Initialise default options dictionary self.default_options = {} # Assign properties self.renderer_widget = renderer_widget self.style_option = style self.group_keys = [] self.labels_keys = [] # Create children # Render landmarks checkbox and no landmarks message self.no_landmarks_msg = ipywidgets.Latex( value='No landmarks available.') self.render_landmarks_checkbox = ipywidgets.Checkbox( description='Render landmarks', margin='0.3cm') # Create group description, dropdown and slider self.group_description = ipywidgets.Latex(value='Group', margin='0.1cm') self.group_slider = ipywidgets.IntSlider( margin='0.1cm', readout=False, width='3cm', value=0, continuous_update=False, min=0) self.group_dropdown = ipywidgets.Dropdown( options={'0': 0}, description='', margin='0.1cm', value=0) self.group_latex = ipywidgets.Latex(padding='0.2cm') self.group_selection_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.group_description, self.group_slider, self.group_dropdown, self.group_latex], align='center') # Link the values of group dropdown and slider self.link_group_dropdown_and_slider = link( (self.group_dropdown, 'value'), (self.group_slider, 'value')) # Create labels self.labels_toggles = [[]] self.labels_text = ipywidgets.Latex(value='Labels') self.labels_box = ipywidgets.HBox(children=self.labels_toggles[0], padding='0.3cm') self.labels_and_text_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.labels_text, self.labels_box], align='center') self.options_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.group_selection_box, self.labels_and_text_box], margin='0.2cm') self.render_and_options_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.render_landmarks_checkbox, self.options_box]) # Create final widget children = [self.render_and_options_box, self.no_landmarks_msg] super(LandmarkOptionsWidget, self).__init__( children, Dict, {}, render_function=render_function, orientation='horizontal', align='start') # Set values, add callbacks before setting widget state self.add_callbacks() self.set_widget_state(group_keys, labels_keys, allow_callback=False) # Set style self.predefined_style(style)
[docs] def add_callbacks(self): r""" Function that adds the handler callback functions in all the widget components, which are necessary for the internal functionality. """ self.render_landmarks_checkbox.observe( self._render_landmarks_fun, names='value', type='change') self.group_dropdown.observe(self._group_fun, names='value', type='change') self._add_function_to_labels_toggles(self._labels_fun)
[docs] def remove_callbacks(self): r""" Function that removes all the internal handler callback functions. """ self.render_landmarks_checkbox.unobserve( self._render_landmarks_fun, names='value', type='change') self.group_dropdown.unobserve(self._group_fun, names='value', type='change') self._remove_function_from_labels_toggles(self._labels_fun)
def _save_options(self, change): if self.group_keys is None: self.selected_values = { 'group': None, 'render_landmarks': False, 'with_labels': None} else: tmp_labels = self._get_with_labels() self.selected_values = { 'group': self.group_keys[self.group_dropdown.value], 'render_landmarks': self.render_landmarks_checkbox.value, 'with_labels': tmp_labels} # update default values current_key = self.get_key(self.group_keys, self.labels_keys) self.default_options[current_key] = self.selected_values def _render_landmarks_fun(self, change): # If render is True, then check whether all the labels are disabled. # If they are, then enable all of them if change['new']: if len(self._get_with_labels()) == 0: for ww in self.labels_box.children: # temporarily remove render function ww.unobserve(self._labels_fun, names='value', type='change') # set value ww.value = True # re-add render function ww.observe(self._labels_fun, names='value', type='change') # set visibility self.options_box.visible = change['new'] # save options self._save_options({}) def _group_fun(self, change): value = change['new'] # assign the correct children to the labels toggles self.labels_box.children = self.labels_toggles[value] # if a renderer widget was provided, update it if self.renderer_widget is not None: self.renderer_widget.set_widget_state(self.labels_keys[value], allow_callback=False) # save options self._save_options({}) def _labels_fun(self, change): # if all labels toggles are False, set render landmarks checkbox to # False if len(self._get_with_labels()) == 0: # temporarily remove render function self.render_landmarks_checkbox.unobserve( self._render_landmarks_fun, names='value', type='change') # set value self.render_landmarks_checkbox.value = False # set visibility self.options_box.visible = False # re-add render function self.render_landmarks_checkbox.observe( self._render_landmarks_fun, names='value', type='change') # save options self._save_options({})
[docs] def set_visibility(self): r""" Function that sets the visibility of the various components of the widget, depending on the properties of the current landmarks, i.e. ``self.group_keys``. """ self.no_landmarks_msg.visible = self.group_keys is None self.render_and_options_box.visible = self.group_keys is not None if self.group_keys is not None: # control group visibility self.group_slider.visible = len(self.group_keys) > 1 self.group_dropdown.visible = len(self.group_keys) > 1 self.group_latex.visible = len(self.group_keys) == 1 # render_landmarks visibility self.options_box.visible = self.selected_values['render_landmarks']
[docs] def get_key(self, group_keys, labels_keys): r""" Function that returns a unique key based on the properties of the provided landmarks. Parameters ---------- group_keys : `list` of `str` or ``None`` The `list` of landmark groups. If ``None``, then no landmark groups are available. labels_keys : `list` of `list` of `str` or ``None`` The `list` of labels per landmark group. If ``None``, then no labels are available. Returns ------- key : `str` The key that has the format ``'{group_keys}_{labels_keys}'``. """ return "{}_{}".format(group_keys, labels_keys)
[docs] def get_default_options(self, group_keys, labels_keys): r""" Function that returns a `dict` with default options based on the properties of the provided landmarks. The function returns the `dict` of options but also updates the ``self.default_options`` `dict`. Parameters ---------- group_keys : `list` of `str` or ``None`` The `list` of landmark groups. If ``None``, then no landmark groups are available. labels_keys : `list` of `list` of `str` or ``None`` The `list` of labels per landmark group. If ``None``, then no labels are available. Returns ------- default_options : `dict` A `dict` with the default options. It contains: * ``group`` : (`str` or ``None``) The selected group. * ``with_labels`` : (`list` or ``None``) The selected labels. * ``render_landmarks`` : (`bool`) Whether to render the landmarks. If the object is not seen before by the widget, then it automatically gets the following default options: * ``group = None if group_keys is None else group_keys[0]`` * ``with_labels = None if group_keys is None else labels_keys[0]`` * ``render_landmarks = False if group_keys is None else True`` """ # create key key = self.get_key(group_keys, labels_keys) # if the key does not exist in the default options dict, then add it if key not in self.default_options: if group_keys is None: self.default_options[key] = {'group': None, 'with_labels': None, 'render_landmarks': False} else: self.default_options[key] = {'group': group_keys[0], 'with_labels': labels_keys[0], 'render_landmarks': True} return self.default_options[key]
def _get_with_labels(self): with_labels = [] for ww in self.labels_box.children: if ww.value: with_labels.append(str(ww.description)) return with_labels def _add_function_to_labels_toggles(self, fun): for s_group in self.labels_toggles: for w in s_group: w.observe(fun, names='value', type='change') def _remove_function_from_labels_toggles(self, fun): for s_group in self.labels_toggles: for w in s_group: w.unobserve(fun, names='value', type='change') def _set_labels_toggles_values(self, with_labels): for w in self.labels_box.children: w.value = w.description in with_labels
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', labels_buttons_style=''): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' labels_buttons_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Style options: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', 'primary', '', None """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.render_landmarks_checkbox, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.group_dropdown, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.group_description, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) for s_group in self.labels_toggles: for w in s_group: format_font(w, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) w.button_style = labels_buttons_style format_font(self.labels_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) self.group_slider.slider_color = map_styles_to_hex_colours( box_style, background=False) self.group_slider.background_color = map_styles_to_hex_colours( box_style, background=False)
[docs] def predefined_style(self, style): r""" Function that sets a predefined style on the widget. Parameters ---------- style : `str` (see below) Style options: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ """ if style == 'minimal':, border_visible=True, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding='0.2cm', margin='0.3cm', font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', labels_buttons_style='') elif (style == 'info' or style == 'success' or style == 'danger' or style == 'warning'):, border_visible=True, border_colour=map_styles_to_hex_colours(style), border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=10, padding='0.2cm', margin='0.3cm', font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', labels_buttons_style='primary') else: raise ValueError('style must be minimal or info or success or ' 'danger or warning')
[docs] def set_widget_state(self, group_keys, labels_keys, allow_callback=True): r""" Method that updates the state of the widget, if the key generated with :meth:`get_key` based on the provided `group_keys` and `labels_keys` is different than the current key based on ``self.group_keys`` and ``self.labels_keys``. Parameters ---------- group_keys : `list` of `str` or ``None`` The `list` of landmark groups. If ``None``, then no landmark groups are available. labels_keys : `list` of `list` of `str` or ``None`` The `list` of labels per landmark group. If ``None``, then no labels are available. allow_callback : `bool`, optional If ``True``, it allows triggering of any callback functions. """ # keep old value old_value = self.selected_values # check if updates are required if (not self.default_options or self.get_key(self.group_keys, self.labels_keys) != self.get_key(group_keys, labels_keys)): # temporarily remove callbacks render_function = self._render_function self.remove_render_function() self.remove_callbacks() # Assign properties self.group_keys = group_keys self.labels_keys = labels_keys # Update widgets' state if group_keys is not None: # Get options to set landmark_options = self.get_default_options(group_keys, labels_keys) # Update self.group_slider.max = len(group_keys) - 1 dropdown_dict = OrderedDict() for gn, gk in enumerate(group_keys): dropdown_dict[gk] = gn self.group_dropdown.options = dropdown_dict self.group_latex.value = group_keys[0] group_idx = group_keys.index(landmark_options['group']) if (group_idx == self.group_dropdown.value and len(group_keys) > 1): if self.group_dropdown.value == 0: self.group_dropdown.value = 1 else: self.group_dropdown.value = 0 self.group_dropdown.value = group_idx self.labels_toggles = [ [ipywidgets.ToggleButton(description=k, value=True) for k in s_keys] for s_keys in labels_keys] self.labels_box.children = self.labels_toggles[group_idx] self._set_labels_toggles_values(landmark_options['with_labels']) self.render_landmarks_checkbox.value = \ landmark_options['render_landmarks'] # if a renderer widget was provided, update it if self.renderer_widget is not None: self.renderer_widget.set_widget_state( self.labels_keys[group_idx], allow_callback=False) # Get values self._save_options({}) # Set widget's visibility self.set_visibility() # Set style self.predefined_style(self.style_option) # Re-assign callbacks self.add_callbacks() self.add_render_function(render_function) # trigger render function if allowed if allow_callback: self.call_render_function(old_value, self.selected_values)
[docs]class TextPrintWidget(ipywidgets.FlexBox): r""" Creates a widget for printing text. Specifically, it consists of a `list` of `ipywidgets.Latex` objects, i.e. one per text line. Note that: * To set the styling please refer to the :meth:`style` and :meth:`predefined_style` methods. * To update the state of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`set_widget_state` method. Parameters ---------- text_per_line : `list` of `str` The text to be printed per line. style : `str` (see below), optional Sets a predefined style at the widget. Possible options are: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ Example ------- Let's create an text widget and then update its state. Firstly, we need to import it: >>> from menpowidgets.options import TextPrintWidget Create the widget with some initial options and display it: >>> text_per_line = ['> The', '> Menpo', '> Team'] >>> wid = TextPrintWidget(text_per_line, style='success') >>> wid The style of the widget can be changed as: >>> wid.predefined_style('danger') Update the widget state as: >>> wid.set_widget_state(['M', 'E', 'N', 'P', 'O']) """ def __init__(self, text_per_line, style='minimal'): n_lines = len(text_per_line) self.latex_texts = [ipywidgets.Latex(value=text_per_line[i]) for i in range(n_lines)] super(TextPrintWidget, self).__init__(children=self.latex_texts) self.align = 'start' # Assign options self.n_lines = n_lines self.text_per_line = text_per_line # Set style self.predefined_style(style)
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight=''): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) for i in range(self.n_lines): format_font(self.latex_texts[i], font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight)
[docs] def predefined_style(self, style): r""" Function that sets a predefined style on the widget. Parameters ---------- style : `str` (see below) Style options: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ """ if style == 'minimal':, border_visible=True, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding='0.1cm', margin='0.3cm', font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='') elif (style == 'info' or style == 'success' or style == 'danger' or style == 'warning'):, border_visible=True, border_colour=map_styles_to_hex_colours(style), border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=10, padding='0.1cm', margin='0.3cm', font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='') else: raise ValueError('style must be minimal or info or success or ' 'danger or warning')
[docs] def set_widget_state(self, text_per_line): r""" Method that updates the state of the widget with a new `list` of lines. Parameters ---------- text_per_line : `list` of `str` The text to be printed per line. """ # Check if n_lines has changed n_lines = len(text_per_line) if n_lines != self.n_lines: self.latex_texts = [ipywidgets.Latex(value=text_per_line[i]) for i in range(n_lines)] self.children = self.latex_texts else: for i in range(n_lines): self.latex_texts[i].value = text_per_line[i] self.n_lines = n_lines self.text_per_line = text_per_line
[docs]class RendererOptionsWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for selecting rendering options. The widget consists of the following objects from `ipywidgets` and :ref:`api-tools-index`: == ============================= =========================== ================ No Object Property (`self.`) Description == ============================= =========================== ================ 1 :map:`LineOptionsWidget` `options_widgets` `list` that :map:`MarkerOptionsWidget` contains the :map:`ImageOptionsWidget` rendering :map:`NumberingOptionsWidget` sub-options :map:`ZoomOneScaleWidget` widgets :map:`ZoomTwoScalesWidget` :map:`AxesOptionsWidget` :map:`LegendOptionsWidget` :map:`GridOptionsWidget` 2 Tab `suboptions_tab` Contains all 2 == ============================= =========================== ================ Note that: * To update the state of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`set_widget_state` method. * The widget has **memory** about the properties of the objects that are passed into it through :meth:`set_widget_state`. Each object has a unique key id assigned through :meth:`get_key`. Then, the options that correspond to each key are stored in the ``self.default_options`` `dict`. * The selected values of the current object object are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait`. * When an unseen image object is passed in (i.e. a key that is not included in the ``self.default_options`` `dict`), it gets the following initial options by default: * ``lines`` - ``render_lines = True`` - ``line_width = 1`` - ``line_style = '-`` - ``line_colour = ['red'] if labels is None else colours`` * ``markers`` - ``render_markers = True`` - ``marker_size = 5`` - ``marker_style = 'o'`` - ``marker_face_colour = ['red'] if labels is None else colours`` - ``marker_edge_colour = ['black'] if labels is None else colours`` - ``marker_edge_width = 1`` where ``colours = sample_colours_from_colourmap(len(labels), 'jet')`` * ``image`` - ``interpolation = 'bilinear'`` - ``cmap_name = None`` - ``alpha = 1.`` * ``numbering`` - ``render_numbering = False`` - ``numbers_font_name = 'sans-serif'`` - ``numbers_font_size = 10`` - ``numbers_font_style = 'normal'`` - ``numbers_font_weight = 'normal'`` - ``numbers_font_colour = ['black']`` - ``numbers_horizontal_align = 'center'`` - ``numbers_vertical_align = 'bottom'`` * ``zoom_one = 1.`` * ``zoom_two = [1., 1.]`` * ``axes`` - ``render_axes = False`` - ``axes_font_name = 'sans-serif'`` - ``axes_font_size = 10`` - ``axes_font_style = 'normal'`` - ``axes_font_weight = 'normal'`` - ``axes_x_ticks = None`` - ``axes_y_ticks = None`` - ``axes_x_limits = axes_x_limits`` - ``axes_y_limits = axes_y_limits`` * ``legend`` - ``render_legend = False`` - ``legend_title = ''`` - ``legend_font_name = 'sans-serif'`` - ``legend_font_style = 'normal'`` - ``legend_font_size = 10`` - ``legend_font_weight = 'normal'`` - ``legend_marker_scale = 1.`` - ``legend_location = 2`` - ``legend_bbox_to_anchor = (1.05, 1.)`` - ``legend_border_axes_pad = 1.`` - ``legend_n_columns = 1`` - ``legend_horizontal_spacing = 1.`` - ``legend_vertical_spacing = 1.`` - ``legend_border = True`` - ``legend_border_padding = 0.5`` - ``legend_shadow = False`` - ``legend_rounded_corners = False`` * ``grid`` - ``render_grid = False`` - ``grid_line_width = 0.5`` - ``grid_line_style = '--'`` * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` and :meth:`predefined_style` methods. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. Parameters ---------- options_tabs : `list` of `str` `List` that defines the ordering of the options tabs. Possible values are: =============== ======================== Value Returned object =============== ======================== ``'lines'`` :map:`LineOptionsWidget` ``'markers'`` :map:`MarkerOptionsWidget` ``'numbering'`` :map:`NumberingOptionsWidget` ``'zoom_one'`` :map:`ZoomOneScaleWidget` ``'zoom_two'`` :map:`ZoomTwoScalesWidget` ``'legend'`` :map:`LegendOptionsWidget` ``'grid'`` :map:`GridOptionsWidget` ``'image'`` :map:`ImageOptionsWidget` ``'axes'`` :map:`AxesOptionsWidget` =============== ======================== labels : `list` or ``None``, optional The `list` of labels used in all :map:`ColourSelectionWidget` objects. axes_x_limits : `float` or (`float`, `float`) or ``None``, optional The limits of the x axis. If `float`, then it sets padding on the right and left as a percentage of the rendered object's width. If `tuple` or `list`, then it defines the axis limits. If ``None``, then the limits are set automatically. axes_y_limits : (`float`, `float`) `tuple` or ``None``, optional The limits of the y axis. If `float`, then it sets padding on the top and bottom as a percentage of the rendered object's height. If `tuple` or `list`, then it defines the axis limits. If ``None``, then the limits are set automatically. render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when a widgets' value changes. It must have signature ``render_function(change)`` where ``change`` is a `dict` with the following keys: * ``type`` : The type of notification (normally ``'change'``). * ``owner`` : the `HasTraits` instance * ``old`` : the old value of the modified trait attribute * ``new`` : the new value of the modified trait attribute * ``name`` : the name of the modified trait attribute. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. style : `str` (see below), optional Sets a predefined style at the widget. Possible options are: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ tabs_style : `str` (see below), optional Sets a predefined style at the tabs of the widget. Possible options are: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ Example ------- Let's create a rendering options widget and then update its state. Firstly, we need to import it: >>> from menpowidgets.options import RendererOptionsWidget Let's set some initial options: >>> options_tabs = ['markers', 'lines', 'grid'] >>> labels = ['jaw', 'eyes'] Now let's define a render function that will get called on every widget change and will dynamically print the selected marker face colour and line width: >>> from menpo.visualize import print_dynamic >>> def render_function(change): >>> s = "Marker face colour: {}, Line width: {}".format( >>> wid.selected_values['markers']['marker_face_colour'], >>> wid.selected_values['lines']['line_width']) >>> print_dynamic(s) Create the widget with the initial options and display it: >>> wid = RendererOptionsWidget(options_tabs, labels=labels, >>> render_function=render_function, >>> style='info') >>> wid By playing around, the printed message gets updated. The style of the widget can be changed as: >>> wid.predefined_style('minimal', 'info') Finally, let's change the widget status with a new set of labels: >>> wid.set_widget_state(labels=['1'], allow_callback=True) Remember that the widget is **mnemonic**, i.e. it remembers the objects it has seen and their corresponding options. These can be retrieved as: >>> wid.default_options """ def __init__(self, options_tabs, labels, axes_x_limits=None, axes_y_limits=None, render_function=None, style='minimal', tabs_style='minimal'): # Initialise default options dictionary self.default_options = {} self.global_options = {} # Assign properties self.labels = labels self.options_tabs = options_tabs # Get initial options self.initialise_global_options(axes_x_limits, axes_y_limits) renderer_options = self.get_default_options(labels) # Create children self.options_widgets = [] self.tab_titles = [] for o in options_tabs: if o == 'lines': self.options_widgets.append(LineOptionsWidget( renderer_options[o], render_function=None, render_checkbox_title='Render lines', labels=labels)) self.tab_titles.append('Lines') elif o == 'markers': self.options_widgets.append(MarkerOptionsWidget( renderer_options[o], render_function=None, render_checkbox_title='Render markers', labels=labels)) self.tab_titles.append('Markers') elif o == 'image': self.options_widgets.append(ImageOptionsWidget( self.global_options[o], render_function=None)) self.tab_titles.append('Image') elif o == 'numbering': self.options_widgets.append(NumberingOptionsWidget( self.global_options[o], render_function=None, render_checkbox_title='Render numbering')) self.tab_titles.append('Numbering') elif o == 'zoom_two': tmp = {'min': 0.1, 'max': 4., 'step': 0.05, 'zoom': self.global_options[o], 'lock_aspect_ratio': False} self.options_widgets.append(ZoomTwoScalesWidget( tmp, render_function=None, description='Scale: ', minus_description='fa-search-minus', plus_description='fa-search-plus', continuous_update=False)) self.tab_titles.append('Zoom') elif o == 'zoom_one': tmp = {'min': 0.1, 'max': 4., 'step': 0.05, 'zoom': self.global_options[o]} self.options_widgets.append(ZoomOneScaleWidget( tmp, render_function=None, description='Scale: ', minus_description='fa-search-minus', plus_description='fa-search-plus', continuous_update=False)) self.tab_titles.append('Zoom') elif o == 'axes': self.options_widgets.append(AxesOptionsWidget( self.global_options[o], render_function=None, render_checkbox_title='Render axes')) self.tab_titles.append('Axes') elif o == 'legend': self.options_widgets.append(LegendOptionsWidget( self.global_options[o], render_function=None, render_checkbox_title='Render legend')) self.tab_titles.append('Legend') elif o == 'grid': self.options_widgets.append(GridOptionsWidget( self.global_options[o], render_function=None, render_checkbox_title='Render grid')) self.tab_titles.append('Grid') self.suboptions_tab = ipywidgets.Tab(children=self.options_widgets) # set titles for (k, tl) in enumerate(self.tab_titles): self.suboptions_tab.set_title(k, tl) # Create final widget initial_options = renderer_options.copy() initial_options.update(self.global_options) children = [self.suboptions_tab] super(RendererOptionsWidget, self).__init__( children, Dict, initial_options, render_function=render_function, orientation='vertical', align='start') # Set values self.set_widget_state(labels, allow_callback=False) # Set style self.predefined_style(style, tabs_style) # Add callbacks self.add_callbacks() def _save_options(self, change): # update selected values self.selected_values = {o: self.options_widgets[i].selected_values for i, o in enumerate(self.options_tabs)} # update default values current_key = self.get_key(self.labels) if 'lines' in self.options_tabs: self.default_options[current_key]['lines'] = \ self.selected_values['lines'].copy() if 'markers' in self.options_tabs: self.default_options[current_key]['markers'] = \ self.selected_values['markers'].copy() # update global values if 'image' in self.options_tabs: self.global_options['image'] = self.selected_values['image'] if 'numbering' in self.options_tabs: self.global_options['numbering'] = self.selected_values['numbering'] if 'zoom_one' in self.options_tabs: self.global_options['zoom_one'] = self.selected_values['zoom_one'] if 'zoom_two' in self.options_tabs: self.global_options['zoom_two'] = self.selected_values['zoom_two'] if 'grid' in self.options_tabs: self.global_options['grid'] = self.selected_values['grid'] if 'legend' in self.options_tabs: self.global_options['legend'] = self.selected_values['legend'] if 'axes' in self.options_tabs: self.global_options['axes'] = self.selected_values['axes']
[docs] def add_callbacks(self): r""" Function that adds the handler callback functions in all the widget components, which are necessary for the internal functionality. """ for wid in self.options_widgets: wid.observe(self._save_options, names='selected_values', type='change')
[docs] def remove_callbacks(self): r""" Function that removes all the internal handler callback functions. """ for wid in self.options_widgets: wid.unobserve(self._save_options, names='selected_values', type='change')
[docs] def get_key(self, labels): r""" Function that returns a unique key based on the provided labels. Parameters ---------- labels : `list` or ``None``, optional The `list` of labels used in all :map:`ColourSelectionWidget` objects Returns ------- key : `str` The key that has the format ``'{labels}'``. """ return "{}".format(labels)
[docs] def initialise_global_options(self, axes_x_limits, axes_y_limits): r""" Function that returns a `dict` with global options, i.e. options that do not depend on `labels`. The functions updates ``self.global_options`` `dict` with: * ``image`` : (`dict`) It has the following keys: - ``interpolation`` : (`str`) The interpolation method. - ``cmap_name`` : (`str`) The colourmap. - ``alpha`` : (`float`) The alpha transparency value. * ``numbering`` : (`dict`) It has the following keys: - ``render_numbering`` : (`bool`) Flag for rendering the numbers. - ``numbers_font_name`` : (`str`) The font name. - ``numbers_font_size`` : (`int`) The font size. - ``numbers_font_style`` : (`str`) The font style. - ``numbers_font_weight`` : (`str`) The font weight. - ``numbers_font_colour`` : (`list`) The font colour. - ``numbers_horizontal_align`` : (`str`) The horizontal alignment. - ``numbers_vertical_align`` : (`str`) The vertical alignment. * ``zoom_one`` : (`float`) The zoom value. * ``zoom_two`` : (`list` of `float`) The zoom values. * ``axes`` : (`dict`) It has the following keys: - ``render_axes`` : (`bool`) Flag for rendering the axes. - ``axes_font_name`` : (`str`) The axes font name. - ``axes_font_size`` : (`int`) The axes font size. - ``axes_font_style`` : (`str`) The axes font style - ``axes_font_weight`` : (`str`) The font weight. - ``axes_x_ticks`` : (`list` or ``None``) The x ticks. - ``axes_y_ticks`` : (`list` or ``None``) The y ticks. - ``axes_x_limits`` : (`float` or [`float`, `float`] or ``None``) The x limits. - ``axes_y_limits`` : (`float` or [`float`, `float`] or ``None``) The y limits. * ``legend`` : (`dict`) It has the following keys: - ``render_legend`` : (`bool`) Flag for rendering the legend. - ``legend_title`` : (`str`) The legend title. - ``legend_font_name`` : (`str`) The font name. - ``legend_font_style`` : (`str`) The font style. - ``legend_font_size`` : (`str`) The font size. - ``legend_font_weight`` : (`str`) The font weight. - ``legend_marker_scale`` : (`float`) The marker scale. - ``legend_location`` : (`int`) The legend location. - ``legend_bbox_to_anchor`` : (`tuple`) Bbox to anchor. - ``legend_border_axes_pad`` : (`float`) Border axes pad. - ``legend_n_columns`` : (`int`) The number of columns. - ``legend_horizontal_spacing`` : (`float`) Horizontal spacing. - ``legend_vertical_spacing`` : (`float`) Vetical spacing. - ``legend_border`` : (`bool`) Flag for adding border to the legend - ``legend_border_padding`` : (`float`) The border padding - ``legend_shadow`` : (`bool`) Flag for adding shadow to the legend - ``legend_rounded_corners`` : (`bool`) Flag for adding rounded corners to the legend. * ``gird`` : (`dict`) It has the following keys: - ``render_grid`` : (`bool`) Flag for rendering the grid. - ``grid_line_width`` : (`int`) The line width. - ``grid_line_style`` : (`str`) The line style. If the object is not seen before by the widget, then it automatically gets the following default options: * ``image`` - ``interpolation = 'bilinear'`` - ``cmap_name = None`` - ``alpha = 1.`` * ``numbering`` - ``render_numbering = False`` - ``numbers_font_name = 'sans-serif'`` - ``numbers_font_size = 10`` - ``numbers_font_style = 'normal'`` - ``numbers_font_weight = 'normal'`` - ``numbers_font_colour = ['black']`` - ``numbers_horizontal_align = 'center'`` - ``numbers_vertical_align = 'bottom'`` * ``zoom_one = 1.`` * ``zoom_two = [1., 1.]`` * ``axes`` - ``render_axes = False`` - ``axes_font_name = 'sans-serif'`` - ``axes_font_size = 10`` - ``axes_font_style = 'normal'`` - ``axes_font_weight = 'normal'`` - ``axes_x_ticks = None`` - ``axes_y_ticks = None`` - ``axes_x_limits = axes_x_limits`` - ``axes_y_limits = axes_y_limits`` * ``legend`` - ``render_legend = False`` - ``legend_title = ''`` - ``legend_font_name = 'sans-serif'`` - ``legend_font_style = 'normal'`` - ``legend_font_size = 10`` - ``legend_font_weight = 'normal'`` - ``legend_marker_scale = 1.`` - ``legend_location = 2`` - ``legend_bbox_to_anchor = (1.05, 1.)`` - ``legend_border_axes_pad = 1.`` - ``legend_n_columns = 1`` - ``legend_horizontal_spacing = 1.`` - ``legend_vertical_spacing = 1.`` - ``legend_border = True`` - ``legend_border_padding = 0.5`` - ``legend_shadow = False`` - ``legend_rounded_corners = False`` * ``grid`` - ``render_grid = False`` - ``grid_line_width = 0.5`` - ``grid_line_style = '--'`` Parameters ---------- axes_x_limits : `float` or (`float`, `float`) or ``None``, optional The limits of the x axis. If `float`, then it sets padding on the right and left as a percentage of the rendered object's width. If `tuple` or `list`, then it defines the axis limits. If ``None``, then the limits are set automatically. axes_y_limits : (`float`, `float`) `tuple` or ``None``, optional The limits of the y axis. If `float`, then it sets padding on the top and bottom as a percentage of the rendered object's height. If `tuple` or `list`, then it defines the axis limits. If ``None``, then the limits are set automatically. """ self.global_options = {} for o in self.options_tabs: if o == 'image': self.global_options[o] = { 'interpolation': 'bilinear', 'cmap_name': None, 'alpha': 1.} elif o == 'numbering': self.global_options[o] = { 'render_numbering': False, 'numbers_font_name': 'sans-serif', 'numbers_font_size': 10, 'numbers_font_style': 'normal', 'numbers_font_weight': 'normal', 'numbers_font_colour': 'black', 'numbers_horizontal_align': 'center', 'numbers_vertical_align': 'bottom'} elif o == 'zoom_one': self.global_options[o] = 1. elif o == 'zoom_two': self.global_options[o] = [1., 1.] elif o == 'axes': self.global_options[o] = { 'render_axes': False, 'axes_font_name': 'sans-serif', 'axes_font_size': 10, 'axes_font_style': 'normal', 'axes_font_weight': 'normal', 'axes_x_limits': axes_x_limits, 'axes_y_limits': axes_y_limits, 'axes_x_ticks': None, 'axes_y_ticks': None} elif o == 'legend': self.global_options[o] = { 'render_legend': False, 'legend_title': '', 'legend_font_name': 'sans-serif', 'legend_font_style': 'normal', 'legend_font_size': 10, 'legend_font_weight': 'normal', 'legend_marker_scale': 1., 'legend_location': 2, 'legend_bbox_to_anchor': (1.05, 1.), 'legend_border_axes_pad': 1., 'legend_n_columns': 1, 'legend_horizontal_spacing': 1., 'legend_vertical_spacing': 1., 'legend_border': True, 'legend_border_padding': 0.5, 'legend_shadow': False, 'legend_rounded_corners': False} elif o == 'grid': self.global_options[o] = { 'render_grid': False, 'grid_line_style': '--', 'grid_line_width': 0.5}
[docs] def get_default_options(self, labels): r""" Function that returns a `dict` with default options given a `list` of labels. The function returns the `dict` of options but also updates the ``self.default_options`` `dict`. Parameters ---------- labels : `list` or ``None``, optional The `list` of labels used in all :map:`ColourSelectionWidget` objects Returns ------- default_options : `dict` A `dict` with the default options. It contains: * ``lines`` : (`dict`) It has the following keys: - ``render_lines`` : (`bool`) Whether to render the lines. - ``line_width`` : (`float`) The width of the lines. - ``line_style`` : (`str`) The style of the lines. - ``line_colour`` : (`list`) The colour per label. * ``markers`` : (`dict`) It has the following keys: - ``render_markers`` : (`bool`) Whether to render the markers. - ``marker_size`` : (`int`) The size of the markers. - ``marker_style`` : (`str`) The style of the markers. - ``marker_face_colour`` : (`list`) The face colour per label. - ``marker_edge_colour`` : (`list`) The edge colour per label. - ``marker_edge_width`` : (`float`) The edge width of the markers. If the object is not seen before by the widget, then it automatically gets the following default options: * ``lines`` - ``render_lines = True`` - ``line_width = 1`` - ``line_style = '-`` - ``line_colour = ['red'] if labels is None else colours`` * ``markers`` - ``render_markers = True`` - ``marker_size = 5`` - ``marker_style = 'o'`` - ``marker_face_colour = ['red'] if labels is None else colours`` - ``marker_edge_colour = ['black'] if labels is None else colours`` - ``marker_edge_width = 1`` where ``colours = sample_colours_from_colourmap(len(labels), 'jet')`` """ # create key key = self.get_key(labels) # if the key does not exist in the default options dict, then add it if key not in self.default_options: self.default_options[key] = {} if 'lines' in self.options_tabs: lc = ['red'] if labels is not None: lc = sample_colours_from_colourmap(len(labels), 'jet') self.default_options[key]['lines'] = { 'render_lines': True, 'line_width': 1, 'line_colour': lc, 'line_style': '-'} if 'markers' in self.options_tabs: fc = ['red'] ec = ['black'] if labels is not None and len(labels) > 1: fc = sample_colours_from_colourmap(len(labels), 'jet') ec = sample_colours_from_colourmap(len(labels), 'jet') self.default_options[key]['markers'] = { 'render_markers': True, 'marker_size': 5, 'marker_face_colour': fc, 'marker_edge_colour': ec, 'marker_style': 'o', 'marker_edge_width': 1} return self.default_options[key]
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding='0.2cm', margin=0, tabs_box_style=None, tabs_border_visible=True, tabs_border_colour='black', tabs_border_style='solid', tabs_border_width=1, tabs_border_radius=1, tabs_padding=0, tabs_margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight=''): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. tabs_box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible tab widgets style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None tabs_border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the tab widgets. tabs_border_colour : `str`, optional The color of the border around the tab widgets. tabs_border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the tab widgets. tabs_border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the tab widgets. tabs_border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the corners of the box of the tab widgets. tabs_padding : `float`, optional The padding around the tab widgets. tabs_margin : `float`, optional The margin around the tab widgets. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) for wid in self.options_widgets:, border_visible=tabs_border_visible, border_colour=tabs_border_colour, border_style=tabs_border_style, border_width=tabs_border_width, border_radius=tabs_border_radius, padding=tabs_padding, margin=tabs_margin, font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_style=font_style, font_weight=font_weight) format_font(self, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight)
[docs] def predefined_style(self, style, tabs_style='minimal'): r""" Function that sets a predefined style on the widget. Parameters ---------- style : `str` (see below) Style options: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ tabs_style : `str` (see below) Tabs style options: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ """ if tabs_style == 'minimal' or tabs_style == '': tabs_style = '' tabs_border_visible = False tabs_border_colour = 'black' tabs_border_radius = 0 tabs_padding = 0 else: tabs_style = tabs_style tabs_border_visible = not style == tabs_style tabs_border_colour = map_styles_to_hex_colours(tabs_style) tabs_border_radius = 10 tabs_padding = '0.3cm' if style == 'minimal':'', border_visible=True, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding='0.2cm', margin='0.5cm', font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', tabs_box_style=tabs_style, tabs_border_visible=tabs_border_visible, tabs_border_colour=tabs_border_colour, tabs_border_style='solid', tabs_border_width=1, tabs_border_radius=tabs_border_radius, tabs_padding=tabs_padding, tabs_margin='0.1cm') elif (style == 'info' or style == 'success' or style == 'danger' or style == 'warning'):, border_visible=True, border_colour=map_styles_to_hex_colours(style), border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=10, padding='0.2cm', margin='0.5cm', font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', tabs_box_style=tabs_style, tabs_border_visible=tabs_border_visible, tabs_border_colour=tabs_border_colour, tabs_border_style='solid', tabs_border_width=1, tabs_border_radius=tabs_border_radius, tabs_padding=tabs_padding, tabs_margin='0.1cm') else: raise ValueError('style must be minimal or info or success or ' 'danger or warning')
[docs] def set_widget_state(self, labels, allow_callback=True): r""" Method that updates the state of the widget, if the provided `labels` are different than ``self.labels``. Parameters ---------- labels : `list` or ``None``, optional The `list` of labels used in all :map:`ColourSelectionWidget` objects allow_callback : `bool`, optional If ``True``, it allows triggering of any callback functions. """ # keep old value old_value = self.selected_values # check if updates are required if (not self.default_options or self.get_key(self.labels) != self.get_key(labels)): # Temporarily remove callbacks render_function = self._render_function self.remove_render_function() self.remove_callbacks() # Get options renderer_options = self.get_default_options(labels) # Assign properties self.labels = labels # Update subwidgets if 'lines' in self.options_tabs: i = self.options_tabs.index('lines') self.options_widgets[i].set_widget_state( renderer_options['lines'], labels=labels, allow_callback=False) if 'markers' in self.options_tabs: i = self.options_tabs.index('markers') self.options_widgets[i].set_widget_state( renderer_options['markers'], labels=labels, allow_callback=False) # Get values self._save_options({}) # Add callbacks self.add_callbacks() self.add_render_function(render_function) # trigger render function if allowed if allow_callback: self.call_render_function(old_value, self.selected_values)
[docs]class SaveFigureOptionsWidget(ipywidgets.FlexBox): r""" Creates a widget for saving a figure to file. The widget consists of the following objects from `ipywidgets` and :ref:`api-tools-index`: == ============================ ====================== ===================== No Object Property (`self.`) Description == ============================ ====================== ===================== 1 `Select` `file_format_select` Image format selector 2 `FloatText` `dpi_text` DPI selector 3 `Dropdown` `orientation_dropdown` Paper orientation 4 `Select` `papertype_select` Paper type selector 5 `Checkbox` `transparent_checkbox` Transparency setter 6 :map:`ColourSelectionWidget` `facecolour_widget` Face colour selector 7 :map:`ColourSelectionWidget` `edgecolour_widget` Edge colour selector 8 `FloatText` `pad_inches_text` Padding in inches 9 `Text` `filename_text` Path and filename 10 `Checkbox` `overwrite_checkbox` Overwrite flag 11 `Latex` `error_latex` Error message area 12 `Button` `save_button` Save button 13 `VBox` `path_box` Contains 9, 1, 10, 4 14 `VBox` `page_box` Contains 3, 2, 8 15 `VBox` `colour_box` Contains 6, 7, 5 16 `Tab` `options_tabs` Contains 13, 14, 15 17 `HBox` `save_box` Contains 12, 11 18 `VBox` `options_box` Contains 16, 17 == ============================ ====================== ===================== To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` and :meth:`predefined_style` methods. Parameters ---------- renderer : `menpo.visualize.Renderer` or subclass or ``None`` The renderer object that was used to render the figure. file_format : `str`, optional The initial value of the file format. dpi : `float` or ``None``, optional The initial value of the dpi. If ``None``, then dpi is set to ``0``. orientation : ``{'portrait', 'landscape'}``, optional The initial value of the paper orientation. paper_type : `str`, optional The initial value of the paper type. Possible options are:: 'letter', 'legal', 'executive', 'ledger', 'a0', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4', 'a5', 'a6', 'a7', 'a8', 'a9', 'a10', 'b0', 'b1', 'b2', 'b3', 'b4', 'b5', 'b6', 'b7', 'b8', 'b9', 'b10' transparent : `bool`, optional The initial value of the transparency flag. face_colour : `str` or `list` of `float`, optional The initial value of the face colour. edge_colour : `str` or `list` of `float`, optional The initial value of the edge colour. pad_inches : `float`, optional The initial value of the figure padding in inches. overwrite : `bool`, optional The initial value of the overwrite flag. style : `str` (see below), optional Sets a predefined style at the widget. Possible options are: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ """ def __init__(self, renderer=None, file_format='png', dpi=None, orientation='portrait', paper_type='letter', transparent=False, face_colour='white', edge_colour='white', pad_inches=0., overwrite=False, style='minimal'): from os import getcwd from os.path import join, splitext # Create widgets file_format_dict = OrderedDict() file_format_dict['png'] = 'png' file_format_dict['jpg'] = 'jpg' file_format_dict['pdf'] = 'pdf' file_format_dict['eps'] = 'eps' file_format_dict['postscript'] = 'ps' file_format_dict['svg'] = 'svg' self.file_format_select = ipywidgets.Select( options=file_format_dict, value=file_format, description='Format', width='3cm') if dpi is None: dpi = 0 self.dpi_text = ipywidgets.FloatText(description='DPI', value=dpi, min=0.) orientation_dict = OrderedDict() orientation_dict['portrait'] = 'portrait' orientation_dict['landscape'] = 'landscape' self.orientation_dropdown = ipywidgets.Dropdown( options=orientation_dict, value=orientation, description='Orientation') papertype_dict = OrderedDict() papertype_dict['letter'] = 'letter' papertype_dict['legal'] = 'legal' papertype_dict['executive'] = 'executive' papertype_dict['ledger'] = 'ledger' papertype_dict['a0'] = 'a0' papertype_dict['a1'] = 'a1' papertype_dict['a2'] = 'a2' papertype_dict['a3'] = 'a3' papertype_dict['a4'] = 'a4' papertype_dict['a5'] = 'a5' papertype_dict['a6'] = 'a6' papertype_dict['a7'] = 'a7' papertype_dict['a8'] = 'a8' papertype_dict['a9'] = 'a9' papertype_dict['a10'] = 'a10' papertype_dict['b0'] = 'b0' papertype_dict['b1'] = 'b1' papertype_dict['b2'] = 'b2' papertype_dict['b3'] = 'b3' papertype_dict['b4'] = 'b4' papertype_dict['b5'] = 'b5' papertype_dict['b6'] = 'b6' papertype_dict['b7'] = 'b7' papertype_dict['b8'] = 'b8' papertype_dict['b9'] = 'b9' papertype_dict['b10'] = 'b10' self.papertype_select = ipywidgets.Select( options=papertype_dict, value=paper_type, description='Paper type', visible=file_format == 'ps', width='3cm') self.transparent_checkbox = ipywidgets.Checkbox( description='Transparent', value=transparent) self.facecolour_widget = ColourSelectionWidget( [face_colour], render_function=None, description='Face colour') self.edgecolour_widget = ColourSelectionWidget( [edge_colour], render_function=None, description='Edge colour') self.pad_inches_text = ipywidgets.FloatText(description='Pad (inch)', value=pad_inches) self.filename_text = ipywidgets.Text( description='Path', value=join(getcwd(), 'Untitled.' + file_format), width='10cm') self.overwrite_checkbox = ipywidgets.Checkbox( description='Overwrite if file exists', value=overwrite) self.error_latex = ipywidgets.Latex(value="", font_weight='bold', font_style='italic') self.save_button = ipywidgets.Button(description=' Save', icon='fa-floppy-o', margin='0.2cm') # Group widgets self.path_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.filename_text, self.file_format_select, self.papertype_select, self.overwrite_checkbox], align='end', margin='0.2cm') self.page_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.orientation_dropdown, self.dpi_text, self.pad_inches_text], margin='0.2cm') self.colour_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.facecolour_widget, self.edgecolour_widget, self.transparent_checkbox], margin='0.2cm') self.options_tabs = ipywidgets.Tab( children=[self.path_box, self.page_box, self.colour_box], margin=0, padding='0.1cm') self.options_tabs_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.options_tabs], border_width=1, border_color='black', margin='0.3cm', padding='0.2cm') tab_titles = ['Path', 'Page setup', 'Image colour'] for (k, tl) in enumerate(tab_titles): self.options_tabs.set_title(k, tl) self.save_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.save_button, self.error_latex], align='center') self.options_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.options_tabs, self.save_box], align='center') super(SaveFigureOptionsWidget, self).__init__( children=[self.options_box]) self.align = 'start' # Assign renderer if renderer is None: from menpo.visualize.viewmatplotlib import MatplotlibImageViewer2d renderer = MatplotlibImageViewer2d(figure_id=None, new_figure=True, image=np.zeros((10, 10))) self.renderer = renderer # Set style self.predefined_style(style) # Set functionality def paper_type_visibility(change): self.papertype_select.visible = change['new'] == 'ps' self.file_format_select.observe(paper_type_visibility, names='value', type='change') def set_extension(change): file_name, file_extension = splitext(self.filename_text.value) self.filename_text.value = file_name + '.' + change['new'] self.file_format_select.observe(set_extension, names='value', type='change') def save_function(name): # set save button state self.error_latex.value = '' self.save_button.description = ' Saving...' self.save_button.disabled = True # save figure selected_dpi = self.dpi_text.value if self.dpi_text.value == 0: selected_dpi = None try: self.renderer.save_figure( filename=self.filename_text.value, dpi=selected_dpi, face_colour= self.facecolour_widget.selected_values[0], edge_colour= self.edgecolour_widget.selected_values[0], orientation=self.orientation_dropdown.value, paper_type=self.papertype_select.value, format=self.file_format_select.value, transparent=self.transparent_checkbox.value, pad_inches=self.pad_inches_text.value, overwrite=self.overwrite_checkbox.value) self.error_latex.value = '' except ValueError as e: e = str(e) if (e == 'File already exists. Please set the overwrite kwarg ' 'if you wish to overwrite the file.'): self.error_latex.value = 'File exists! ' \ 'Tick overwrite to replace it.' else: self.error_latex.value = e # set save button state self.save_button.description = ' Save' self.save_button.disabled = False self.save_button.on_click(save_function)
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight=''): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.file_format_select, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.dpi_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.orientation_dropdown, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.papertype_select, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.transparent_checkbox, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.pad_inches_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.filename_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.overwrite_checkbox, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.save_button, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) box_style=None, border_visible=False, font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_weight=font_weight, font_style=font_style) box_style=None, border_visible=False, font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_weight=font_weight, font_style=font_style)
[docs] def predefined_style(self, style): r""" Function that sets a predefined style on the widget. Parameters ---------- style : `str` (see below) Style options: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ """ if style == 'minimal':'', border_visible=True, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding='0.2cm', margin='0.3cm', font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='') self.save_button.button_style = '' self.save_button.font_weight = 'normal' elif (style == 'info' or style == 'success' or style == 'danger' or style == 'warning'):, border_visible=True, border_colour= map_styles_to_hex_colours(style), border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=10, padding='0.2cm', margin='0.3cm', font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='') self.save_button.button_style = 'primary' self.save_button.font_weight = 'bold' else: raise ValueError('style must be minimal or info or success or ' 'danger or warning')
[docs]class FeatureOptionsWidget(ipywidgets.FlexBox): r""" Creates a widget for selecting feature options. The widget consists of the following objects from `ipywidgets` and :ref:`api-tools-index`: == ========================= ========================= ===================== No Object Property (`self.`) Description == ========================= ========================= ===================== 1 `RadioButtons` `feature_radiobuttons` Feature type selector 2 :map:`DSIFTOptionsWidget` `dsift_options_widget` DSIFT options 3 :map:`HOGOptionsWidget` `hog_options_widget` HOG options 4 :map:`IGOOptionsWidget` `igo_options_widget` IGO options 5 :map:`LBPOptionsWidget` `lbp_options_widget` LBP options 6 :map:`DaisyOptionsWidget` `daisy_options_widget` Daisy options 7 `Latex` `no_options_widget` No options available 8 `Box` `per_feature_options_box` Contains 2 - 7 9 `Image` `preview_image` Contains 6, 7 10 `Latex` `preview_input_latex` Contains 5, 9 11 `Latex` `preview_output_latex` Contains 3, 2 12 `Latex` `preview_time_latex` Contains 4, 10 13 `VBox` `preview_box` Contains 9 - 12 14 `Tab` `options_box` Contains 1, 8, 13 == ========================= ========================= ===================== Note that: * To set the styling please refer to the :meth:`style` and :meth:`predefined_style` methods. * The widget stores the features `function` to ``self.features_function``, the features options `dict` in ``self.features_options`` and the `partial` function with the options as ``self.function``. Parameters ---------- style : `str` (see below), optional Sets a predefined style at the widget. Possible options are: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ """ def __init__(self, style='minimal'): # import features methods and time import time from functools import partial from menpo.feature import (dsift, hog, lbp, igo, es, daisy, gradient, no_op) from menpo.image import Image import as mio from menpo.feature.visualize import sum_channels from .style import convert_image_to_bytes # Create widgets tmp = OrderedDict() tmp['DSIFT'] = dsift tmp['HOG'] = hog tmp['IGO'] = igo tmp['ES'] = es tmp['Daisy'] = daisy tmp['LBP'] = lbp tmp['Gradient'] = gradient tmp['None'] = no_op self.feature_radiobuttons = ipywidgets.RadioButtons( value=no_op, options=tmp, description='Feature type:') dsift_options_dict = {'window_step_horizontal': 1, 'window_step_vertical': 1, 'num_bins_horizontal': 2, 'num_bins_vertical': 2, 'num_or_bins': 9, 'cell_size_horizontal': 6, 'cell_size_vertical': 6, 'fast': True} self.dsift_options_widget = DSIFTOptionsWidget(dsift_options_dict), border_visible=False, margin='0.2cm') hog_options_dict = {'mode': 'dense', 'algorithm': 'dalaltriggs', 'num_bins': 9, 'cell_size': 8, 'block_size': 2, 'signed_gradient': True, 'l2_norm_clip': 0.2, 'window_height': 1, 'window_width': 1, 'window_unit': 'blocks', 'window_step_vertical': 1, 'window_step_horizontal': 1, 'window_step_unit': 'pixels', 'padding': True} self.hog_options_widget = HOGOptionsWidget(hog_options_dict), border_visible=False, margin='0.2cm') igo_options_dict = {'double_angles': True} self.igo_options_widget = IGOOptionsWidget(igo_options_dict), border_visible=False, margin='0.2cm') lbp_options_dict = {'radius': list(range(1, 5)), 'samples': [8] * 4, 'mapping_type': 'u2', 'window_step_vertical': 1, 'window_step_horizontal': 1, 'window_step_unit': 'pixels', 'padding': True} self.lbp_options_widget = LBPOptionsWidget(lbp_options_dict), border_visible=False, margin='0.2cm') daisy_options_dict = {'step': 1, 'radius': 15, 'rings': 2, 'histograms': 2, 'orientations': 8, 'normalization': 'l1', 'sigmas': None, 'ring_radii': None} self.daisy_options_widget = DaisyOptionsWidget(daisy_options_dict), border_visible=False, margin='0.2cm') self.no_options_widget = ipywidgets.Latex(value='No options available.') # Load and rescale preview image (lenna) self.image = mio.import_builtin_asset.lenna_png() self.image = self.image.crop_to_landmarks_proportion(0.18) self.image = self.image.as_greyscale() # Group widgets self.per_feature_options_box = ipywidgets.Box( children=[self.dsift_options_widget, self.hog_options_widget, self.igo_options_widget, self.lbp_options_widget, self.daisy_options_widget, self.no_options_widget]) self.preview_image = ipywidgets.Image( value=convert_image_to_bytes(self.image), visible=False) self.preview_input_latex = ipywidgets.Latex( value="Input: {}W x {}H x {}C".format( self.image.width, self.image.height, self.image.n_channels), visible=False) self.preview_output_latex = ipywidgets.Latex(value="") self.preview_time_latex = ipywidgets.Latex(value="") self.preview_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.preview_image, self.preview_input_latex, self.preview_output_latex, self.preview_time_latex]) self.options_box = ipywidgets.Tab( children=[self.feature_radiobuttons, self.per_feature_options_box, self.preview_box]) tab_titles = ['Feature', 'Options', 'Preview'] for (k, tl) in enumerate(tab_titles): self.options_box.set_title(k, tl) super(FeatureOptionsWidget, self).__init__(children=[self.options_box]) self.align = 'start' # Initialize output options = {} self.function = partial(no_op, **options) self.features_function = no_op self.features_options = options # Set style self.predefined_style(style) # Set functionality def per_feature_options_visibility(change): value = change['new'] if value == dsift: self.igo_options_widget.visible = False self.lbp_options_widget.visible = False self.daisy_options_widget.visible = False self.no_options_widget.visible = False self.hog_options_widget.visible = False self.dsift_options_widget.visible = True elif value == hog: self.igo_options_widget.visible = False self.lbp_options_widget.visible = False self.daisy_options_widget.visible = False self.no_options_widget.visible = False self.dsift_options_widget.visible = False self.hog_options_widget.visible = True elif value == igo: self.hog_options_widget.visible = False self.lbp_options_widget.visible = False self.daisy_options_widget.visible = False self.no_options_widget.visible = False self.dsift_options_widget.visible = False self.igo_options_widget.visible = True elif value == lbp: self.hog_options_widget.visible = False self.igo_options_widget.visible = False self.daisy_options_widget.visible = False self.no_options_widget.visible = False self.dsift_options_widget.visible = False self.lbp_options_widget.visible = True elif value == daisy: self.hog_options_widget.visible = False self.igo_options_widget.visible = False self.lbp_options_widget.visible = False self.no_options_widget.visible = False self.dsift_options_widget.visible = False self.daisy_options_widget.visible = True else: self.hog_options_widget.visible = False self.igo_options_widget.visible = False self.lbp_options_widget.visible = False self.daisy_options_widget.visible = False self.dsift_options_widget.visible = False self.no_options_widget.visible = True for name, f in tmp.items(): if f == value: self.no_options_widget.value = \ "{}: No available options.".format(name) self.feature_radiobuttons.observe(per_feature_options_visibility, names='value', type='change') per_feature_options_visibility({'new': no_op}) def get_function(change): # get options if self.feature_radiobuttons.value == dsift: opts = self.dsift_options_widget.selected_values elif self.feature_radiobuttons.value == hog: opts = self.hog_options_widget.selected_values elif self.feature_radiobuttons.value == igo: opts = self.igo_options_widget.selected_values elif self.feature_radiobuttons.value == lbp: opts = self.lbp_options_widget.selected_values elif self.feature_radiobuttons.value == daisy: opts = self.daisy_options_widget.selected_values else: opts = {} # get features function closure func = partial(self.feature_radiobuttons.value, **opts) # store function self.function = func self.features_function = self.feature_radiobuttons.value self.features_options = opts self.feature_radiobuttons.observe(get_function, names='value', type='change') self.options_box.observe(get_function, names='selected_index', type='change') def preview_function(change): if change['new'] == 2: # extracting features message val1 = '' for name, f in tmp.items(): if f == self.function.func: val1 = name self.preview_output_latex.value = \ 'Previewing {} features...'.format(val1) self.preview_time_latex.value = '' # extract feature and time it t = time.time() feat_image = self.function(self.image) t = time.time() - t # store feature image shape and n_channels val2 = feat_image.width val3 = feat_image.height val4 = feat_image.n_channels # compute sum of feature image and normalize its pixels in range # (0, 1) because it is required by as_PILImage feat_image = sum_channels(feat_image, channels=None) # feat_image = np.sum(feat_image.pixels, axis=2) feat_image = feat_image.pixels feat_image -= np.min(feat_image) feat_image /= np.max(feat_image) feat_image = Image(feat_image) # update preview self.preview_image.value = convert_image_to_bytes(feat_image) self.preview_input_latex.visible = True self.preview_image.visible = True # set info self.preview_output_latex.value = \ "{}: {}W x {}H x {}C".format(val1, val2, val3, val4) self.preview_time_latex.value = "{0:.2f} secs elapsed".format(t) if change['old'] == 2: self.preview_input_latex.visible = False self.preview_image.visible = False self.options_box.observe(preview_function, names='selected_index', type='change')
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight=''): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.feature_radiobuttons, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.no_options_widget, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.preview_input_latex, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.preview_output_latex, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.preview_time_latex, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) box_style=None, border_visible=False, margin='0.2cm', font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_style=font_style, font_weight=font_weight) box_style=None, border_visible=False, margin='0.2cm', font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_style=font_style, font_weight=font_weight) box_style=None, border_visible=False, margin='0.2cm', font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_style=font_style, font_weight=font_weight) box_style=None, border_visible=False, margin='0.2cm', font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_style=font_style, font_weight=font_weight) box_style=None, border_visible=False, margin='0.2cm', font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_style=font_style, font_weight=font_weight) self.no_options_widget.margin = '0.2cm'
[docs] def predefined_style(self, style): r""" Function that sets a predefined style on the widget. Parameters ---------- style : `str` (see below) Style options: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ """ if style == 'minimal':'', border_visible=True, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding='0.2cm', margin='0.3cm', font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='') elif (style == 'info' or style == 'success' or style == 'danger' or style == 'warning'):, border_visible=True, border_colour= map_styles_to_hex_colours(style), border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=10, padding='0.2cm', margin='0.3cm', font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='') else: raise ValueError('style must be minimal or info or success or ' 'danger or warning')
[docs]class PatchOptionsWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for selecting patches options when rendering a patch-based image. The widget consists of the following objects from `ipywidgets` and :ref:`api-tools-index`: == =========================== ========================= ==================== No Object Property (`self.`) Description == =========================== ========================= ==================== 1 `Dropdown` `offset_dropdown` Offset index 2 `Checkbox` `render_centers_checkbox` Render centers flag 3 `Checkbox` `render_patches_checkbox` Render patches flag 4 `ToggleButton` `background_toggle` Background colour 5 `Latex` `background_title` Background title 6 :map:`SlicingCommandWidget` `slicing_wid` Patch index selector 7 :map:`LineOptionsWidget` `bboxes_line_options_wid` Bboxes options 8 `HBox` `background_box` Contains 5, 4 9 `Box` `render_checkboxes_box` Contains 2, 3 10 `HBox` `render_box` Contains 8, 9 11 `VBox` `offset_patches_box` Contains 6, 1, 10 == =========================== ========================= ==================== Note that: * To update the state of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`set_widget_state` method. * The widget has **memory** about the properties of the objects that are passed into it through :meth:`set_widget_state`. Each patches object has a unique key id assigned through :meth:`get_key`. Then, the options that correspond to each key are stored in the ``self.default_options`` `dict`. * The selected values of the current patches object are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait`. It is a `dict` with the following keys: * ``patches_indices`` : (`list` or `int`) The selected patches (e.g. ``list(range(n_patches))``). * ``offset_index`` : (`int`) The selected offset * ``background`` : (`str`) The background colour (e.g. ``'white'``). * ``render_patches`` : (`bool`) Whether to render the patches. * ``render_patches_bboxes`` : (`bool`) Whether to render boxes around the patches. * ``bboxes_line_colour`` : (`list`) The boxes line colour (e.g. ``['red']``) * ``bboxes_line_style`` : (`str`) The boxes line style (e.g. ``'-'``). * ``bboxes_line_width`` : (`float`) The boxes line width (e.g. ``1``). * ``render_centers`` : (`bool`) Whether to render the patches' centers. * When an unseen patches object is passed in (i.e. a key that is not included in the ``self.default_options`` `dict`), it gets the following initial options by default: * ``patches_indices = list(range(n_patches))`` * ``offset_index = 0`` * ``background = 'white'`` * ``render_patches = True`` * ``render_patches_bboxes = True`` * ``bboxes_line_colour = ['red']`` * ``bboxes_line_style = '-'`` * ``bboxes_line_width = 1`` * ``render_centers = True`` * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` and :meth:`predefined_style` methods. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. Parameters ---------- n_patches : `int` The number of patches of the initial object. n_offsets : `int` The number of offsets of the initial object. render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when a widgets' value changes. It must have signature ``render_function(change)`` where ``change`` is a `dict` with the following keys: * ``type`` : The type of notification (normally ``'change'``). * ``owner`` : the `HasTraits` instance * ``old`` : the old value of the modified trait attribute * ``new`` : the new value of the modified trait attribute * ``name`` : the name of the modified trait attribute. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. style : `str` (see below), optional Sets a predefined style at the widget. Possible options are: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ subwidgets_style : `str` (see below), optional Sets a predefined style at the widget's patches and bboxes options. Possible options are: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ Example ------- Let's create a patches widget and then update its state. Firstly, we need to import it: >>> from menpowidgets.options import PatchOptionsWidget Now let's define a render function that will get called on every widget change and will dynamically print the selected patches and bboxes flag: >>> from menpo.visualize import print_dynamic >>> def render_function(change): >>> s = "Patches: {}, BBoxes: {}".format( >>> wid.selected_values['patches']['indices'], >>> wid.selected_values['bboxes']['render_lines']) >>> print_dynamic(s) Create the widget with some initial options and display it: >>> wid = PatchOptionsWidget(n_patches=68, n_offsets=5, >>> render_function=render_function, >>> style='info', subwidgets_style='danger') >>> wid By playing around with the widget, printed message gets updated. Finally, let's change the widget status with a new set of options: >>> wid.set_widget_state(n_patches=49, n_offsets=1, allow_callback=False) Remember that the widget is **mnemonic**, i.e. it remembers the objects it has seen and their corresponding options. These can be retrieved as: >>> wid.default_options """ def __init__(self, n_patches, n_offsets, render_function=None, style='minimal', subwidgets_style='minimal'): # Initialise default options dictionary self.default_options = {} # Assign properties self.n_offsets = n_offsets self.n_patches = n_patches # Create children self.offset_dropdown = ipywidgets.Dropdown( options={'0': 0}, value=0, description='Offset:', width='2cm') self.render_centers_checkbox = ipywidgets.Checkbox( description='Render centres') self.render_patches_checkbox = ipywidgets.Checkbox( description='Render patches') self.background_toggle = ipywidgets.ToggleButton( description='white', color='#000000', value=True, background_color='#FFFFFF') def change_toggle_description(change): if change['new']: self.background_toggle.description = 'white' self.background_toggle.background_colour = '#FFFFFF' self.background_toggle.color = '#000000' else: self.background_toggle.description = 'black' self.background_toggle.background_colour = '#000000' self.background_toggle.color = '#FFFFFF' self.background_toggle.observe(change_toggle_description, names='value', type='change') self.background_title = ipywidgets.Latex(value='Background:', margin='0.1cm') slice_options = {'command': "range({})".format(n_patches), 'length': n_patches} self.slicing_wid = SlicingCommandWidget( slice_options, description='Patches:', orientation='vertical', example_visible=True, continuous_update=False) self.bboxes_line_options_wid = LineOptionsWidget( {'render_lines': True, 'line_colour': ['red'], 'line_style': '-', 'line_width': 1}, render_checkbox_title='Render bounding boxes') # Group widgets self.background_box = ipywidgets.HBox(children=[ self.background_title, self.background_toggle], align='center', margin='0.5cm') self.render_checkboxes_box = ipywidgets.Box(children=[ self.render_patches_checkbox, self.render_centers_checkbox], margin='0.2cm') self.render_box = ipywidgets.HBox(children=[ self.background_box, self.render_checkboxes_box], align='center') self.offset_patches_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.slicing_wid, self.offset_dropdown, self.render_box]) # Create final widget children = [self.offset_patches_box, self.bboxes_line_options_wid] super(PatchOptionsWidget, self).__init__( children, Dict, {}, render_function=render_function, orientation='horizontal', align='start') # Set values self.add_callbacks() self.set_widget_state(n_patches, n_offsets, allow_callback=False) # Set style self.predefined_style(style, subwidgets_style)
[docs] def add_callbacks(self): r""" Function that adds the handler callback functions in all the widget components, which are necessary for the internal functionality. """ self.slicing_wid.observe(self._save_options, names='selected_values', type='change') self.offset_dropdown.observe(self._save_options, names='value', type='change') self.background_toggle.observe(self._save_options, names='value', type='change') self.render_patches_checkbox.observe(self._save_options, names='value', type='change') self.render_centers_checkbox.observe(self._save_options, names='value', type='change') self.bboxes_line_options_wid.observe( self._save_options, names='selected_values', type='change')
[docs] def remove_callbacks(self): r""" Function that removes all the internal handler callback functions. """ self.slicing_wid.unobserve(self._save_options, names='selected_values', type='change') self.offset_dropdown.unobserve(self._save_options, names='value', type='change') self.background_toggle.unobserve(self._save_options, names='value', type='change') self.render_patches_checkbox.unobserve(self._save_options, names='value', type='change') self.render_centers_checkbox.unobserve(self._save_options, names='value', type='change') self.bboxes_line_options_wid.unobserve(self._save_options, names='selected_values', type='change')
def _save_options(self, change): # set background attributes bc, c, description = self._background_args_wrt_value( self.background_toggle.value) self.background_toggle.background_color = bc self.background_toggle.color = c self.background_toggle.description = description # update selected values self.selected_values = { 'patches_indices': self.slicing_wid.selected_values, 'offset_index': int(self.offset_dropdown.value), 'background': description, 'render_patches': self.render_patches_checkbox.value, 'render_centers': self.render_centers_checkbox.value, 'render_patches_bboxes': self.bboxes_line_options_wid.selected_values['render_lines'], 'bboxes_line_colour': self.bboxes_line_options_wid.selected_values['line_colour'][0], 'bboxes_line_style': self.bboxes_line_options_wid.selected_values['line_style'], 'bboxes_line_width': self.bboxes_line_options_wid.selected_values['line_width']} # update default values current_key = self.get_key(self.n_patches, self.n_offsets) self.default_options[current_key] = { 'patches_indices': self.slicing_wid.selected_values, 'offset_index': int(self.offset_dropdown.value), 'background': description, 'render_patches': self.render_patches_checkbox.value, 'render_centers': self.render_centers_checkbox.value, 'render_patches_bboxes': self.bboxes_line_options_wid.selected_values['render_lines'], 'bboxes_line_colour': self.bboxes_line_options_wid.selected_values['line_colour'], 'bboxes_line_style': self.bboxes_line_options_wid.selected_values['line_style'], 'bboxes_line_width': self.bboxes_line_options_wid.selected_values['line_width']}
[docs] def get_key(self, n_patches, n_offsets): r""" Function that returns a unique key based on the properties of the provided patches object. Parameters ---------- n_patches : `int` The number of patches. n_offsets : `int` The number of offsets. Returns ------- key : `str` The key that has the format ``'{n_patches}_{n_offsets}'``. """ return "{}_{}".format(n_patches, n_offsets)
[docs] def get_default_options(self, n_patches, n_offsets): r""" Function that returns a `dict` with default options given the properties of a patches object, i.e. `n_patches` and `n_offsets`. The function returns the `dict` of options but also updates the ``self.default_options`` `dict`. Parameters ---------- n_patches : `int` The number of patches. n_offsets : `int` The number of offsets. Returns ------- default_options : `dict` A `dict` with the default options. It contains: * ``patches_indices`` : (`list` or `int`) The selected patches. * ``offset_index`` : (`int`) The selected offset. * ``background`` : (`str`) The background colour. * ``render_patches`` : (`bool`) Whether to render the patches. * ``render_patches_bboxes`` : (`bool`) Whether to render boxes around the patches. * ``bboxes_line_colour`` : (`list`) The boxes line colour. * ``bboxes_line_style`` : (`str`) The boxes line style. * ``bboxes_line_width`` : (`float`) The boxes line width. * ``render_centers`` : (`bool`) Whether to render the patches centers If the object is not seen before by the widget, then it automatically gets the following default options: * ``patches_indices = list(range(n_patches))`` * ``offset_index = 0`` * ``background = 'white'`` * ``render_patches = True`` * ``render_patches_bboxes = True`` * ``bboxes_line_colour = ['red']`` * ``bboxes_line_style = '-'`` * ``bboxes_line_width = 1`` * ``render_centers = True`` """ # create key key = self.get_key(n_patches, n_offsets) # if the key does not exist in the default options dict, then add it if key not in self.default_options: # update default options dictionary self.default_options[key] = { 'patches_indices': list(range(n_patches)), 'offset_index': 0, 'background': 'white', 'render_patches': True, 'render_patches_bboxes': True, 'bboxes_line_colour': ['red'], 'bboxes_line_style': '-', 'bboxes_line_width': 1, 'render_centers': True} return self.default_options[key]
def _background_args_wrt_description(self, description): background_colour = '#FFFFFF' color = '#000000' value = True if description == 'black': background_colour = '#000000' color = '#FFFFFF' value = False return background_colour, color, value def _background_args_wrt_value(self, value): background_colour = '#FFFFFF' color = '#000000' description = 'white' if not value: background_colour = '#000000' color = '#FFFFFF' description = 'black' return background_colour, color, description
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='dashed', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', bboxes_box_style=None, bboxes_border_visible=False, bboxes_border_colour='black', bboxes_border_style='solid', bboxes_border_width=1, bboxes_border_radius=0, bboxes_padding=0, bboxes_margin=0, patches_box_style=None, patches_border_visible=False, patches_border_colour='black', patches_border_style='solid', patches_border_width=1, patches_border_radius=0, patches_padding=0, patches_margin=0): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' bboxes_box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Style options for the bounding boxes: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None bboxes_border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the bounding boxes options. bboxes_border_colour : `str`, optional The color of the border around the bounding boxes options. bboxes_border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the bounding boxes options. bboxes_border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the bounding boxes options. bboxes_border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the corners of the box of the bounding boxes options. bboxes_padding : `float`, optional The padding around the bounding boxes options. bboxes_margin : `float`, optional The margin around the bounding boxes options. patches_box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Style options of the patches and offset options: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None patches_border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the patches and offset options. patches_border_colour : `str`, optional The color of the border around the patches and offset options. patches_border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the patches and offset options. patches_border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the patches and offset options. patches_border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the corners of the box of the patches and offset options. patches_padding : `float`, optional The padding around the patches and offset options. patches_margin : `float`, optional The margin around the patches and offset options. """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.offset_dropdown, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.render_patches_checkbox, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.render_centers_checkbox, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.background_toggle, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.background_title, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) box_style=bboxes_box_style, border_visible=bboxes_border_visible, border_colour=bboxes_border_colour, border_style=bboxes_border_style, border_width=bboxes_border_width, border_radius=bboxes_border_radius, padding=bboxes_padding, margin=bboxes_margin, font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_style=font_style, font_weight=font_weight) box_style=patches_box_style, text_box_style=None, text_box_background_colour=None, text_box_width=None, font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_style=font_style, font_weight=font_weight) format_box(self.offset_patches_box, box_style=patches_box_style, border_visible=patches_border_visible, border_colour=patches_border_colour, border_style=patches_border_style, border_width=patches_border_width, border_radius=patches_border_radius, padding=patches_padding, margin=patches_margin)
[docs] def predefined_style(self, style, subwidgets_style): r""" Function that sets a predefined style on the widget. Parameters ---------- style : `str` (see below) Style options: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ subwidgets_style : `str` (see below) Sub-widgets (patches and bounding boxes) style options: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ """ if style == 'minimal': box_style = None border_visible = False border_colour = 'black' border_radius = 0 elif (style == 'info' or style == 'success' or style == 'danger' or style == 'warning'): box_style = style border_visible = True border_colour = map_styles_to_hex_colours(style) border_radius = 10 else: raise ValueError('style and must be minimal or info or success ' 'or danger or warning') if subwidgets_style == 'minimal': bboxes_box_style = None bboxes_border_colour = 'black' bboxes_border_radius = 0 patches_box_style = None patches_border_colour = 'black' patches_border_radius = 0 elif (subwidgets_style == 'info' or subwidgets_style == 'success' or subwidgets_style == 'danger' or subwidgets_style == 'warning'): bboxes_box_style = subwidgets_style bboxes_border_colour = map_styles_to_hex_colours(subwidgets_style) bboxes_border_radius = 10 patches_box_style = subwidgets_style patches_border_colour = map_styles_to_hex_colours(subwidgets_style) patches_border_radius = 10 else: raise ValueError('subwidgets_style and must be minimal or info ' 'or success or danger or warning') box_style=box_style, border_visible=border_visible, border_colour=border_colour, border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=border_radius, padding='0.2cm', margin='0.3cm', font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', bboxes_box_style=bboxes_box_style, bboxes_border_visible=True, bboxes_border_colour=bboxes_border_colour, bboxes_border_style='solid', bboxes_border_width=1, bboxes_border_radius=bboxes_border_radius, bboxes_padding='0.2cm', bboxes_margin='0.1cm', patches_box_style=patches_box_style, patches_border_visible=True, patches_border_colour=patches_border_colour, patches_border_style='solid', patches_border_width=1, patches_border_radius=patches_border_radius, patches_padding='0.2cm', patches_margin='0.1cm')
[docs] def set_widget_state(self, n_patches, n_offsets, allow_callback=True): r""" Method that updates the state of the widget, if the key generated with :meth:`get_key` based on the provided `n_patches` and `n_offsets` is different than the current key based on ``self.n_patches`` and ``self.n_offsets``. Parameters ---------- n_patches : `int` The number of patches. n_offsets : `int` The number of offsets. allow_callback : `bool`, optional If ``True``, it allows triggering of any callback functions. """ # keep old value old_value = self.selected_values # check if updates are required if (not self.default_options or self.get_key(self.n_patches, self.n_offsets) != self.get_key(n_patches, n_offsets)): # temporarily remove callbacks render_function = self._render_function self.remove_render_function() self.remove_callbacks() # Assign properties self.n_patches = n_patches self.n_offsets = n_offsets # Get initial options patch_options = self.get_default_options(n_patches, n_offsets) # Update widgets' state offsets_dict = OrderedDict() for i in range(self.n_offsets): offsets_dict[str(i)] = i self.offset_dropdown.options = offsets_dict self.offset_dropdown.value = patch_options['offset_index'] self.render_patches_checkbox.value = patch_options['render_patches'] self.render_centers_checkbox.value = patch_options['render_centers'] background_colour = '#FFFFFF' color = '#000000' value = True if patch_options['background'] == 'black': background_colour = '#000000' color = '#FFFFFF' value = False self.background_toggle.description = patch_options['background'] self.background_toggle.color = color self.background_toggle.background_color = background_colour self.background_toggle.value = value slice_options = {'command': str(patch_options['patches_indices']), 'length': self.n_patches} self.slicing_wid.set_widget_state(slice_options, allow_callback=False) line_opts = { 'render_lines': patch_options['render_patches_bboxes'], 'line_colour': patch_options['bboxes_line_colour'], 'line_style': patch_options['bboxes_line_style'], 'line_width': patch_options['bboxes_line_width']} self.bboxes_line_options_wid.set_widget_state( line_opts, labels=None, allow_callback=False) # Get values self._save_options({}) # Re-assign callbacks self.add_callbacks() self.add_render_function(render_function) # trigger render function if allowed if allow_callback: self.call_render_function(old_value, self.selected_values)
[docs]class PlotOptionsWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for selecting options for rendering various curves in a graph. The widget consists of the following objects from `ipywidgets` and :ref:`api-tools-index`: == ========================== ====================== ===================== No Object Property (`self.`) Description == ========================== ====================== ===================== 1 :map:`LineOptionsWidget` `lines_wid` Line options widget 2 :map:`MarkerOptionsWidget` `markers_wid` Marker options widget 3 `Dropdown` `curves_dropdown` Curve selector 4 `Tab` `lines_markers_tab` Contains 1, 2 5 `VBox` `lines_markers_box` Contains 3, 4 6 :map:`LegendOptionsWidget` `legend_wid` Legend options widget 7 :map:`AxesOptionsWidget` `axes_wid` Axes options widget 8 :map:`ZoomTwoScalesWidget` `zoom_wid` Zoom options widget 9 :map:`GridOptionsWidget` `grid_wid` Grid options widget 10 `Text` `x_label` X label text 11 `Text` `y_label` Y label text 12 `Text` `title` Title text 13 `Textarea` `legend_entries_text` Legend entries text 14 `VBox` `plot_related_options` Contains 10 - 13 15 `Tab` `options_tab` Contains 14, 5 - 9 == ========================== ====================== ===================== Note that: * The widget has **memory** about the properties of the objects that are passed into it through `legend_entries`. * The selected values of the current object object are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait`. * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` and :meth:`predefined_style` methods. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. Parameters ---------- legend_entries : `list` of `str` The `list` of legend entries per curve. render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when a widgets' value changes. It must have signature ``render_function(change)`` where ``change`` is a `dict` with the following keys: * ``type`` : The type of notification (normally ``'change'``). * ``owner`` : the `HasTraits` instance * ``old`` : the old value of the modified trait attribute * ``new`` : the new value of the modified trait attribute * ``name`` : the name of the modified trait attribute. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. style : `str` (see below), optional Sets a predefined style at the widget. Possible options are: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ tabs_style : `str` (see below), optional Sets a predefined style at the tabs of the widget. Possible options are: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ Example ------- Let's create a plot options widget. Firstly, we need to import it: >>> from menpowidgets.options import PlotOptionsWidget Let's set some legend entries: >>> legend_entries = ['method_1', 'method_2'] Now let's define a render function that will get called on every widget change and will dynamically print the selected marker face colour and line width: >>> from menpo.visualize import print_dynamic >>> def render_function(change): >>> s = "Marker edge colours: {}, Line widths: {}".format( >>> wid.selected_values['marker_edge_colour'], >>> wid.selected_values['line_width']) >>> print_dynamic(s) Create the widget with the initial options and display it: >>> wid = PlotOptionsWidget(legend_entries, >>> render_function=render_function, >>> style='danger', tabs_style='info') >>> wid By playing around, the printed message gets updated. The style of the widget can be changed as: >>> wid.predefined_style('minimal', 'info') """ def __init__(self, legend_entries, render_function=None, style='minimal', tabs_style='minimal'): # Assign properties self.legend_entries = legend_entries self.n_curves = len(legend_entries) # Create default options default_options = self.create_default_options() # Create children self.lines_wid = LineOptionsWidget( {'render_lines': default_options['render_lines'][0], 'line_width': default_options['line_width'][0], 'line_colour': [default_options['line_colour'][0]], 'line_style': default_options['line_style'][0]}, render_function=None, render_checkbox_title='Render lines', labels=None) self.markers_wid = MarkerOptionsWidget( {'render_markers': default_options['render_markers'][0], 'marker_style': default_options['marker_style'][0], 'marker_size': default_options['marker_size'][0], 'marker_face_colour': [default_options['marker_face_colour'][0]], 'marker_edge_colour': [default_options['marker_edge_colour'][0]], 'marker_edge_width': default_options['marker_edge_width'][0]}, render_function=None, render_checkbox_title='Render markers', labels=None) curves_dict = {} for i, s in enumerate(self.legend_entries): curves_dict[s] = i self.curves_dropdown = ipywidgets.Dropdown( description='Curve: ', options=curves_dict, value=0) self.lines_markers_tab = ipywidgets.Tab( children=[self.lines_wid, self.markers_wid], margin='0.2cm') self.lines_markers_tab.set_title(0, 'Lines') self.lines_markers_tab.set_title(1, 'Markers') self.lines_markers_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.curves_dropdown, self.lines_markers_tab], align='start') self.legend_wid = LegendOptionsWidget( {'render_legend': default_options['render_legend'], 'legend_title': default_options['legend_title'], 'legend_font_name': default_options['legend_font_name'], 'legend_font_style': default_options['legend_font_style'], 'legend_font_size': default_options['legend_font_size'], 'legend_font_weight': default_options['legend_font_weight'], 'legend_marker_scale': default_options['legend_marker_scale'], 'legend_location': default_options['legend_location'], 'legend_bbox_to_anchor': default_options['legend_bbox_to_anchor'], 'legend_border_axes_pad': default_options['legend_border_axes_pad'], 'legend_n_columns': default_options['legend_n_columns'], 'legend_horizontal_spacing': default_options['legend_horizontal_spacing'], 'legend_vertical_spacing': default_options['legend_vertical_spacing'], 'legend_border': default_options['legend_border'], 'legend_border_padding': default_options['legend_border_padding'], 'legend_shadow': default_options['legend_shadow'], 'legend_rounded_corners': default_options['legend_rounded_corners']}, render_function=None, render_checkbox_title='Render legend') self.axes_wid = AxesOptionsWidget( {'render_axes': default_options['render_axes'], 'axes_font_name': default_options['axes_font_name'], 'axes_font_size': default_options['axes_font_size'], 'axes_font_style': default_options['axes_font_style'], 'axes_font_weight': default_options['axes_font_weight'], 'axes_x_limits': default_options['axes_x_limits'], 'axes_y_limits': default_options['axes_y_limits'], 'axes_x_ticks': default_options['axes_x_ticks'], 'axes_y_ticks': default_options['axes_y_ticks']}, render_function=None, render_checkbox_title='Render axes') self.zoom_wid = ZoomTwoScalesWidget( {'zoom': default_options['zoom'], 'min': 0.1, 'max': 4., 'step': 0.05, 'lock_aspect_ratio': False}, render_function=None, description='Scale: ', continuous_update=False) self.grid_wid = GridOptionsWidget( {'render_grid': default_options['render_grid'], 'grid_line_width': default_options['grid_line_width'], 'grid_line_style': default_options['grid_line_style']}, render_function=None, render_checkbox_title='Render grid') self.x_label = ipywidgets.Text(description='X label', margin='0.05cm', value=default_options['x_label']) self.y_label = ipywidgets.Text(description='Y label', margin='0.05cm', value=default_options['y_label']) self.title = ipywidgets.Text(description='Title', margin='0.05cm', value=default_options['title']) self.legend_entries_text = ipywidgets.Textarea( description='Legend', width='73mm', margin='0.05cm', value=self._convert_list_to_legend_entries(self.legend_entries)) self.plot_related_options = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.x_label, self.y_label, self.title, self.legend_entries_text]) # Group widgets self.options_tab = ipywidgets.Tab( children=[self.plot_related_options, self.lines_markers_box, self.legend_wid, self.axes_wid, self.zoom_wid, self.grid_wid]) self.options_tab.set_title(0, 'Figure') self.options_tab.set_title(1, 'Renderer') self.options_tab.set_title(2, 'Legend') self.options_tab.set_title(3, 'Axes') self.options_tab.set_title(4, 'Zoom') self.options_tab.set_title(5, 'Grid') # Create final widget children = [self.options_tab] super(PlotOptionsWidget, self).__init__( children, Dict, default_options, render_function=render_function, orientation='vertical', align='start') # Set style self.predefined_style(style, tabs_style) # Set functionality def get_legend_entries(change): # get legend entries tmp_entries = str(self.legend_entries_text.value).splitlines() if len(tmp_entries) < self.n_curves: n_missing = self.n_curves - len(tmp_entries) for j in range(n_missing): kk = j + len(tmp_entries) tmp_entries.append("curve {}".format(kk)) self.legend_entries = tmp_entries[:self.n_curves] # update dropdown menu curves_dir = {} for j, le in enumerate(self.legend_entries): curves_dir[le] = j self.curves_dropdown.options = curves_dir if self.curves_dropdown.value == 0 and self.n_curves > 1: self.curves_dropdown.value = 1 self.curves_dropdown.value = 0 self.legend_entries_text.observe(get_legend_entries, names='value', type='change') def save_options(change): # get lines and markers options k = self.curves_dropdown.value render_lines = list(self.selected_values['render_lines']) render_lines[k] = self.lines_wid.selected_values['render_lines'] line_colour = list(self.selected_values['line_colour']) line_colour[k] = self.lines_wid.selected_values['line_colour'][0] line_style = list(self.selected_values['line_style']) line_style[k] = self.lines_wid.selected_values['line_style'] line_width = list(self.selected_values['line_width']) line_width[k] = self.lines_wid.selected_values['line_width'] render_markers = list(self.selected_values['render_markers']) render_markers[k] = self.markers_wid.selected_values['render_markers'] marker_style = list(self.selected_values['marker_style']) marker_style[k] = self.markers_wid.selected_values['marker_style'] marker_size = list(self.selected_values['marker_size']) marker_size[k] = self.markers_wid.selected_values['marker_size'] marker_face_colour = list(self.selected_values['marker_face_colour']) marker_face_colour[k] = self.markers_wid.selected_values['marker_face_colour'][0] marker_edge_colour = list(self.selected_values['marker_edge_colour']) marker_edge_colour[k] = self.markers_wid.selected_values['marker_edge_colour'][0] marker_edge_width = list(self.selected_values['marker_edge_width']) marker_edge_width[k] = self.markers_wid.selected_values['marker_edge_width'] self.selected_values = { 'legend_entries': self.legend_entries, 'title': str(self.title.value), 'x_label': str(self.x_label.value), 'y_label': str(self.y_label.value), 'render_lines': render_lines, 'line_colour': line_colour, 'line_style': line_style, 'line_width': line_width, 'render_markers': render_markers, 'marker_style': marker_style, 'marker_size': marker_size, 'marker_face_colour': marker_face_colour, 'marker_edge_colour': marker_edge_colour, 'marker_edge_width': marker_edge_width, 'render_legend': self.legend_wid.selected_values['render_legend'], 'legend_title': self.legend_wid.selected_values['legend_title'], 'legend_font_name': self.legend_wid.selected_values['legend_font_name'], 'legend_font_style': self.legend_wid.selected_values['legend_font_style'], 'legend_font_size': self.legend_wid.selected_values['legend_font_size'], 'legend_font_weight': self.legend_wid.selected_values['legend_font_weight'], 'legend_marker_scale': self.legend_wid.selected_values['legend_marker_scale'], 'legend_location': self.legend_wid.selected_values['legend_location'], 'legend_bbox_to_anchor': self.legend_wid.selected_values['legend_bbox_to_anchor'], 'legend_border_axes_pad': self.legend_wid.selected_values['legend_border_axes_pad'], 'legend_n_columns': self.legend_wid.selected_values['legend_n_columns'], 'legend_horizontal_spacing': self.legend_wid.selected_values['legend_horizontal_spacing'], 'legend_vertical_spacing': self.legend_wid.selected_values['legend_vertical_spacing'], 'legend_border': self.legend_wid.selected_values['legend_border'], 'legend_border_padding': self.legend_wid.selected_values['legend_border_padding'], 'legend_shadow': self.legend_wid.selected_values['legend_shadow'], 'legend_rounded_corners': self.legend_wid.selected_values['legend_rounded_corners'], 'render_axes': self.axes_wid.selected_values['render_axes'], 'axes_font_name': self.axes_wid.selected_values['axes_font_name'], 'axes_font_size': self.axes_wid.selected_values['axes_font_size'], 'axes_font_style': self.axes_wid.selected_values['axes_font_style'], 'axes_font_weight': self.axes_wid.selected_values['axes_font_weight'], 'axes_x_limits': self.axes_wid.selected_values['axes_x_limits'], 'axes_y_limits': self.axes_wid.selected_values['axes_y_limits'], 'axes_x_ticks': self.axes_wid.selected_values['axes_x_ticks'], 'axes_y_ticks': self.axes_wid.selected_values['axes_y_ticks'], 'zoom': self.zoom_wid.selected_values, 'render_grid': self.grid_wid.selected_values['render_grid'], 'grid_line_style': self.grid_wid.selected_values['grid_line_style'], 'grid_line_width': self.grid_wid.selected_values['grid_line_width']} self.title.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.x_label.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.y_label.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.legend_entries_text.observe(save_options, names='value', type='change') self.lines_wid.observe(save_options, names='selected_values', type='change') self.markers_wid.observe(save_options, names='selected_values', type='change') self.axes_wid.observe(save_options, names='selected_values', type='change') self.legend_wid.observe(save_options, names='selected_values', type='change') self.grid_wid.observe(save_options, names='selected_values', type='change') self.zoom_wid.observe(save_options, names='selected_values', type='change') def update_lines_markers(change): k = self.curves_dropdown.value # remove save options callback self.lines_wid.unobserve(save_options, names='selected_values', type='change') self.markers_wid.unobserve(save_options, names='selected_values', type='change') # update lines self.lines_wid.set_widget_state( {'render_lines': self.selected_values['render_lines'][k], 'line_width': self.selected_values['line_width'][k], 'line_colour': [self.selected_values['line_colour'][k]], 'line_style': self.selected_values['line_style'][k]}, labels=None, allow_callback=False) # update markers self.markers_wid.set_widget_state( {'render_markers': self.selected_values['render_markers'][k], 'marker_style': self.selected_values['marker_style'][k], 'marker_size': self.selected_values['marker_size'][k], 'marker_face_colour': [self.selected_values['marker_face_colour'][k]], 'marker_edge_colour': [self.selected_values['marker_edge_colour'][k]], 'marker_edge_width': self.selected_values['marker_edge_width'][k]}, labels=None, allow_callback=False) # add save options callback self.lines_wid.observe(save_options, names='selected_values', type='change') self.markers_wid.observe(save_options, names='selected_values', type='change') self.curves_dropdown.observe(update_lines_markers, names='value', type='change')
[docs] def create_default_options(self): r""" Function that returns a `dict` with default options. The returned `dict` has the following default keys and values: * ``title = ''`` * ``x_label = ''`` * ``y_label = ''`` * ``render_legend = True`` * ``legend_title = ''`` * ``legend_font_name = 'sans-serif'`` * ``legend_font_style = 'normal'`` * ``legend_font_size = 10`` * ``legend_font_weight = 'normal'`` * ``legend_marker_scale = 1.`` * ``legend_location = 2`` * ``legend_bbox_to_anchor = (1.05, 1.)`` * ``legend_border_axes_pad = 1.`` * ``legend_n_columns = 1`` * ``legend_horizontal_spacing = 1.`` * ``legend_vertical_spacing = 1.`` * ``legend_border = True`` * ``legend_border_padding = 0.5`` * ``legend_shadow = False`` * ``legend_rounded_corners = False`` * ``render_axes = True`` * ``axes_font_name = 'sans-serif'`` * ``axes_font_size = 10`` * ``axes_font_style = 'normal'`` * ``axes_font_weight = 'normal'`` * ``axes_x_limits = None`` * ``axes_y_limits = None`` * ``axes_x_ticks = None`` * ``axes_y_ticks = None`` * ``render_grid = True`` * ``grid_line_style = '--'`` * ``grid_line_width = 0.5`` * ``render_lines = [True] * self.n_curves`` * ``line_width = [1] * self.n_curves`` * ``line_colour = colours if self.n_curves > 1 else ['red']`` * ``line_style = ['-'] * self.n_curves`` * ``render_markers = [True] * self.n_curves`` * ``marker_size = [7] * self.n_curves`` * ``marker_face_colour = ['white'] * self.n_curves`` * ``marker_edge_colour = colours if self.n_curves > 1 else ['red']`` * ``marker_style = ['s'] * self.n_curves`` * ``marker_edge_width = [2.] * self.n_curves`` * ``zoom = [1., 1.]`` where ``colours = sample_colours_from_colourmap(self.n_curves, 'Paired')``. """ render_lines = [True] * self.n_curves line_style = ['-'] * self.n_curves line_width = [1] * self.n_curves render_markers = [True] * self.n_curves marker_style = ['s'] * self.n_curves marker_size = [7] * self.n_curves marker_face_colour = ['white'] * self.n_curves marker_edge_width = [2.] * self.n_curves line_colour = ['red'] marker_edge_colour = ['red'] if self.n_curves > 1: line_colour = sample_colours_from_colourmap(self.n_curves, 'Paired') marker_edge_colour = sample_colours_from_colourmap( self.n_curves, 'Paired') return {'title': '', 'x_label': '', 'y_label': '', 'render_legend': True, 'legend_entries': self.legend_entries, 'legend_title': '', 'legend_font_name': 'sans-serif', 'legend_font_style': 'normal', 'legend_font_size': 10, 'legend_font_weight': 'normal', 'legend_marker_scale': 1., 'legend_location': 2, 'legend_bbox_to_anchor': (1.05, 1.), 'legend_border_axes_pad': 1., 'legend_n_columns': 1, 'legend_horizontal_spacing': 1., 'legend_vertical_spacing': 1., 'legend_border': True, 'legend_border_padding': 0.5, 'legend_shadow': False, 'legend_rounded_corners': False, 'render_axes': True, 'axes_font_name': 'sans-serif', 'axes_font_size': 10, 'axes_font_style': 'normal', 'axes_font_weight': 'normal', 'axes_x_limits': 0., 'axes_y_limits': 0., 'axes_x_ticks': None, 'axes_y_ticks': None, 'render_grid': True, 'grid_line_style': '--', 'grid_line_width': 0.5, 'render_lines': render_lines, 'line_width': line_width, 'line_colour': line_colour, 'line_style': line_style, 'render_markers': render_markers, 'marker_size': marker_size, 'marker_face_colour': marker_face_colour, 'marker_edge_colour': marker_edge_colour, 'marker_style': marker_style, 'marker_edge_width': marker_edge_width, 'zoom': [1., 1.]}
def _convert_list_to_legend_entries(self, l): tmp_lines = [] for k in l: tmp_lines.append(k) tmp_lines.append('\n') tmp_lines = tmp_lines[:-1] return unicode().join(tmp_lines)
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding='0.2cm', margin=0, tabs_box_style=None, tabs_border_visible=True, tabs_border_colour='black', tabs_border_style='solid', tabs_border_width=1, tabs_border_radius=1, tabs_padding=0, tabs_margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight=''): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. tabs_box_style : See Below, optional Possible tab widgets style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None tabs_border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the tab widgets. tabs_border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the tab widgets. tabs_border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the tab widgets. tabs_border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the tab widgets. tabs_border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the corners of the box of the tab widgets. tabs_padding : `float`, optional The padding around the tab widgets. tabs_margin : `float`, optional The margin around the tab widgets. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_box(self.lines_markers_box, box_style=tabs_box_style, border_visible=tabs_border_style, border_colour=tabs_border_colour, border_style=tabs_border_style, border_width=tabs_border_width, border_radius=tabs_border_radius, padding=tabs_padding, margin=tabs_margin) format_box(self.plot_related_options, box_style=tabs_box_style, border_visible=tabs_border_style, border_colour=tabs_border_colour, border_style=tabs_border_style, border_width=tabs_border_width, border_radius=tabs_border_radius, padding=tabs_padding, margin=tabs_margin) box_style=tabs_box_style, border_visible=False, padding=0, margin=0, font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_weight=font_weight, font_style=font_style) box_style=tabs_box_style, border_visible=False, padding=0, margin=0, font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_weight=font_weight, font_style=font_style) box_style=tabs_box_style, border_visible=tabs_border_visible, border_colour=tabs_border_colour, border_style=tabs_border_style, border_width=tabs_border_width, border_radius=tabs_border_radius, padding=tabs_padding, margin=tabs_margin, font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_weight=font_weight, font_style=font_style) box_style=tabs_box_style, border_visible=tabs_border_visible, border_colour=tabs_border_colour, border_style=tabs_border_style, border_width=tabs_border_width, border_radius=tabs_border_radius, padding=tabs_padding, margin=tabs_margin, font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_weight=font_weight, font_style=font_style) box_style=tabs_box_style, border_visible=tabs_border_visible, border_colour=tabs_border_colour, border_style=tabs_border_style, border_width=tabs_border_width, border_radius=tabs_border_radius, padding=tabs_padding, margin=tabs_margin, font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_weight=font_weight, font_style=font_style) box_style=tabs_box_style, border_visible=tabs_border_visible, border_colour=tabs_border_colour, border_style=tabs_border_style, border_width=tabs_border_width, border_radius=tabs_border_radius, padding=tabs_padding, margin=tabs_margin, font_family=font_family, font_size=font_size, font_weight=font_weight, font_style=font_style) format_font(self, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.x_label, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.y_label, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.title, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.legend_entries_text, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.curves_dropdown, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight)
[docs] def predefined_style(self, style, tabs_style='minimal'): r""" Function that sets a predefined style on the widget. Parameters ---------- style : `str` (see below) Style options: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ tabs_style : `str` (see below) Tabs style options: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ """ if tabs_style == 'minimal' or tabs_style == '': tabs_style = '' tabs_border_visible = True tabs_border_colour = 'black' tabs_border_radius = 0 tabs_padding = 0 else: tabs_style = tabs_style tabs_border_visible = True tabs_border_colour = map_styles_to_hex_colours(tabs_style) tabs_border_radius = 10 tabs_padding = '0.2cm' if style == 'minimal':'', border_visible=True, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding='0.2cm', margin='0.5cm', font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', tabs_box_style=tabs_style, tabs_border_visible=tabs_border_visible, tabs_border_colour=tabs_border_colour, tabs_border_style='solid', tabs_border_width=1, tabs_border_radius=tabs_border_radius, tabs_padding=tabs_padding, tabs_margin='0.3cm') elif (style == 'info' or style == 'success' or style == 'danger' or style == 'warning'):, border_visible=True, border_colour=map_styles_to_hex_colours(style), border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=10, padding='0.2cm', margin='0.5cm', font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', tabs_box_style=tabs_style, tabs_border_visible=tabs_border_visible, tabs_border_colour=tabs_border_colour, tabs_border_style='solid', tabs_border_width=1, tabs_border_radius=tabs_border_radius, tabs_padding=tabs_padding, tabs_margin='0.3cm') else: raise ValueError('style must be minimal or info or success or ' 'danger or warning')
[docs]class LinearModelParametersWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a widget for selecting parameters values when visualizing a linear model (e.g. PCA model). The widget has options for animating through various parameters values. It consists of the following objects from `ipywidgets`: == ============== ====================== ======================== No Object Property (`self.`) Description == ============== ====================== ======================== 1 `Button` `plot_button` The plot variance button 2 `Button` `reset_button` The reset button 3 `HBox` `plot_and_reset` Contains 1, 2 4 `ToggleButton` `play_stop_toggle` The play/stop button 5 `Button` `fast_forward_button` Increase speed 6 `Button` `fast_backward_button` Decrease speed 7 `ToggleButton` `loop_toggle` Repeat mode 8 `HBox` `animation_buttons` Contains 4, 5, 6, 7 9 `HBox` `buttons_box` Contains 3, 8 == ============== ====================== ======================== If ``mode = 'single'``, then: == ============= ================== ========================== No Object Property (`self.`) Description == ============= ================== ========================== 4 `FloatSlider` `slider` The parameter value slider 5 `Dropdown` `dropdown_params` The parameter selector 6 `HBox` `parameters_wid` Contains 4, 5 == ============= ================== ========================== If ``mode = 'multiple'``, then: == ============= ================== ========================== No Object Property (`self.`) Description == ============= ================== ========================== 7 `FloatSlider` `sliders` `list` of all sliders 8 `VBox` `parameters_wid` Contains all 7 == ============= ================== ========================== Note that: * To update the state of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`set_widget_state` method. * The selected values are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait` which is a `list`. * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` and :meth:`predefined_style` methods. * To update the handler callback functions of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` and :meth:`replace_variance_function` methods. Parameters ---------- n_parameters : `int` The `list` of initial parameters values. render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when a widgets' value changes. It must have signature ``render_function(change)`` where ``change`` is a `dict` with the following keys: * ``type`` : The type of notification (normally ``'change'``). * ``owner`` : the `HasTraits` instance * ``old`` : the old value of the modified trait attribute * ``new`` : the new value of the modified trait attribute * ``name`` : the name of the modified trait attribute. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. mode : ``{'single', 'multiple'}``, optional If ``'single'``, only a single slider is constructed along with a dropdown menu that allows the parameter selection. If ``'multiple'``, a slider is constructed for each parameter. params_str : `str`, optional The string that will be used as description of the slider(s). The final description has the form ``"{}{}".format(params_str, p)``, where ``p`` is the parameter number. params_bounds : (`float`, `float`), optional The minimum and maximum bounds, in std units, for the sliders. params_step : `float`, optional The step, in std units, of the sliders. plot_variance_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether the button for plotting the variance will be visible upon construction. plot_variance_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The plot function that is executed when the plot variance button is clicked. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. animation_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether the animation options will be visible. loop_enabled : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then the repeat mode of the animation is enabled. interval : `float`, optional The interval between the animation progress in seconds. interval_step : `float`, optional The interval step (in seconds) that is applied when fast forward/backward buttons are pressed. animation_step : `float`, optional The parameters step that is applied when animation is enabled. style : `str` (see below), optional Sets a predefined style at the widget. Possible options are: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ continuous_update : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then the render function is called while moving a slider's handle. If ``False``, then the the function is called only when the handle (mouse click) is released. Example ------- Let's create a linear model parameters values widget and then update its state. Firstly, we need to import it: >>> from menpowidgets.options import LinearModelParametersWidget Now let's define a render function that will get called on every widget change and will dynamically print the selected parameters: >>> from menpo.visualize import print_dynamic >>> def render_function(change): >>> s = "Selected parameters: {}".format(wid.selected_values) >>> print_dynamic(s) Create the widget with some initial options and display it: >>> wid = LinearModelParametersWidget(n_parameters=5, >>> render_function=render_function, >>> params_str='Parameter ', >>> mode='multiple', >>> params_bounds=(-3., 3.), >>> plot_variance_visible=True, >>> style='info') >>> wid By moving the sliders, the printed message gets updated. Finally, let's change the widget status with a new set of options: >>> wid.set_widget_state(n_parameters=10, params_str='', >>> params_step=0.1, params_bounds=(-10, 10), >>> plot_variance_visible=False, >>> allow_callback=True) """ def __init__(self, n_parameters, render_function=None, mode='multiple', params_str='', params_bounds=(-3., 3.), params_step=0.1, plot_variance_visible=True, plot_variance_function=None, animation_visible=True, loop_enabled=False, interval=0., interval_step=0.05, animation_step=0.5, style='minimal', continuous_update=False): from time import sleep from IPython import get_ipython # Get the kernel to use it later in order to make sure that the widgets' # traits changes are passed during a while-loop kernel = get_ipython().kernel # If only one slider requested, then set mode to multiple if n_parameters == 1: mode = 'multiple' # Create children if mode == 'multiple': self.sliders = [ ipywidgets.FloatSlider( description="{}{}".format(params_str, p), min=params_bounds[0], max=params_bounds[1], step=params_step, value=0., continuous_update=continuous_update) for p in range(n_parameters)] self.parameters_wid = ipywidgets.VBox(children=self.sliders, margin='0.2cm') else: vals = OrderedDict() for p in range(n_parameters): vals["{}{}".format(params_str, p)] = p self.slider = ipywidgets.FloatSlider( description='', min=params_bounds[0], max=params_bounds[1], step=params_step, value=0., readout=False, margin='0.2cm', continuous_update=continuous_update) self.dropdown_params = ipywidgets.Dropdown(options=vals, margin='0.2cm') self.parameters_wid = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.dropdown_params, self.slider]) self.plot_button = ipywidgets.Button( description='Variance', margin='0.05cm', visible=plot_variance_visible) self.reset_button = ipywidgets.Button(description='Reset', margin='0.05cm') self.plot_and_reset = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.reset_button, self.plot_button], margin='0.2cm') self.play_stop_toggle = ipywidgets.ToggleButton( icon='fa-play', description='', value=False, margin='0.05cm', tooltip='Play animation') self._toggle_play_style = '' if style == 'minimal' else 'success' self._toggle_stop_style = '' if style == 'minimal' else 'danger' self.fast_forward_button = ipywidgets.Button( icon='fa-fast-forward', description='', margin='0.05cm', tooltip='Increase animation speed') self.fast_backward_button = ipywidgets.Button( icon='fa-fast-backward', description='', margin='0.05cm', tooltip='Decrease animation speed') loop_icon = 'fa-repeat' if loop_enabled else 'fa-long-arrow-right' self.loop_toggle = ipywidgets.ToggleButton( icon=loop_icon, description='', value=loop_enabled, margin='0.05cm', tooltip='Repeat animation') self.animation_buttons = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.play_stop_toggle, self.loop_toggle, self.fast_backward_button, self.fast_forward_button], margin='0.2cm', visible=animation_visible) self.buttons_box = ipywidgets.HBox(children=[self.animation_buttons, self.plot_and_reset]) self.options_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.parameters_wid, self.buttons_box], align='start') # Create final widget children = [self.options_box] super(LinearModelParametersWidget, self).__init__( children, List, [0.] * n_parameters, render_function=render_function, align='start') # Assign output self.n_parameters = n_parameters self.mode = mode self.params_str = params_str self.params_bounds = params_bounds self.params_step = params_step self.plot_variance_visible = plot_variance_visible self.loop_enabled = loop_enabled self.continuous_update = continuous_update self.interval = interval self.interval_step = interval_step self.animation_step = animation_step self.animation_visible = animation_visible # Set style self.predefined_style(style) # Set functionality if mode == 'single': # Assign slider value to parameters values list def save_slider_value(change): current_parameters = list(self.selected_values) current_parameters[self.dropdown_params.value] = change['new'] self.selected_values = current_parameters self.slider.observe(save_slider_value, names='value', type='change') # Set correct value to slider when drop down menu value changes def set_slider_value(change): # Temporarily remove render callback render_fun = self._render_function self.remove_render_function() # Set slider value self.slider.value = self.selected_values[change['new']] # Re-assign render callback self.add_render_function(render_fun) self.dropdown_params.observe(set_slider_value, names='value', type='change') else: # Assign saving values and main plotting function to all sliders for w in self.sliders: w.observe(self._save_slider_value_from_id, names='value', type='change') def reset_parameters(name): # Keep old value old_value = self.selected_values # Temporarily remove render callback render_fun = self._render_function self.remove_render_function() # Set parameters to 0 self.selected_values = [0.0] * self.n_parameters if mode == 'multiple': for ww in self.parameters_wid.children: ww.value = 0. else: self.parameters_wid.children[0].value = 0 self.parameters_wid.children[1].value = 0. # Re-assign render callback and trigger it self.add_render_function(render_fun) self.call_render_function(old_value, self.selected_values) self.reset_button.on_click(reset_parameters) # Set functionality def play_stop_pressed(change): value = change['new'] if value: # Animation was not playing, so Play was pressed. # Change the button style self.play_stop_toggle.button_style = self._toggle_stop_style # Change the icon and tooltip to Stop self.play_stop_toggle.icon = 'fa-stop' self.play_stop_toggle.tooltip = 'Stop animation' # Disable buttons self.reset_button.disabled = True self.plot_button.disabled = True else: # Animation was playing, so Stop was pressed. # Change the button style self.play_stop_toggle.button_style = self._toggle_play_style # Change the icon and tooltip to Play self.play_stop_toggle.icon = 'fa-play' self.play_stop_toggle.tooltip = 'Play animation' # Enable buttons self.reset_button.disabled = False self.plot_button.disabled = False self.play_stop_toggle.observe(play_stop_pressed, names='value', type='change') def loop_pressed(change): if change['new']: self.loop_toggle.icon = 'fa-repeat' else: self.loop_toggle.icon = 'fa-long-arrow-right' kernel.do_one_iteration() self.loop_toggle.observe(loop_pressed, names='value', type='change') def fast_forward_pressed(name): tmp = self.interval tmp -= self.interval_step if tmp < 0: tmp = 0 self.interval = tmp kernel.do_one_iteration() self.fast_forward_button.on_click(fast_forward_pressed) def fast_backward_pressed(name): self.interval += self.interval_step kernel.do_one_iteration() self.fast_backward_button.on_click(fast_backward_pressed) def animate(change): reset_parameters('') if mode == 'multiple': n_sliders = self.n_parameters slider_id = 0 while slider_id < n_sliders and self.play_stop_toggle.value: # animate from 0 to min slider_val = 0. while (slider_val > self.params_bounds[0] and self.play_stop_toggle.value): # update slider value slider_val -= self.animation_step # set value self.parameters_wid.children[slider_id].value = slider_val # Run IPython iteration. kernel.do_one_iteration() # wait sleep(self.interval) # animate from min to max slider_val = self.params_bounds[0] while (slider_val < self.params_bounds[1] and self.play_stop_toggle.value): # update slider value slider_val += self.animation_step # set value self.parameters_wid.children[slider_id].value = slider_val # Run IPython iteration. kernel.do_one_iteration() # wait sleep(self.interval) # animate from max to 0 slider_val = self.params_bounds[1] while slider_val > 0. and self.play_stop_toggle.value: # update slider value slider_val -= self.animation_step # set value self.parameters_wid.children[slider_id].value = slider_val # Run IPython iteration. kernel.do_one_iteration() # wait sleep(self.interval) # reset value self.parameters_wid.children[slider_id].value = 0. # update slider id if self.loop_toggle.value and slider_id == n_sliders - 1: slider_id = 0 else: slider_id += 1 if not self.loop_toggle.value and slider_id >= n_sliders: self.stop_animation() else: n_sliders = self.n_parameters slider_id = 0 while slider_id < n_sliders and self.play_stop_toggle.value: # set dropdown value self.parameters_wid.children[0].value = slider_id # animate from 0 to min slider_val = 0. while (slider_val > self.params_bounds[0] and self.play_stop_toggle.value): # update slider value slider_val -= self.animation_step # set value self.parameters_wid.children[1].value = slider_val # Run IPython iteration. kernel.do_one_iteration() # wait sleep(self.interval) # animate from min to max slider_val = self.params_bounds[0] while (slider_val < self.params_bounds[1] and self.play_stop_toggle.value): # update slider value slider_val += self.animation_step # set value self.parameters_wid.children[1].value = slider_val # Run IPython iteration. kernel.do_one_iteration() # wait sleep(self.interval) # animate from max to 0 slider_val = self.params_bounds[1] while slider_val > 0. and self.play_stop_toggle.value: # update slider value slider_val -= self.animation_step # set value self.parameters_wid.children[1].value = slider_val # Run IPython iteration. kernel.do_one_iteration() # wait sleep(self.interval) # reset value self.parameters_wid.children[1].value = 0. # update slider id if self.loop_toggle.value and slider_id == n_sliders - 1: slider_id = 0 else: slider_id += 1 if not self.loop_toggle.value and slider_id >= n_sliders: self.stop_animation() self.play_stop_toggle.observe(animate, names='value', type='change') # Set plot variance function self._variance_function = None self.add_variance_function(plot_variance_function) def _save_slider_value_from_id(self, change): current_parameters = list(self.selected_values) description = change['owner'].description i = int(description[len(self.params_str)::]) current_parameters[i] = change['new'] self.selected_values = current_parameters
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', slider_width='', slider_handle_colour=None, slider_bar_colour=None, buttons_style=''): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' slider_width : `str`, optional The width of the slider(s). slider_handle_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the handle(s) of the slider(s). slider_bar_colour : `str`, optional The bar colour of the slider(s). buttons_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Style options: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', 'primary', '', None """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_font(self, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.reset_button, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.plot_button, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) if self.mode == 'single': format_slider(self.slider, slider_width=slider_width, slider_handle_colour=slider_handle_colour, slider_bar_colour=slider_bar_colour, slider_text_visible=True) format_font(self.slider, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.dropdown_params, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) else: for sl in self.sliders: format_slider(sl, slider_width=slider_width, slider_handle_colour=slider_handle_colour, slider_bar_colour=slider_bar_colour, slider_text_visible=True) format_font(sl, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) self.reset_button.button_style = buttons_style self.plot_button.button_style = buttons_style
[docs] def predefined_style(self, style): r""" Function that sets a predefined style on the widget. Parameters ---------- style : `str` (see below) Style options: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ """ if style == 'minimal': self.play_stop_toggle.button_style = '' self.fast_forward_button.button_style = '' self.fast_backward_button.button_style = '' self.loop_toggle.button_style = '' self._toggle_play_style = '' self._toggle_stop_style = '', border_visible=True, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding='0.2cm', margin='0.3cm', font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', slider_width='', slider_handle_colour=None, slider_bar_colour=None, buttons_style='') elif (style == 'info' or style == 'success' or style == 'danger' or style == 'warning'): self.play_stop_toggle.button_style = 'success' self.fast_forward_button.button_style = 'info' self.fast_backward_button.button_style = 'info' self.loop_toggle.button_style = 'info' self._toggle_play_style = 'success' self._toggle_stop_style = 'danger', border_visible=True, border_colour=map_styles_to_hex_colours(style), border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=10, padding='0.2cm', margin='0.3cm', font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', slider_width='', slider_handle_colour=map_styles_to_hex_colours(style), slider_bar_colour=None, buttons_style='primary') else: raise ValueError('style must be minimal or info or success or ' 'danger or warning')
def stop_animation(self): r""" Method that stops an active annotation by setting ``self.play_stop_toggle.value = False``. """ self.play_stop_toggle.value = False
[docs] def add_variance_function(self, variance_function): r""" Method that adds a `variance_function()` to the `Variance` button of the widget. The given function is also stored in `self._variance_function`. Parameters ---------- variance_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The variance function that behaves as a callback. If ``None``, then nothing is added. """ self._variance_function = variance_function if self._variance_function is not None: self.plot_button.on_click(self._variance_function)
[docs] def remove_variance_function(self): r""" Method that removes the current `self._variance_function()` from the `Variance` button of the widget and sets ``self._variance_function = None``. """ self.plot_button.on_click(self._variance_function, remove=True) self._variance_function = None
[docs] def replace_variance_function(self, variance_function): r""" Method that replaces the current `self._variance_function()` of the `Variance` button of the widget with the given `variance_function()`. Parameters ---------- variance_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The variance function that behaves as a callback. If ``None``, then nothing happens. """ # remove old function self.remove_variance_function() # add new function self.add_variance_function(variance_function)
[docs] def set_widget_state(self, n_parameters=None, params_str=None, params_bounds=None, params_step=None, plot_variance_visible=True, animation_step=0.5, allow_callback=True): r""" Method that updates the state of the widget with a new set of options. Parameters ---------- n_parameters : `int` The `list` of initial parameters values. params_str : `str`, optional The string that will be used as description of the slider(s). The final description has the form ``"{}{}".format(params_str, p)``, where ``p`` is the parameter number. params_bounds : (`float`, `float`), optional The minimum and maximum bounds, in std units, for the sliders. params_step : `float`, optional The step, in std units, of the sliders. plot_variance_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether the button for plotting the variance will be visible upon construction. animation_step : `float`, optional The parameters step that is applied when animation is enabled. allow_callback : `bool`, optional If ``True``, it allows triggering of any callback functions. """ # Keep old value old_value = self.selected_values # Temporarily remove render callback render_function = self._render_function self.remove_render_function() # Parse given options if n_parameters is None: n_parameters = self.n_parameters if params_str is None: params_str = '' if params_bounds is None: params_bounds = self.params_bounds if params_step is None: params_step = self.params_step # Set plot variance visibility self.plot_button.visible = plot_variance_visible self.animation_step = animation_step # Update widget if n_parameters == self.n_parameters: # The number of parameters hasn't changed if self.mode == 'multiple': for p, sl in enumerate(self.sliders): sl.description = "{}{}".format(params_str, p) sl.min = params_bounds[0] sl.max = params_bounds[1] sl.step = params_step else: self.slider.min = params_bounds[0] self.slider.max = params_bounds[1] self.slider.step = params_step if not params_str == '': vals = OrderedDict() for p in range(n_parameters): vals["{}{}".format(params_str, p)] = p self.dropdown_params.options = vals else: # The number of parameters has changed self.selected_values = [0.] * n_parameters if self.mode == 'multiple': # Create new sliders self.sliders = [ ipywidgets.FloatSlider( description="{}{}".format(params_str, p), min=params_bounds[0], max=params_bounds[1], step=params_step, value=0.) for p in range(n_parameters)] # Set sliders as the children of the container self.parameters_wid.children = self.sliders # Assign saving values and main plotting function to all sliders for w in self.sliders: w.observe(self._save_slider_value_from_id, names='value', type='change') # Set style if self.box_style is None: self.predefined_style('minimal') else: self.predefined_style(self.box_style) else: self.slider.min = params_bounds[0] self.slider.max = params_bounds[1] self.slider.step = params_step vals = OrderedDict() for p in range(n_parameters): vals["{}{}".format(params_str, p)] = p if self.dropdown_params.value == 0 and n_parameters > 1: self.dropdown_params.value = 1 self.dropdown_params.value = 0 self.dropdown_params.options = vals self.slider.value = 0. # Re-assign render callback self.add_render_function(render_function) # Assign new selected options self.n_parameters = n_parameters self.params_str = params_str self.params_bounds = params_bounds self.params_step = params_step self.plot_variance_visible = plot_variance_visible # trigger render function if allowed if allow_callback: self.call_render_function(old_value, self.selected_values)
[docs]class CameraSnapshotWidget(MenpoWidget): r""" Creates a webcam widget for taking screenshots. The widget consists of the following objects from `ipywidgets` and :ref:`api-tools-index`: == ========================= ================== ====================== No Object Property (`self.`) Description == ========================= ================== ====================== 1 :map:`CameraWidget` `camera_wid` The webcam widget 2 `Latex` `n_snapshots_text` Number of snapshots 3 `Button` `snapshot_but` Take snapshot button 4 `VBox` `snapshot_box` Contains 3, 2 5 `Button` `close_but` Close widget button 8 :map:`ZoomOneScaleWidget` `zoom_widget` Resolution controller 9 `HBox` `buttons_box` Contains 3, 5, 8 10 `Image` `preview_children` List of preview images 11 `HBox` `preview` Contains all 10 == ========================= ================== ====================== Note that: * The selected values are stored in the ``self.selected_values`` `trait`. * To set the styling of this widget please refer to the :meth:`style` and :meth:`predefined_style` methods. * To update the handler callback function of the widget, please refer to the :meth:`replace_render_function` method. Parameters ---------- canvas_width : `int`, optional The initial width of the rendered canvas. Note that this doesn't actually change the webcam resolution. It simply rescales the rendered image, as well as the size of the returned screenshots. hd : `bool`, optional If ``True``, then the webcam will be set to high definition (HD), i.e. 720 x 1280. Otherwise the default resolution will be used. n_preview_windows : `int`, optional The number of preview thumbnails that will be used as a FIFO stack to show the captured screenshots. It must be at least 4. preview_windows_margin : `int`, optional The margin between the preview thumbnails in pixels. render_function : `callable` or ``None``, optional The render function that is executed when a widgets' value changes. It must have signature ``render_function(change)`` where ``change`` is a `dict` with the following keys: * ``type`` : The type of notification (normally ``'change'``). * ``owner`` : the `HasTraits` instance * ``old`` : the old value of the modified trait attribute * ``new`` : the new value of the modified trait attribute * ``name`` : the name of the modified trait attribute. If ``None``, then nothing is assigned. style : `str` (see below), optional Sets a predefined style at the widget. Possible options are: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ preview_style : `str` (see below), optional Sets a predefined style at the widget's preview box. Possible options are: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ Example ------- Let's create a webcam widget. Firstly, we need to import it: >>> from menpowidgets.options import CameraSnapshotWidget Create the widget with some initial options and display it: >>> wid = CameraSnapshotWidget(canvas_width=640, hd=True, >>> n_preview_windows=5, >>> preview_windows_margin=1, style='info') >>> wid By pressing the "Take snapshot" button, the snapshots appear in the thumbnails below the stream. The video stream can be interrupted by pressing the "Close" button. """ javascript_exported = False def __init__(self, canvas_width=640, hd=True, n_preview_windows=5, preview_windows_margin=3, render_function=None, style='minimal', preview_style='minimal'): # Publish javascript - only occurs once on construction of first # webcam widget if not self.javascript_exported: import os.path from pathlib import Path menpowidgets_path = Path(os.path.abspath(__file__)).parent with open(str(menpowidgets_path / 'js' / 'webcam.js'), 'r') as f: display(Javascript( self.javascript_exported = True # Check arguments if n_preview_windows < 4: n_preview_windows = 4 if preview_windows_margin < 0: preview_windows_margin = 0 # Create widgets self.logo_wid = LogoWidget(style=style) self.logo_wid.margin = '0.1cm' self.camera_wid = CameraWidget(canvas_width=canvas_width, hd=hd) self.camera_wid.margin = '0.1cm' self.camera_logo_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.logo_wid, self.camera_wid], align='center') self.n_snapshots_text = ipywidgets.Latex(value='', margin=2, visible=False) self.snapshot_but = ipywidgets.Button( icon='fa-camera', description=' Take Snapshot', tooltip='Take snapshot') = 'primary' self.snapshot_box = ipywidgets.VBox( children=[self.snapshot_but, self.n_snapshots_text], align='center', margin='0.1cm') self.close_but = ipywidgets.Button( icon='fa-close', description=' Close', tooltip='Close the widget', margin='0.1cm') self.zoom_widget = ZoomOneScaleWidget( {'min': 0.1, 'max': 2.1, 'step': 0.05, 'zoom': 1.}, continuous_update=False) self.zoom_widget.title.visible = False self.zoom_widget.zoom_text.visible = False self.zoom_widget.button_plus.tooltip = 'Increase video resolution' self.zoom_widget.button_minus.tooltip = 'Decrease video resolution' self.zoom_widget.margin = '0.1cm' self.resolution_text = ipywidgets.Latex( value="{}W x {}H".format(self.camera_wid.canvas_width, self.camera_wid.canvas_height), margin='0.1cm') self.resolution_text.font_family = 'monospace' self.zoom_and_resolution_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.zoom_widget, self.resolution_text], align='center') self.buttons_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[self.snapshot_box, self.close_but, self.zoom_and_resolution_box], align='start') width_per_preview = int((canvas_width - preview_windows_margin * 2 * n_preview_windows) / n_preview_windows) preview_children = [ ipywidgets.Image(width=width_per_preview, margin=preview_windows_margin, visible=False) for k in range(n_preview_windows)] self.preview = ipywidgets.HBox(children=preview_children, align='start', visible=False) # Create final widget children = [self.camera_logo_box, self.buttons_box, self.preview] super(CameraSnapshotWidget, self).__init__( children, List, [], render_function=render_function, orientation='vertical', align='center') # Assign properties self.selected_values = self.camera_wid.snapshots # Assign take screenshot callback def take_snapshot(_): self.camera_wid.take_snapshot = not self.camera_wid.take_snapshot self.snapshot_but.on_click(take_snapshot) # Assign close callback def close(_): self.close() self.close_but.on_click(close) # Assign preview callback def update_preview(_): # Convert image to bytes img = self.camera_wid.imageurl.encode('utf-8') img = b64decode(img[len('data:image/png;base64,'):]) # Increase n_snapshots text n_snapshots = len(self.selected_values) if n_snapshots == 1: self.n_snapshots_text.value = "1 snapshot" self.n_snapshots_text.visible = True self.preview.visible = True else: self.n_snapshots_text.value = "{} snapshots".format(n_snapshots) # Update preview thumbnails if n_snapshots <= n_preview_windows: self.preview.children[n_snapshots-1].value = img self.preview.children[n_snapshots-1].visible = True else: for k in range(n_preview_windows-1): self.preview.children[k].value = \ self.preview.children[k+1].value self.preview.children[n_preview_windows-1].value = img self.camera_wid.observe(update_preview, names='imageurl', type='change') # Assign zoom resolution callback def change_resolution(change): self.camera_wid.canvas_width = int(canvas_width * change['new']) self.resolution_text.value = "{}W x {}H".format( self.camera_wid.canvas_width, self.camera_wid.canvas_height) self.zoom_widget.observe(change_resolution, names='selected_values', type='change') # Assign resolution text callback def set_resolution_text(_): self.resolution_text.value = "{}W x {}H".format( self.camera_wid.canvas_width, self.camera_wid.canvas_height) self.camera_wid.observe(set_resolution_text, names='canvas_height', type='change') # Set style self.predefined_style(style, preview_style)
[docs] def style(self, box_style=None, border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding='0.2cm', margin=0, preview_box_style=None, preview_border_visible=True, preview_border_colour='black', preview_border_style='solid', preview_border_width=1, preview_border_radius=1, preview_padding=0, preview_margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight=''): r""" Function that defines the styling of the widget. Parameters ---------- box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible widget style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the widget. border_colour : `str`, optional The colour of the border around the widget. border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the widget. border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the widget. border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the border around the widget. padding : `float`, optional The padding around the widget. margin : `float`, optional The margin around the widget. preview_box_style : `str` or ``None`` (see below), optional Possible tab widgets style options:: 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', '', None preview_border_visible : `bool`, optional Defines whether to draw the border line around the preview. preview_border_colour : `str`, optional The color of the border around the preview. preview_border_style : `str`, optional The line style of the border around the preview. preview_border_width : `float`, optional The line width of the border around the preview. preview_border_radius : `float`, optional The radius of the corners of the box of the preview. preview_padding : `float`, optional The padding around the preview box. preview_margin : `float`, optional The margin around the preview box. font_family : `str` (see below), optional The font family to be used. Example options:: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', 'monospace', 'helvetica' font_size : `int`, optional The font size. font_style : `str` (see below), optional The font style. Example options:: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique' font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight. Example options:: 'ultralight', 'light', 'normal', 'regular', 'book', 'medium', 'roman', 'semibold', 'demibold', 'demi', 'bold', 'heavy', 'extra bold', 'black' """ format_box(self, box_style, border_visible, border_colour, border_style, border_width, border_radius, padding, margin) format_box(self.preview, preview_box_style, preview_border_visible, preview_border_colour, preview_border_style, preview_border_width, preview_border_radius, preview_padding, preview_margin) format_font(self, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight) format_font(self.preview, font_family, font_size, font_style, font_weight)
[docs] def predefined_style(self, style, preview_style='minimal'): r""" Function that sets a predefined style on the widget. Parameters ---------- style : `str` (see below) Style options: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ preview_style : `str` (see below) Preview box style options: ============= ============================ Style Description ============= ============================ ``'minimal'`` Simple black and white style ``'success'`` Green-based style ``'info'`` Blue-based style ``'warning'`` Yellow-based style ``'danger'`` Red-based style ``''`` No style ============= ============================ """ if preview_style == 'minimal' or preview_style == '': preview_style = '' preview_border_visible = True preview_border_colour = 'black' preview_border_radius = 0 preview_padding = 0 else: preview_style = preview_style preview_border_visible = not style == preview_style preview_border_colour = map_styles_to_hex_colours(preview_style) preview_border_radius = 10 preview_padding = '0.3cm' if style == 'minimal': self.snapshot_but.button_style = '' self.close_but.button_style = '' self.zoom_widget.button_minus.button_style = '' self.zoom_widget.button_plus.button_style = '' self.resolution_text.color = map_styles_to_hex_colours( 'minimal', background=False) self.n_snapshots_text.color = map_styles_to_hex_colours( 'minimal', background=False) format_slider(self.zoom_widget.zoom_slider, slider_width='2cm', slider_handle_colour=map_styles_to_hex_colours('minimal'), slider_bar_colour=map_styles_to_hex_colours('minimal'), slider_text_visible=False)'', border_visible=False, border_colour='black', border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=0, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', preview_box_style=preview_style, preview_border_visible=preview_border_visible, preview_border_colour=preview_border_colour, preview_border_style='solid', preview_border_width=1, preview_border_radius=preview_border_radius, preview_padding=preview_padding, preview_margin='0.1cm') elif (style == 'info' or style == 'success' or style == 'danger' or style == 'warning'): self.snapshot_but.button_style = 'primary' self.close_but.button_style = 'danger' self.zoom_widget.button_minus.button_style = 'warning' self.zoom_widget.button_plus.button_style = 'warning' self.resolution_text.color = map_styles_to_hex_colours( 'warning', background=False) self.n_snapshots_text.color = map_styles_to_hex_colours( 'info', background=False) format_slider(self.zoom_widget.zoom_slider, slider_width='2cm', slider_handle_colour=map_styles_to_hex_colours('warning'), slider_bar_colour=map_styles_to_hex_colours('warning'), slider_text_visible=False), border_visible=True, border_colour=map_styles_to_hex_colours(style), border_style='solid', border_width=1, border_radius=10, padding=0, margin=0, font_family='', font_size=None, font_style='', font_weight='', preview_box_style=preview_style, preview_border_visible=preview_border_visible, preview_border_colour=preview_border_colour, preview_border_style='solid', preview_border_width=1, preview_border_radius=preview_border_radius, preview_padding=preview_padding, preview_margin='0.1cm') else: raise ValueError('style must be minimal or info or success or ' 'danger or warning')